4. Uphill struggle (n) – something that is very difficult to do and needs a lot of efforts and determination
Example: Rehabilitation will be an uphill struggle 5. Lure (n) – the quality or power that something or someone has that make it, him, or her attractive (C2)
Example: The lure of fame/power/money 6. Hop into (v) – to go somewhere quickly or to go into or out of a vehicle quickly (C1)
Example: We hopped over to Bruges for the weekend 7. Stack (v) – a pile of things arranged one on top of another
Example: He chose a cartoon from the stack of DVDs on the shelf 8. Status quo (n) – the present situation
Example: Certain people always want to maintain the status quo 9. Doomed (adj) – certain to fail, die, or be destroyed
Example: This is a doomed city 10. Envisage (v) - to imagine or expect something in the future, especially something good (C1)
Example: Train fare of 15 percent are envisaged for the next year 11. Incentive (n) – something that encourages a person to do something (C2)
Example: Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income
Day 17 (Reading Passage 2: Bird Migration) Word list: 1.Superior (adj) – better than average or better than other people or things of the same type (C1)
Example: This is clearly the work od a superior artist 2. Ingenious (adj) – very clever and skillful, or cleverly made and involving new ideas and methods
Example: An ingenious solution 3. Plentiful (adj) – if something is plentiful, there is a lot of it available
Example: Strawberries are plentiful in the summer 4. Accumulate (v) – to collect a large number of things over a long period of time (C2)
Example: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes