Data Mining: The Textbook

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1-Data Mining tarjima

Backward phase: The main goal of the backward phase is to learn weights in the backward direction by providing an error estimate of the output of a node in the earlier layers from the errors in later layers. The error estimate of a node in the hidden layer is computed as a function of the error estimates and weights of the nodes in the layer ahead of it. This is then used to compute an error gradient with respect to the weights in the node and to update the weights of this node. The actual update equation is not very different from the basic perceptron at a conceptual level. The only differences that arise are due to the nonlinear functions commonly used in hidden layer nodes, and the fact that errors at hidden layer nodes are estimated via backpropagation, rather than directly computed by comparison of the output to a training label. This entire process is propagated backwards to update the weights of all the nodes in the network.


The basic framework of the multilayer update algorithm is the same as that for the single-layer algorithm illustrated in Fig. 10.9. The major difference is that it is no longer possible to use Eq. 10.69 for the hidden layer nodes. Instead, the update procedure is substituted with the forward–backward approach discussed above. As in the case of the single-layer network, the process of updating the nodes is repeated to convergence by repeatedly cycling through the training data in epochs. A neural network may sometimes require thousands of epochs through the training data to learn the weights at the different nodes.

A multilayer neural network is more powerful than a kernel SVM in its ability to capture arbitrary functions. A multilayer neural network has the ability to not only capture decision boundaries of arbitrary shapes, but also capture noncontiguous class distributions with different decision boundaries in different regions of the data. Logically, the different nodes in the hidden layer can capture the different decision boundaries in different regions of the data, and the node in the output layer can combine the results from these different decision boundaries. For example, the three different nodes in the hidden layer of Fig. 10.10b could conceivably capture three different nonlinear decision boundaries of different shapes in different localities of the data. With more nodes and layers, virtually any function can be approximated. This is more general than what can be captured by a kernel-based SVM that learns a single nonlinear decision boundary. In this sense, neural networks are viewed as universal function approximators. The price of this generality is that there are several implementation challenges in neural network design:

  1. The initial design of the topology of the network presents many trade-off challenges for the analyst. A larger number of nodes and hidden layers provides greater generality, but a corresponding risk of overfitting. Little guidance is available about the design of the topology of the neural network because of poor interpretability associated with the multilayer neural network classification process. While some hill climbing methods can be used to provide a limited level of learning of the correct neural network topology, the issue of good neural network design still remains somewhat of an open question.

  1. Neural networks are slow to train and sometimes sensitive to noise. As discussed earlier, thousands of epochs may be required to train a multilayer neural network. A larger network is likely to have a very slow learning process. While the training process of a neural network is slow, it is relatively efficient to classify test instances.

The previous discussion addresses only binary class labels. To generalize the approach to multiclass problems, a multiclass meta-algorithm discussed in the next chapter may be used. Alternatively, it is possible to modify both the basic perceptron model and the general neural network model to allow multiple output nodes. Each output node corresponds to the predicted value of a specific class label. The overall training process is exactly identical to the previous case, except that the weights of each output node now need to be trained.

10.7.3 Comparing Various Linear Models

Like neural networks, logistic regression also updates model parameters based on mistakes in categorization. This is not particularly surprising because both classifiers are linear clas-sifiers but with different forms of the objective function for optimization. In fact, the use of some forms of logistic activation functions in the perceptron algorithm can be shown to be approximately equivalent to logistic regression. It is also instructive to examine the relationship of neural networks with SVM methods. In SVMs, the optimization function is based on the principle of maximum margin separation. This is different from neural net-works, where the errors of predictions are directly penalized and then optimized with the use

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