A viewing screen is separated from a double slit source by 1.2 m. The distance between the two slits is 0.030 mm. The second -order bright fringe ( m=2) is 4.5 cm from the central maximum. Determine the wavelength of light.
Ko'rish ekrani ikkita tirqishli manbadan 1,2 m ga ajratilgan. Ikki tirqish orasidagi masofa 0,030 mm. Ikkinchi tartibli yorqin chekka ( m=2) markaziy maksimaldan 4,5 sm. Yorug'likning to'lqin uzunligini aniqlang.
2.15 degrees
5.62x10-7 m
A light with wavelength, 450 nm, falls on a diffraction grating (multiple slits). On a screen 1.80 m away the distance between dark fringes on either side of the bright central is 4.20 mm. a) What is the separation between a set of slits? b) How many lines per meter are on the grating?
To'lqin uzunligi 450 nm bo'lgan yorug'lik diffraktsiya panjarasiga (bir nechta yoriqlar) tushadi. 1,80 m masofada joylashgan ekranda yorqin markazning har ikki tomonidagi qorong'u qirralarning orasidagi masofa 4,20 mm. a) Yoriqlar to'plami orasidagi ajralish nima? b) Panjarada HAR metrda nechta chiziq bor?