(taʼlim muassasasining nomi) Davlat attestatsiya komissiyasining 20____-yil________________dagi qaroriga binoan (bitiruvchining familiyasi, ismi, otasining ismi) ga
(mutaxassislik nomi ) mutaxassisligi boʻyicha
(kvalifikatsiya nomi) kvalifikatsiyasi berildi
M.Oʻ. Rektor
Roʻyxatga olish raqami
(berilgan sana va joy) (the educational institution) In accordance with the decision of the State Attestation Commission from ______________________ (graduate's surname, first name, other name) is awarded with
(in the speciality) MASTER'S DEGREE and qualified as
(qualification) P.S. Rector
Registration number
(date, place) TOSHKENT DAVLAT IQTISODIYOT UNIVERSITETI 23 22-may KAMOLOV OBIDJON ISOMIDDINOVICH Audit (tarmoqlar va sohalar bo‘yicha) Buxgalter, iqtisodchi, auditor (tadqiqotchi-pedagog) K. A. SHARIPOV M316 2023-yil 7-iyul, Toshkent TASHKENT STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS May 22, 2023 KAMOLOV OBIDJON Audit (by branches and sectors) Accountant, economist, auditor (researcher-pedagogue) K. SHARIPOV M316 July 7, 2023, Tashkent