Data Mining: The Textbook

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Figure 10.12: Segmenting the labeled data for parameter tuning and evaluation

10.9.1 Methodological Issues

While the problem of classification is defined for unlabeled test examples, the evaluation process does need labels to be associated with the test examples as well. These labels correspond to the ground truth that is required in the evaluation process, but not used in the training. The classifier cannot use the same examples for both training and testing because such an approach will overestimate the accuracy of the classifier due to overfitting. It is desirable to construct models with high generalizability to unseen test instances.

A common mistake in the process of bench-marking classification models is that ana-lysts often use the test set to tune the parameters of the classification algorithm or make other choices about classifier design. Such an approach might overestimate the true accu-racy because knowledge of the test set has been implicitly used in the training process . In practice, the labeled data should be divided into three parts, which correspond to (a) the model-building part of the labeled data, (b) the validation part of the labeled data, and (c) the testing data. This division is illustrated in Fig. 10.12. The validation part of the data should be used for parameter tuning or model selection. Model selection (cf. Sect. of Chap. 11) refers to the process of deciding which classification algorithm is best suited to a particular data set. The testing data should not even be looked at during this phase. After tuning the parameters, the classification model is sometimes reconstructed on the entire training data (including the validation but not test portion). Only at this point, the testing data can be used for evaluating the classification algorithm at the very end. Note that if an analyst uses insights gained from the resulting performance on the test data to again adjust the algorithm in some way, then the results will be contaminated with knowledge from the test set.

This section discusses how the labeled data may be divided into the data used for constructing the tuned model (i.e., first two portions) and testing data (i.e., third portion) to accurately estimate the classification accuracy. The methodologies discussed in this section are also used for dividing the first two portions into the first and second portions (e.g., for parameter tuning), although we consistently use the terminologies “training data” and “testing data” to describe the two portions of the division. One problem with segmenting the labeled data is that it affects the measured accuracy depending on how the segmentation is done. This is especially the case when the amount of labeled data is small because one might accidently sample a small test data set which is not an accurate representative of the training data. For cases in which the labeled data is small, careful methodological variations are required to prevent erroneous evaluations.


In the holdout method, the labeled data is randomly divided into two disjoint sets, cor-responding to the training and test data. Typically a majority (e.g., two-thirds or three-fourths) is used as the training data, and the remaining is used as the test data. The approach can be repeated several times with multiple samples to provide a final estimate. The problem with this approach is that classes that are overrepresented in the training data are also underrepresented in the test data. These random variations can have a signif-icant impact when the original class distribution is imbalanced to begin with. Furthermore, because only a subset of the available labeled data is used for training, the full power of the training data is not reflected in the error estimate. Therefore, the error estimates obtained are pessimistic. By repeating the process over b different holdout samples, the mean and variance of the error estimates can be determined. The variance can be helpful in creating statistical confidence intervals on the error.

One of the challenges with using the holdout method robustly is the case when the classes are imbalanced. Consider a data set containing 1000 data points, with 990 data points belonging to one class and 10 data points belonging to the other class. In such cases, it is possible for a test sample of 200 data points to contain not even one data point belonging to the rare class. Clearly, in such cases, it will be difficult to estimate the classification accuracy, especially when cost- sensitive accuracy measures are used that weigh the various classes differently. Therefore, a reasonable alternative is to implement the holdout method by independently sampling the two classes at the same level. Therefore, exactly 198 data points will be sampled from the first class, and 2 data points will be sampled from the rare class to create the test data set. Such an approach ensures that the classes are represented to a similar degree in both the training and test sets. Cross-Validation

In cross-validation, the labeled data is divided into m disjoint subsets of equal size n/m. A typical choice of m is around 10. One of the m segments is used for testing, and the other (m − 1) segments are used for training. This approach is repeated by selecting each of the m different segments in the data as a test set. The average accuracy over the different test sets is then reported. The size of the training set is (m − 1)n/m. When m is chosen to be large, this is almost equal to the labeled data size, and therefore the estimation error is close to what would be obtained with the original training data, but only for a small set of test examples of size n/m. However, because every labeled instance is represented exactly once in the testing over the m different test segments, the overall accuracy of the cross-validation procedure tends to be a highly representative, but pessimistic estimate, of model accuracy. A special case is one where m is chosen to be n. Therefore, (n − 1) examples are used for training, and one example is used for testing. This is averaged over the n different ways of picking the test example. This is also referred to as leave -one-out cross-validation. This special case is rather expensive for large data sets because it requires the application of the training procedure n times. Nevertheless, such an approach is particularly natural for lazy learning methods, such as the nearest-neighbor classifier, where a training model does not need to be constructed up front. By repeating the process over b different random m-way partitions of the data, the mean and variance of the error estimates may be determined. The variance can be helpful in determining statistical confidence intervals on the error. Stratified cross-validation uses proportional representation of each class in the different folds and usually provides less pessimistic results.

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