Denau institute of entrpreneurship and pedagogy philology faculty course paper

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Key words
Respect a culture - madaniyatni hurmat qilish
To identify with smt- biror narsa bilan bog'liq
National character- milliy xarakter
Stereotype- stereotip
Shared values- umumiy qadriyatlar
Ethnic and social group- etnik va ijtimoiy guruh
Sence of belonging- tegishlilik hissi
Unite a nation- fuqaro millati
Mumber of society- Jamiyat a'zosi
2. Social traditionss are not as it were a set of rules of behavior, this is often a certain semantic stream pointed at appearing the profundity of the history of a nation, it is the values laid down for centuries passed from era to era to preserve and uncover the one of a kind mindset of its occupants. For case: nations in which Buddhism is far reaching accept that touching the head of a individual is unsatisfactory, since it is possessed by a human soul. Tragically, in numerous nations conventional ceremonies have come out of design, so to talk, and have misplaced their esteem in association with mechanical advance. I would like to see the intrigued in protecting our culture not misplaced its significance in any corner of the world. 
Preserving- saqlash
Saving from harm or loss- zarar yoki yo'qotishdan qutqarish
Costumes- kostyumlar
A set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period- ma'lum bir mamlakat yoki tarixiy davrga xos uslubdagi kiyimlar to'plami.
Cultural traditions- madaniy an'analar
A continuing pattern of actions or beliefs handed down from ancestors- ajdodlardan qolgan harakatlar yoki e'tiqodlarning davomiy namunasi
Mythologies- mifologiyalar
The body of myths belonging to a culture;- Madaniyatga mansub miflar jamlanmasi
Evoke- uyg'otmoq
Religion also has its own traditions, which makes it a spiritual and cultural well. Religious traditions are a combination of sustainable forms and methods of worship of the gods (God). Each of the religions that exist on earth carefully preserves and supports its tradition in every possible way, but often there are several traditions in each religion, for example: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism - in Christianity, Shiites and Sunnis - in Islam, Mahayana and Hinayana - in Buddhism. Religious traditions of the East practice a certain technique of work both with the body and with the consciousness, which is aimed at enlightenment, i.e. Getting extremely high states of human consciousness. Christian religious traditions include visiting the church, praying, confessing and honoring religious holidays. The most famous holidays are Easter, Christmas, Baptism, Trinity, Ascension, Annunciation. Also, not all traditions are observed, if only because in the age of digital technologies people have become less pious than their ancestors. Now few people at the festive table ask for a harvest or rain. It's just that the holiday has become another reason for the whole family to get together.

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