NG (National Government) begun to reform at the
industry, agriculture, education, financial, health care and
justice areas. In Tabriz started the construction of carpet
factory, sugar factory, building of leather and textile factories,
opening of the agricultural bank and the National Bank, to
conduct of monetary reform, planned to be held elections in the
city. NG (National Government) a number of areas had
created departments and ministries.
İn Tabriz the opening of
free school for girls was an extra ordinary event. Newly opened
schools mainly teachers were invited from Baku. For the orga-
nization of national defenses project was prepared. There was
organized National Guard which consisted 12 000 (thousand)
people. The government has organized police forces the city's
population. For their training was opened police school.
The new prime minister of İran Mushiriddovle by support
and under the leadership of Englishmen to attack on rebels
started preparation. On 12 September counter-revolution
forces attacked on rebels. Rebels end of the 14 September
fought heroically until the last drop of blood. On 14 September
Khiyabani was killed. Rebels were punished by reactionaries.
Their houses were burned, hundreds of rebel were arrested and
exiled to killed. Thus, except for a few places, all of the
liberation movement in South Azerbaijan support of English
forces suppressed by the Iranian reactionaries. Despite being
defeated, South Azerbaijan National Liberation Movement
played an important role in the history of our people's struggle
for freedom. Azerbaijani people the history of the national
liberation struggle has left an indelible trace. It was a good
pattern for the next generations
XVI Theme. Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
1.The Announcement of the Azerbaijan Democratic
Republic and government structure
2. Enternal and external policy of the Azerbaijan
Democratic Republic
3.The collapse of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
1.The Announcement of the Azerbaijan Democratic
Republic and government structure
On 26 May 1918 Transcaucasian Seym held the last
meeting. Georgian got out of the Federation. Transcaucasi-
an Seym announced has been released. On 27 May the frac-
tion of Azerbijan Seym adopted a resolution about establis-
hment of the Temporary National Council. M.A.Rasulzade
has been elected the chairman. Temporary National
Council Azerbaijan has adopted a resolution of declara-
tion for Azerbaijan independence state. Thus, on 28 May
1918 Azerbaijan declared its independence. “The Declara-
tion of Independence” was adopted by the National
Council. The Declaration of Independence had been
1. Azerbaijan is a full and independence state. The high
dominion was concerns to Azerbaijan people.
2. The form of independence Azerbaijan political
system is a Democratic Republic.
3. Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan builds a
relationship with close publics and states.
4. Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan is provides his
people full citizenship and political rights.
5. Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan creates condition
for the free development of all peoples who are living on its
6. Until the convening of Assembly to the enterprises
the highiest dominion in Azerbaijan is considerd the
national council and provisional government.
That day provisional government confirmed the com-
position of the government under the leadership of Xoyski
On 30 May 1918 F.Xoyski announced foregin countries’
presidents by radiotelegraph about the establishment of an
independent Azerbaijan Democratic Republic of Azerbai-
jan in the East the first time was established identical de-
mocratic republic method. It was essentially a Democratic
Republic - parliamentary republic.
The first successful step in the foreign policy of Democratic
Republic of Azerbaijan was on 4 June in Batumi a contract
with Osmanli polity “Peace and friendship”. According to this
contract Osmanli was the first state who accept independence
of Azerbaijan government. In accordance with 4 clause of the
contract Osmanli government ought to help with army to the
Azerbaijani. At the beginning of June led by Nuru pasha
“Qafqaz Muslim army” came to Ganja. On 16 June National
Council of Azerbaijan and government moved to the Ganja.
But disloyalty of Nuru pasha to the new government made a
crisis. In order to overcome the crisis on 17 June at the
meeting of National Council has adopted a charter. On the
charter has been shown that provisional government should
meet the Constituent Assembly not later than 6 month.
National Council for making end his activity gave all
authority the government, under the leadership of Fatali
Khan Khoyski.
The same day under the leadership of F.Xoyski created the
II cabinet of the government. Taking into consideration tense
situation on 19 June in the territory of Azerbaijan was declared
military situation. But Baku Khalg Komissarlari Soveti -
Soviet of Peoples Comissars (SPC) didn’t recognazed the
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and declared war
againest it.
The military and naval affairs of Baku Soviet of
T.N.Korqanov on 6 June ordered for attacking on the
Ganja. On 27 June at the Goychay battle the troops of
Baku Soviet defeated and was obliged to step back. But
were prevented to attacked to the Ganja. On 20 June
Azerbaijan and Osmanli military forces attacked to Baku.
On July month in 1918 during the Azerbaijan and Osmanli
military forces attack to the Baku direction became harder
the situation of Baku Soviet of Peoples Comissars (SPC). On
31 July Baku Soviet of Peoples Comissars (SPC) couldn’t
continue battle with Azerbaijan and Osmanli armies and
gave up their authority.
On 1 August in Baku right bloc Menshevik Dashnak
with the participation of British consul Maqdonel has
organized “Sentrokaspi Dictatura, which 1000 english
military forces removed to the Caspian Sea through to the
Baku. On 17 August armenians greeted english general
Denstervil with a great joy. In this case on 27 August 1918
for getting Baku petroleum Soviet Russia signed a confi-
dential agreement with a Germany. Germany took a res-
ponsibility to prevent the 3rd country Osmanli Empire to
the Baku territory. Russia took obligation for giving 1/4 (one
fourths) part of Baku petroleum to the Germany. In Sep-
tember related to the change of the international situation,
definitive position of the Osmanli empire and Azerbaijani
governments forced Germany to refuse from the agreement.
Caucasus Islam Army on 15 September the decisive
attacked to the Baku. On the same day English military
forces left Baku. Armenian military forces also including
the defense minister Bagratuni run to the Anzali. On 15
September under the led by Nuru pasha Azerbaijan
military entered the Baku territory. Osmanli army helped
for protecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan's
independence this way 1100 soldiers, 30 officers sacrificied.
After 2 days on 17 September Azerbaijan Democratic
Republic removed from Ganja to Baku.
The ancestral lands of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
for restoring the dominity in Nakchivan, Zangazur, Karabakh
and Lankaran. In 1919 January in order to to take control
including the Zangazur, Susha,Cavanshir and Cabrail regions
have been created Karabakh general governor. Xosrov Pasha
bey was appointed the governor general. On 1919 August the
armenians accepted Karabakh as an integral part of Azer-
baijan. On 1919 February created Nakchivan governor general.
Bahram khan Nakhcivanski appointed a general governor. On
1919 August was eliminated in the southern part fictional
“Mugan Soviet Republic”. This way Azerbaijan Democ-
ratic Republic has established its outhority whole territory.
The structure of the Republic of Azerbaijan was a
democratic parliamentary republic. In the East and the
Turkish Islamic world established in the first Democratic
Republic in Azerbaijan. By the decree on 27 June 1918 of
the Council of Ministers Azerbaijan (Turkish) language was
declared is a main language . On 24 June 1918 by the decree
of the government was adopted white crescent and eight-
pointed star to the white of the national flag made of red
cloth. On 9 November 1918 on the same flag colors - blue,
red and green- tricolor flag with white crescent and eight-
pointed star was replaced in opposite. According to the
words of M.A.Rasulzadeh tricolor national flag of Repub-
lic of Azerbaijan is a national Turkish culture and Islamic
civilization embodies the modern European democracy.
On 26 June in 1918 has been decreed for the creation of
new army. On 1st November has been established Ministry
of Defence. Prime Minister F.Xoyski military minister,
general S.Mehmandarov appointed his deputy for
prepearing a military staff in Ganja was opened a military
school. Later this school has been moved to Baku. At the
Susha city also has been opened school for prepearing a
medical attendant.
On 25 December 1918 general S.Mehmandarov
military minister, General Aliaga Sixlinski appointed his
deputy. General Suleymanbey Sulkevich was appointed
chief of headquarters. It was important to protect the
Azerbaijan sea borders. Therefore need to create a marine
military. In 1919 at the sea opened Caspian fleet. The
proces of elaboration National Army and Marine military
was completed in 1920. There were gathered 40 thousand
regular army. 30 thousand of them were infantries and 10
thousand cavalry troops. On 23 August signed decree the
nationality of Azerbaijani. On 16 November 1918 re-
starting the National council On 20 November made a
decision on the establishment of the Azerbaijani
Parliament. According to law parliamentary should consist
120 people. All the peoples who lives territory of the
republic and the law were determined both sexes equal
voting right.
Thus Azerbaijan became the first country which gave
women first election law. On 7 December 1918 Parliament
has started its work. It was an important event life of
Azerbaijan people. A.Topchubashov speaker of parliament,
H.Agayev has been chosen the first deputy of chairman.
Parliament accepted the provisional government’s resign
and had been ordered to the F.Xoyski to established the
new government. On 26 December was announced in the
III composition of cabinet. At the new cabinet the duties of
F.Xoyski were chairman of the Council of Ministers and
Foreign Minister. The first actions of government were that
to prevent the transportation food products abroad. On 22
June 1918 have been forbidden transporting abroad grain,
cattle and other food products. With other a government
decree were allowed in the territory of the republic a free
trade. On 5 October 1918 according to the decision on
Azerbaijani government Baku Soviet of Peoples Comissars
(SPC) has canceled all the commercial fleet in the oil
industry and other industrial sectors. These institutions
were returned to previous owners. In order to increase oil
exports on 10 December 1918 was established office for
the sale of oil and oil products. The taken measures by the
government at the begining of 1919 year were supported
necessary food products in Baku.
In the summer months of 1919 year due to the oil
export signed trade contracts with foregin companies.
Azerbaijan got a right for trading Baku petrolim with
Europen countries through the Batumi port. One of the
most important economic events were agrarian. In 1920 in
March government discussed agrarian project. On
September 1918 has been decided turnover the Baki bonu
monetary unit. On September 1919 has opened a State
bank. Many cash boxes have started to work. The territory
of the republic was organized a customs service. In January
1919 the Ministry of Labour started to work.
At the same year in May established arbitration.
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic held many important
events in the field of building. First of all they paid
attention for educating of people. Thus, inside the first
established government was founded Ministry of National
Education. On 28 August 1918 government took a decision
on the nationalization of schools. It was a compulsory all the
primary schools conducted education in Turkish (Azerbaijan).
For the preparing new teachers in Baku, Kazakh, Susha,
Ganja were organized special pedagogial courses. The South
Caucasus in 1918 (Qori) Azerbaijani branch of seminary
teachers had been moved to the Kazakh. There were opened
in Baku, Ganja and Shaki gymnasiums for girls. There were 7
gymnasiums for men opened also. The many cities of
Azerbaijan extended networks of educational courses. For
educating in these courses had been invited 50 teachers
from the Osmanli government.
In autumn 1919 all regions of Azerbaijan organized
night courses in Azerbaijan language. On 1 September
1919 in Azerbaijan parliament in Baku city was adopted
about the opening of university. There were 2 faculties-
history-philology and medical. In 1919 September 100
Azerbaijani youths have been sent to Osmanli, French,
Italy, Russia and Great Britain’s universities to get
During the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic founded
national societies including “Turk ocaghi” (“Turkish fire”) .
On December 1919 for improving of Azerbaijan scientific
founded the society “Learning the Muslim East”. At the begin-
ning of 1920 founded the department of archeology. On
March 1919 in Baku opened the first a big library an Azer-
baijani language. On 7 December 1919 in Baku opened
“Istiqlal” museum. 1918-1920 years were published
“Azerbaijan” newspaper.
2. Enternal and external policy of the Azerbaijan
Democratic Republic
In 1918 armenians applied to Azerbaijan Democtratic
Republic for becaming Irevan city the capital of
Aremenian. On 29 May National Council made
compromised Irevan city to the armenians. On the
condition that they refused the Nagorno part of Karabakh.
But unfortunately Armenian didn’t care for their pledges.
Contrary, they attacked to Azerbaijanis’ native lands
Zangazur, Nakhcivan, Nagorno Karabagh. They were tried
to occupy the same territories. In 1918 summer the cruel
enemy of Turkish people Andronik attached to the
Zangazur. More than 100 thousand Azerbaijani were
expelled from their lands. For preventing Andronik’s
robberies troops in the Zangazur, Karabakh Azerbaijani
government took immedetely measures. The most
important of these measures were foundation of Karabakh
general governor.
In 1919 February X.Sultanov as been appointed
general governor and he came and started to work.
Andronik tried to attack to the Susha city thrice. But Azer-
baijan's Defense Forces have destroyed Andronik’s robber
groups in the Zabux valley. On 23 February 1919 Andronik
again attacked with a big troops. But support of Sultan bey
and Xosrovpasha Sultanov brothers they were removed
from the territory of Azerbaijan. On 1 June 1919 in Susha
as a result of provocation of the Armenian National council
happened an armed clash. X.Sultanov could leave mem-
bers of the Armenian National Council through the coun-
try. The government prevented the bloodshed in Karabakh.
The plans of Dashnaks establish the Amenian state
included Nakchivan lands also. Therefore Andronik’s rob-
bery troops invade the Nakhcivan city and began to kill the
local people as wildly. Meantime the Osmanli force under
the command of K.Qarabekir pasha entered the
Nakhcivan. Thus forces of arbitrariness of Andranik have
ended in the Nakhcivan lands. On 1 November in 1918 du-
ring the first world war due to the defeat of the Osmanli
Empire they were forced to leave Nakhcivan. For preven-
ting the danger of occupied by Armenia has been
established Araz-Turkish Republic. This republic lived until
the end of March in 1919.
The first goal of foreign policy of Azerbaijan
Democratic Republic achieves itself in the international
arena and establish friendly relations. The first step was
that Azerbaijan diplomacy informs the leading foreign
states on the declaration of the sovereignty. On 29 May
1918 USA, France, Great Britain, Soviet Russia, Osmanli,
Germany, Italy and etc. states’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
have been officially informed about it. Even on 6 June 1919
against the jeopardy of Denikin for merging the efforts
between Azerbaijan and Georgia signed a military defense
contract. In Georgia established Azerbaijan embassy.
On 21 March 1920 signed a contract “ About
Friendship” between Iran and Azerbaijan. In Tehran
opened Azerbaijan embassy. In Tabriz established head
consulate. Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was attemting
for mending relations with the Great Britain. It was a
reason that on 17 November 1918 the general of English
troops Tomson in spite of announced willn’t recognize the
legitimacy Azerbaijan Democratic Republic afterwards
accepted it. Even the state which head by F.Xoyski
estimated as the legitimate government. The most
important duty of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was
recognize Azerbaijan at the international arena. On 28
December 1918 Government confirmed the representatives
who will attend in Paris Peace Conference. On 8 January
1919 delegates went to Paris through Istanbul. In middle of
May delegations with a big difficulty reached to Paris.
On 2 May the first time issues of Azerbaijan had been
discussed among the Great Britain, USA, France, Italy at
the assembly of state leaders. The president of USA Vudro
Vilson was againist the release of Azerbaijan to the Paris
peace conference. On 28 May our delegates were accepted
by V.Vilson. During the meeting Azebaijan Republic
introduced memorandum to the V.Vilson. On 12 November
At the Great Britain parliament British Prime Minister
Lloyd Corc during his speech, announced that possible
recognition of the independence of Azerbaijan and Georgia.
He repeated the same idea in the Paris peace conference . At
last on 11 January in 1920 at the suggestion of the UK's
Minister of Foreign Affairs Lord Kerzon Antanta‘s
supreme council independence of Azerbaijan Democratic
republic has been recognized at the de-fakto level. Thus, as
a result of successful diplomacy of the young Azerbaijan
Democratic republic became a member of the world
3.The collapse of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
After the reconciliation of Mudros (on 30 october
1918) Azerbaijan had been deprived assistance his close
brother of Turkish. Taking advantage of this, Soviet Russia
increased diplomatic pressure. He was sending notes against
the Azerbaijan Democracy Republic. On January in 1920
Commissar G.V.Chicherin Foreign Affairs of Russia sent a
note to the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic to start a war
against Denikin. But, foreign Affairs Minister of
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic F.Xoyski on January in
response noting that the civil war is an internal affair of
Soviet Russia and was ready for negotiating with good
neighbor relations. Soviet Russia achieved to establish
“fifth colon” inside the Azerbaijan Soviet Republic. In
February 1920 for this purpose was established Azerbaijani
Communist Party. Meanwhile conflicts among political
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