Ushbu qo'shimcha masofani Yo’llar farqi deb nomlang.
Diffraction – Path Difference
The bright fringes you see on either side of the central maximum are multiple wavelengths from the bright central. And it just so happens that the multiple is the ORDER.
Markaziy balandlikning har ikki tomonida ko'rgan yorqin chiziqlar yorqin markazdan bir necha to'lqin uzunliklarida joylashgan. Bular to‘lqinlar tartibi deyiladi
We see a definite DECREASE in intensity between the bright fringes. In the pattern we visible notice the DARK REGION. These are areas where DESTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE has occurred. We call these areas DARK FRINGES or MINIMUMS.
Talabani o’zi perevod qiladi HOMEWORK
Diffraction – Dark Fringes
ZERO Order
Dark Fringe
m = 0
ZERO Order
Dark Fringe
m = 0
First Order
Dark Fringe
m = 1
First Order
Dark Fringe
m = 1
Diffraction – Dark Fringes Qora chekkalar
On either side of the bright central maximum we see areas that are dark or minimum intensity.
Yorqin markaziy maksimalning har ikki tomonida biz qorong'u yoki minimal intensivlikdagi joylarni ko'ramiz.
Once again we notice that the BLUE WAVE had to travel farther than the RED WAVE to reach the screen. At this point , however, they are said to destructively build or that they are OUT OF PHASE. Yana bir bor KO‘K TO‘LQINING ekranga yetib borishi uchun QIZIL TO‘LQINDAN uzoqroq masofani bosib o‘tishga to‘g‘ri kelganini payqadik. Biroq, bu nuqtada, ular halokatli tarzda qurishadi yoki ular FAZAdan tashqarida ekanligi aytiladi.