ISSN: 2776-1010 Volume 2, Issue 11, Nov, 2021
36 Thus, we can conclude that pedagogical tests form a specific group of tests. Linguo-didactic tests are a
special case of pedagogical tests. The term "linguodidactic test" was introduced by the Russian scientist
V. A. Kokkota. It correlates the linguo-didactic test with a set of educational tasks, which:
- Developed in accordance with certain requirements
- Passed a preliminary check in order to identify quality indicators
- Allow to determine the level of test subjects' language (linguistic) and speech (communicative)
- The results of which lend themselves to a certain assessment according to predetermined criteria [2,
The development of linguodidactic testing as a common means of control has led to the emergence of
various types of linguodidactic tests. Most Russian authors, headed by E. A. Shtulman, classify language
tests into 3 categories. The overwhelming majority of foreign testing theorists (R. Lado, A. Davis) single
out four.
To the first category, domestic linguists include tests of general skill, which allow you to check the level
of language proficiency in accordance with the activity for which the subject prepares himself. The
second category is tests of success, or as they are often called tests of educational achievement. These
tests allow the teacher to assess the success of mastering specific knowledge and even individual
sections of academic disciplines. This type of testing is a more objective indicator of learning than
assessment. And the third category is diagnostic tests, which make it possible to determine not only the
level of knowledge, abilities and skills, but also to reveal the reasons for their insufficient formation. [3,
p. 169].
A. Davis distinguishes four types of language tests. In his works, he gives a detailed description of each
of the above types.
1. General Proficiency tests (ability tests) - tests to determine the level of proficiency in foreign
languages. In this category, the scientist distinguishes several types of tests, depending on their
purpose. If the goal is to test the knowledge of applicants to determine the level of proficiency in a
foreign language, then such tests are called selection tests; if their goal is to distribute students into
groups depending on their knowledge - placement tests, etc.
2. Aptitude tests - a category of tests to determine the ability of the examiner in a foreign language, as
well as the time required for him to master the language. This
category of tests is often called Prognostic
tests, that is, tests that predict a student's possible success in learning a foreign language, which
depends on his ability.
3. Achievement tests (tests of progress and achievements) - tests to determine the achievements of
knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process for a certain period. This category of
tests is better known as Progress tests.
4. Diagnostic tests - tests to identify the weaknesses of
students' knowledge of individual language skills,
as well as
the reasons for their lag. With their help, the teacher is given the opportunity to take
appropriate measures to eliminate the backlog [4, p.102].
According to the frequency of use, the following types of tests can be distinguished: