Defoe Bibliography, 2005 Scholarly Editions

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Defoe Bibliography, 2005

Scholarly Editions
Hamblyn, Richard, ed. The Storm. New York: Penguin, 2005.
Scanlon, Paul A., ed. Moll Flanders. Orchard Park, NY: Broadview P, 2005.

Acquisto, Joseph. "The Lyric of Narrative: Exile, Poetry, and Story in Saint-John Perse and Elizabeth Bishop." Orbis Litterarum 60 (2005): 344-356.
Almagro Jiménez, Manuel. "'Father to My Story': Writing Foe, De-Authorizing (De)Foe." Revista Alicantina de Estudio Ingleses 18 (2005): 7-24.
Benzoni, Pietro. "Il senso della fine nel 'Robinson Crusoe' di Daniel Defoe." Strumenti Critici: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Cultura e Critica Letteraria 20 (2005): 101-125.
Craft-Fairchild, Catherine. "Castaway and Cast Away: Colonial, Imperial, and Religious Discourses in Daniel Defoe and Robert Zemeckis." Journal of Religion and Film 9.1 (2005): n.p.
De Michelis, Lidia. "Daniel Defoe and the Aesthetics of Discovery." Textus 18 (2005): 107-120.
Deschamps, Yannick. "Daniel Defoe et le débat sur les oracles païens." Bulletin de la Société d'Etudes Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles 60 (2005): 171-186.
Ganz, Melissa J. "Moll Flanders and English Marriage Law." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 17 (2005): 157-182.
Griffin, Robert J. "The Text in Motion: Eighteenth-Century Roxanas." ELH 72 (2005): 387-406.
Marroni, Michela. "The Moonstone di Wilkie Collins: Robinson Crusoe come percorso intertestuale." Confronto Letterario: Quaderni del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne dell'Universita di Pavila 43 (2005): 193-209.
Mueller, Andreas. "Daniel Defoe: Master of Genres." Worcester Papers in English and Cultural Studies 3 (2005): 33-47.
Rix, Robert W. "The Crusonian Alphabet: Thomas Spence's Grand Repository of the English Language." English Language Notes 43.2 (2005): 69-92.
Rogers, Pat. "Defoe and the Expiring Peerage." Studies in Philology 102 (2005): 510-536.
Rudman, Joseph. "Unediting, De-Editing, and Editing in Non-Traditional Authorship Attribution Studies: With an Emphasis on the Canon of Daniel Defoe." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 99 (2005): 5-36.
Walker Bergström, Catharine. "Searches for the Significant: Robert Zemeckis' Cast Away as a Late Twentieth Century Response to Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe." Journal of Religion and Film 9.1 (2005): n.p.
Books & Book Chapters
Backscheider, Paula R., and Catherine Ingrassia, eds. A Companion to the Eighteenth-Century English Novel and Culture. Blackwell Companions to Lit. and Culture 30. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005.
Dillon, Elizabeth M. "The Original American Novel, or, the American Origin of the Novel." Backscheider and Ingrassia 235-260.
Erickson, Robert A. "Milton and the Poetics of Ecstasy in Restoration and Eighteen-Century Fiction." Backscheider and Ingrassia 117-139.
Markley, Robert. "'I have Now Done with My Island, and All Manner of Discourse about It': Crusoe's Farther Adventures and the Unwritten History of the Novel." Backscheider and Ingrassia 25-47.
Richetti, John. "An Emerging New Canon of the British Eighteenth-Century Novel: Feminist Criticism, the Means of Culture Production, and the Question of Value." Backscheider and Ingrassia 365-382.
Sussman, Charlotte. "Memory and Mobility: Fictions of Population in Defoe, Goldsmith, and Scott." Backscheider and Ingrassia 191-213.
Eagleton, Terry. "Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift." The English Novel: An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005. 22-52.
Flynn, Carol Houlihan. The Body in Swift and Defoe. Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Lit. and Culture 5. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005.
Gevirtz, Karen Bloom. Life after Death: Widows and the English Novel, Defoe to Austen. Newark, DE: U of Delaware P, 2005.
Green, Jody. "Daniel Defoe, the Act of Anne, and the Obligations of Ownership." The Trouble with Ownership: Literary Property and Authorial Liability in England, 1660-1730. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2005. 107-149.
Kitsi-Mitakou, Katerina. "Whoring, Incest, Duplicity; or, the 'Self-Polutting' Erotics of Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders." Genealogies of Identity: Interdisciplinary Readings on Sex and Sexuality. Eds. Margaret S. Breen and Fiona Peters. At the Interface 26. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005. 79-94.
Manguel, Alberto. Pinocchio & Robinson: Pour une éthique de la lecture. Essai. Bordeux: Escampette, 2005.
Merrett, Robert. "Daniel Defoe and Islam." Indigenes and Exoticism/Indigènes et exotisme. Eds. Alex J. Dick, Jo-Ann McEachern, and Nicholas Hudson. Lumen 24. Kelowna, BC: Academic, for Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2005. 4-34.
Novak, Maximillian E., and Carl Fisher, eds. Approaches to Teaching Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. ATWL. New York: MLA, 2005.
Backscheider, Paula R. "Crusoe among the Travelers." Novak and Fisher 69-77.
Barberet, John. "Messages in Bottles: A Comparative Formal Approach to Castaway Narratives." Novak and Fisher 111-121.
Blackburn, Timothy C. "Robinson Crusoe as Literary Art." Novak and Fisher 105-110.
Braverman, Richard. "Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels: Some Pedagogical Frameworks." Novak and Fisher 37-47.
Chandler, Anne. "'Great Labour and Difficulty': Robinson Crusoe as Introduction to Literary Analysis." Novak and Fisher 180-185.
Fisher, Carl. "From Beowulf to Virginia Woolf: Is There Room for Robinson Crusoe in an American Literature Survey Course?" Novak and Fisher 186-190.
Fisher, Carl. "The Robinsonade: An Intercultural History of an Idea." Novak and Fisher 129-139.
Haggerty, George E. "Thank God It's Friday: The Construction of Masculinity in Robinson Crusoe." Novak and Fisher 78-87.
Kent-Drury, Roxanne, and Gordon Sayre. "Robinson Crusoe's Parodic Intertextuality." Novak and Fisher 48-54.
Lundin, Anne. "Robinson Crusoe and Children's Literature." Novak and Fisher 198-206.
Markley, Robert. "Teaching the Crusoe Trilogy." Novak and Fisher 96-104.
Maniquis, Robert. "Teaching The Pilgrim's Progress and Robinson Crusoe; or, from Filthy Mire to the Glory of Things." Novak and Fisher 25-36.
Mayer, Robert. "Robinson Crusoe in Hollywood." Novak and Fisher 169-174.
Nixon, Cheryl L. "Accounting for the Self: Teaching Robinson Crusoe at a Business School." Novak and Fisher 207-215.
Novak, Maximillian E. "Teaching Robinson Crusoe in a Survey of the Novel Course." Novak and Fisher 191-197.
Novak, Maximillian E., and Carl Fisher. "Materials." Novak and Fisher 1-20.
Pollard, Charles W. "Teaching Contemporary Responses to Robinson Crusoe: Coetzee, Walcott, and Others in a World Literature Survey." Novak and Fisher 161-168.
Sassi-Lehner, Christina. "Teaching Robinson Crusoe in the Introduction to Literature Course." Novak and Fisher 175-179.
Schonhorn, Manuel. "Weber, Watt, and Restraint: Robinson Crusoe and the Critical Tradition." Novak and Fisher 55-60.
Sill, Geoffrey. "Myths of Modern Individualism: Defoe, Franklin, and Whitman." Novak and Fisher 61-68.
Stevens, Laura M. "Reading the Hermit's Manuscript: The Female American and Female Robinsonades." Novak and Fisher 140-151.
Wheeler, Roxann. "Robinson Crusoe and Early-Eighteenth-Century Racial Identity." Novak and Fisher 88-95.
Wickman, Matthew. "A Semester on Crusoe's Island." Novak and Fisher 122-128.
Zimmerman, Everett. "Contexts for Crusoe: Colonial Adventure and Social Disintegration." Novak and Fisher 152-160.
Richetti, John J. The Life of Daniel Defoe: A Critical Biography. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.
Sherman, Sandra. Finance and Fictionality in the Early Eighteenth Century: Accounting for Defoe. Cambridge, NY: Cambridge UP, 2005.
Womersley, David. "Confessional Politics in Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year." 'Cultures of Whiggism': New Essays on English Literature and Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century. Eds. David Womersley, Paddy Bullard, and Abigail Williams. Newark, DE: U of Delaware P, 2005. 237-256.

Dissertations & Theses
Baskin, Janice J. "Nothing Works As Well As Right: The Plain Style of 'Ought' in Defoe and Franklin." MA thesis. California State Polytechnic U, 2005.
Marbais, Peter C. "'The Fate of This Poor Woman': Men, Women, and Intersubjectivity in 'Moll Flanders' and Roxana'." Diss. Kent State U, 2005. DAI 66 (2005): 1363A.
Root, Douglas T. "Locke's Educational Theories as Modified by Defoe, Johnson, and Rousseau." MA thesis. Florida State U, 2005.
Taylor, Rebecca J. "'Robinson Crusoe' and the Reproduction of Singleness in England's Long Eighteenth Century." Diss. Washington U, 2004. DAI 65 (2005): 3402A.
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