participate in elections. Only a small farm in the city Duma
had the right to engage in work. Duma controlled governor
activity. All the power in Caucasus belonged janishin
(viceroy). But gubernias concentrated in the hands of gover-
nors. But districts managed by supervisors. Russia has
changed administrative structure in the South Caucasus
also. In 1859 in Samakhi happened very strong earthquake.
After this earthquake the city is collapsed. Due to this the
center of governor moved to Baku. And they renamed as
In 1860 Darband district has been abolished and Quba
district also included the Baku district. In 1868 from
Baku,Tbilisi and Irevan at the acquared lands founded
Yelizavetpol governor. Susha, Yelizavetpol and Zangezur
districts were included there. Javad and Goychay were in-
cluded inside the Baku governor. The Eresh district which
established in 1874, Cabrail and Cavanshir 1883 were
included Yelizavetpol district.
Sharur–Daralayaz and Nakhchivan districts people
consisted azerbaijanians and included
İrevan governor. In
1883 Caucasus successorship (viceroy) had been abolished.
The management of Caucasus assigned part of the property
of chief. Unfortunately this administrative reform also
served strengthening of colonial power. While the
administrative and territorial changes the composition of
the population had not been taken consideration.
3.The condition in the village after the reforms
İn 1870 after the village reform in the Azerbaijan
capitalist relations in agriculture accelerated. As a result, in
the village had happened several changes: The introduction
of advanced tools, in agriculture, started extends of com-
mercial cultivation. H.Z.Tagiyev opened a gardening school
in Mardakan. After the period reform cultivated areas were
extended. Yelizavetpol governor considered grain storage
of Azerbaijan. Lankaran and Nukha districts specialized as
rice areas. In the production of grain Azerbaijan was the
first place in the South Caucasus. Cultivation and har-
vesting of agricultural products increased use of hired la-
bor. In the development of capitalism, land became pur-
chase and sale object, increased the leased areas. Qolcomags
(rich villagers) expanded its territory at the expense of lea-
sed land.
Hasan bay Zardabi had a great role the spread of new
methods of cultivation. Quba district was a center of
growing kizilboya. Kizilboya were used in Russian textile
industry as natural dyes. In 1869 after the artificial
colorings alizarin kizilboya industry collapsed. In 1887 in
Tbilisi “Caucasian silk station” opened. 80
-90th cotton-
farming became incoming areas. Here had been used
freelance labor. For instance H.Z.Tagiyev’s property which
bought in “Yevlakh property” was also one of them.
Tobacco industry also started to develop. In Zagatala,
Nukha and Quba districts cultivated the tobacco leaf. XIX
the first of the century in many parts of Azerbaijan a
licorice root was produced. The licorice root had been used
various industry as food the preparation of and medicines
and textile industry. 80
years in Azerbaijan most of
the villagers were state villagers.
XlX century 80
years as a result of the stratifica-
tion of the village middlings, i.e. rich villagers
(qolchomags) occurred. Although miniority of amount they
had much land. 3 December 1890 was adopted the
Regulation on the use of water. According to this
regulation was established water inspection of Caucasus.
An administrative person who organized the distribution of
irrigation water were called mirab and juvar. In Azerbaijan
taxes and levies still continued after the reform. From the
peasants’ had been taken as a yard tax which called land
quitrent. Quitrent as rule was paid by money. In Azerbaijan
owner villagers were paying malcahat (crop tax) and bahra
(tax paid for water use). Since 1887 Azerbaijan villagers
started to pay military tax. Russian government didn’t
believed the azerbaijanians therefore they didn’t allow
them to participate in the army instead of them was taken a
military tax.
The second half of the XIX century economic changes
caused development of the country in cities. In this period,
there were 10 cities and 5 gaza (district) center in the
Northern Azerbaijan. Baku, Quba, Lankaran, cities –Baku
governorship, Ganja, Nukha, Susha cities - Yelizavetpol
governorship, Nakhcivan and Ordubad cities Irevan
governorship, but Zagatala city included Tbilisi
governorship. Baku the second half of the XIX th century
became the capital city of a population of more than 112
thousand. Starting 70
years the active development of oil
industry increased the number of city's population. The
development of the capitalist industry in South Azerbaijan
had the toilers of coming from North Azerbaijan and
Russia in various districts. The amounts of people Ganja
was a second city after Baku. End of the centry Nukha was
becoming the second industry center. Russian government
decided to have a city reform. June 1870 according to regu-
lation city departments and Dumas had been created. The
state Dumas elections taking into account the low levels of
property restrictions had limited participation here. In addi-
tion only 50% of selected deputies could contain Muslims.
City governments had limited powers. In 1878
regulation was applied in Baku. Baku the executive body of
the city self-government members of the Duma elected for a
period for 4 years to the City municipality. City self-
government resolution of issues, determination of taxes and
duties, to lead the city's property, look at the budget and its
approval and etc things were the basic of Duma. The first
elections were industrial city councils, merchants,
government officials and others got received deputy
mandates. Among them were H.Z.Tagiyev, M.Nagiyev and
others. Among the deputies of the State Duma were social
reformer and educator as H.Zerdabi and a prominent
teacher H.Mahmudbeyov. For failing ensure that the
reform of the upper circles of the city in 1892 by Russian
Empire (Char) was approved the new city charter. This
regulation included Ganja city also. As cities development
their appearance also changed.
1859 in Baku Governor garden and 1882-1883 years
Nobel garden established. In this city electric station
Caucasus and Merkuri belonged to this society. The first
horse railway (konka) in Baku opened in 1889. The work of
the carpet woven at the Karabakh-Shirvan regions had
made more progress. Azerbaijani carpets and rugs were
known all over the world. Lahij was the center of copper.
Aghdam and Agdash were acted markets. In 1887 In Baku
organized market forms of commerce. Markets were acted
at the Nukha and other cities. Since 1876 March in
Azerbaijan as the first was introduced the guild trade.
The first guild merchants were given very big rights.
They could sell all states goods every place of Russia with
cargo and package they also have rights open shop, contor
and storage. The second guild merchants who got certificate
recipients for open to sold Russia and other public goods
in the district, governor and other villages. The first
progressive form of trade in the stock market created the
first in Baku. XlX end of the century Baku city was the
second place for the cargo circulation inside the Russian
port cities.
Authorities had a rough colonial policy against of Jar-
Balakan people. The policy of violent Christianization
severed social and political situation. In identify the
personal and property rights of the people of government
commission had come. This commission consider that
ingiloy and mugall tribes had to paid a one-time allowance
keshkel owner (landowner- feudal) tax and this way they
could release the dependence on landowners. Land growers
were ingiloy (ingiloys – georgians who converted to islam)
and mughall (the generation of the mongol-tatars, a.i.
turks) tribes. Therefore keshkel hosts were lost their main
income. Therefore keshkel hosts didn’t want to do a
İn 1862 in Balakan village the construction of
the church all of the local population contained Muslims
for the start of the growing rebellion was a signal. The
organizer of this work was a Alexandr Qalacov who had
accepted Christianity. The rebellion happened in 1863 in
Zagatala. Haji Mutuz was a led of rebellion. The main
charcter rebellion was a nationwide. At the rebellion
attended feudals, clergies and all the people. Rebellion was
suppressed by artillery fire. Haci Murtuz was deported.
The reasons of suppression rebellion: 1.The rebellion
was not organized perfect. 2.Limited only Zakhatala area.
3.The balance of power was unequally. 4.There was not
unity among rebellions. Near the end of century in the
Azerbaijan village increased social stratification process.
Already the rural population was divided into groups of
new capitalist society is now owned. One of them
concentrated in the hands of wealthy villagers (golchomags)
a significant part of the lands. Others were grounded the
rural poor or landless villagers. 80
years of the XIX
century Empire was accommodated Russians in Samakhi,
Ganja, Lankaran and Kazakh regions. The villagers who
transferred to Azerbaijan them had given a lot of lands than
local people. The last quarter of century the fight against
colonial rule and feudal oppression was growing.
End of the 70s Kazakh district refused to pay taxes and
refuses to accept Kushcu villagers’ - were acted against the
persecution of
İskenderbayovs. In 1881 the Kazakh district’s
villagers of Oksuzlu acted against the persecution of
Sultanovlar. The villagers refused to send their own children to
the service oflandowners. XIX end of last quarter was the most
common form was smuggling. The fusitives called people
national revolutionaries. They were fighting against national
oppression, violence against the exploitation of the local
landlords. In different years in Azerbaijan were Kachak Nabi,
Deli Ali Kachak Naghi, Kachak Kerem as national heroes.
One of them was a prominent gallant Kachak Nebi. He was
born In 1854 Zangazur town’s Mollu village. His lovely
wife Hecer also fought heroically together fusitives. 12
March 1896 Kachak Nabi was died Russian empires’ by
hired killer. The most famous representative of the illegal move-
ment was Kachak Kerem. He was born in 1860 Kazakh dis-
trict’s Kirakh Kesemenli village. He begun to the movement
from the Yelizavetpol governor. Soon Kerem has led to a
struggle besides Azerbaijan Georgian, North Caucasus and
Osmanli empirea’s areas. Kachak Kerem died in 1909 in
Inside the kachak troops participated entrepreneur villa-
gers. Kachak movement was typical for the whole territory of
northern Azerbaijan. The main reason for the defeat of kacak
groups were that in this movement little part of the villagers to
took part, non-professional organized and local character.
Against captivity of colonial Azerbaijan, national oppression
and against feudal exploitation kachak movement. In the
history of Azerbaijan kachak movement was a great role
and a great importance.
Baku in Azerbaijan creation of industrial facilities poor
villagers moved to the big cities. Exactly at the expense of the
villagers formed Azerbaijan employees’ class. Employees who
works a short time called seasional employees. Even through the
Russia emperie neighboring Caucasus territories and from the
South Azerbaijan many people came to Azerbaijan. Therefore
Azerbaijan became a multinational country. The number of
workers has increased with the development of capitalism in
Azerbaijan. The lives of employees were very hard. Complete
lawlessness, hard painful labor, starvation and poverty, their
situation was becoming more unbearable. On April 1881
Baku happened the powerful strike. On August 1895 the
employees of Baku tobacco factory held the a big employees
movement. It was the first profession strike – well-formed
4.Azerbaijan culture II half of the XlX century
The development of capitalism in Northern Azerbaijani
was a decisive change in culture. End of the centry Baku
city became the center of Azerbaijan. During this period in
Azerbaijan culture created a generation of progressive
leaders. Among them M.F.Akhundzadeh, H.B.Zerdabi,
S.M.Qanizadeh, R.Afandiyev and etc. National burgeous
H.Z.Tagiyev, M.Nagiyev and other representatives were in
the field of other charitable brave steps activities and
education. They opened schools, built theater buildings and
letting the money to publish the newspapers differently. In
North Azerbaijani cultural revival, a new type of schools
and cultural educational institutions, the creation of the
national press and theater, the impact of the idea of revival
of national consciousness of the nation's leading intel-
lectuals and etc. All these were culture’s the main
characteristic features.
Half of the XIX century in North Azerbaijani
education was developing. Still education held in the
Maktab (school) and madrasah.
İn Azerbaijan to grow up
the new generation of national intelligence which had a
European culture. The first azerbaijanian who got the first
higher education in Russia was Agabey Yadigarov and
Mammadaga Shahtakhtinski were the from this generation
who graduated Leypsiq university in Germany. Many
S.Mahmandarov were graduated military schools in
Petersburg. Democratic intellectuals on the place of maktab
(schools) and madrassas tried to open schools in our native
language. In Samakhi S.A.Shirvani (1835-1888), in Susha
Mir Movhsun Navvab (1833-1918), in Nakhchivan and
Ordubad Mahammadtagi Safarov (Sidqi) (1853-1904)
schools which opened by them pupils were educated native
language and religion lessons besides them history,
geography and natural sciences.
Hasan Bay Zardabi in the “Ekhinchi” (“Planter”)
newspaper’s pages indicated important of opening new
schools. Starting 70
years Russian schools were given a
main role in the comprehensive system. According to 13
May 1872 on regulation all regions schools were replaced
with tuition fee schools. In 1874 Susha later Samakhi
district schools became a city school. End of the 70th years
Nukha and Nakhcivan in the mid 80th years Ganja,
Zagatala, Baku, 90th years Ordubad district schools
became city schools. In the history of school education
village schools had great role occurate public schools.
According to 24 May 1874 regulation different public
schools these kinds of schools study only villagers’ children
and them were not applied a corporal punishment. The
main location of the training method was conscious
appropriation. In the middle of 70s in the districts these kinds
of schools were in Kazakh, Dagkesemen, Susha and Cabrail
villages and Goycay centuries. In the middle of 80
years have
been created Russian and Azerbaijani schools were an
enlightening role (1887). The primary reason of creating these
schools had to prepare Azerbaijanis’ for entering secondary
school. In spite of education was in Russian but Azerbaijani
language was a compulsory subject. These kinds of schools
were suppoused for azerbaijanians.
On 1887 the first Russian-Azerbaijan school founded in
Baku by H.Mahmudbayev and S.M.Qanizadeh. 90s Rus-
sian-Azerbaijan schools in Nakhcivan, Nukha, Susha,
Ganja and other places were opened. The 60th years in
Azerbaijan the first secondary schools founded. In 1865 in Baku
established on the basis of the primary school 4 classes gymnasi-
um. This way officially founded primary school. In 1881 Ganja
opened central city school. In 1896 in Baku opened men gymna-
sium. Pupils have to paid tuition fee for secondary schools.
Many sciences who graduated Baku gymnasium they could
enter Russia and abroad universities. The reform about educa-
tion impacted girls’ education also. In 1874 in Baku the based
on saint Nina gymnasium opened the first woman gymnasium.
In 1897 in Baku opened the second woman school. One of the
reasons impeding the development of education was lack of teac-
hers’. Until 70
years In Caucasus were not staffs for preparing
in educational institutions. 70
years started for preparing teac-
her cadres started in Tbilisi Aleksandrovski Teachers’ institut-
In 1876 in Qori city organized South Caucasus Gori
Teachers Seminary. Since 1879 Azerbaijani branch operated.
The first leader of branch was A.O.Chernayayevski. One of the
most important responsibilities of our enlightenment leaders
was the creation of native language textbooks. In 1882 in
Russia-Azerbaijan schools had been used with a great success
“Veten dili” textbook which complied by A.O.Cernayevski.
The material on the Azerbaijani language made in by village
teachers. The increase in the number of schools in the education
system were set up the importance of expanding cultural and
educational institutions. The first library and reading halls
opened inside the schools. One of the first public libraries
which located outside in schools - in 1868 in Ganja, later in
80s in Guba, Baku, Salyan and in Lenkeran opened. In 1897
in Baku opened these kinds of 8 libraries. Until 1894 all the
libraries servised only for Russian language readers. In 1894
by N.Narimanov in Baku organized the first Azerbaijan
reading hall. It played a great role our country’s history.
Hasan bay Zardabi received a license to print a
newspaper “Ekhinchi” (“Planter”) in native language. Pub-
lication of the newspaper was a resonance in the Caucasus.
During 1875-1877 years had published newspaper’s 56
numbers. Hasan bey Zardabi in the pages of “Ekhinchi’’
(“Plowman”) primary goal was to create a national unity.
Progressive ideas of “Ekinchi’’ (“Plowman”) newspaper
was disturbing char colonialists. In 1875 printing the
“Ekinchi’’ newspaper was founded Azerbaijan National
press. In 1879 on January in Tbilisi had published “Ziya”
newspaper in turkish. This newspaper was published since
1880 under the ”Ziyayi –Caucasiya”. Unfortunately this
newspaper had closed in 1884. In 1880 in Tbilisi had publis-
hed “Keshkul” newspaper. The publisher of this newspaper
was studied in Europe Calal Unsizadaeh. This newspaper
were close to their ideas to the “Ekhinchi” (“Plowman”).
They were collaborating with F.Kocerli, M.Shahtaxlinski
and etc. 80-90s in Baku were published in Russian “Caspi”,
“Bakinskoye izvestiya”, “Baku” and other newspapers.
years of the XlX century founded a National
İt was a great event in the history of Azerbaijan. On
23 March 1873 was staged M.F.Akhundzadeh’s
“Serguzeshti veziri-xani Lenkeran” comedy spectacle. This
honorable path N.Vazirov and H.Zardabi played an
important role. With this stage in Azerbaijan established
Azerbaijan National theater. H.Z.Tagiyev built a theater
building in 1883. In Guba (1875), Nukha (1879), Susha
(1882), Nakhcivan (1883), Ganja (1899) and other places
organized theater spectacles.
İn 1883 in Nakchivan was
organized drama society. In 1896 for the first time in
Azerbaijan was staged Gogol's “Inspector” play. In 1895
in Baku Azerbaijan theater staff created Baku artists
İn Azerbaijan developed saz plays and mugam
artists. Among them were tar, kamancha (oriental bow
instrument) and tambourine players trio ensembles.
İn this
period prominent singers were Kharrat Kulu (1823-1883),
Haji Husu, Mashadi Isi, Cabbar Karyagdioglu (1861-1944),
Alasgar Abdullayev (1866-1929), Kecheci oglu Muhammad
(1864-1940) and others included here. A prominent tar players
Mirzeh Sadikhcan was unparalleled services for full recons-
truction of tar musical instrument. His name is associated
with the flap tar on the chest.
In 1896 with “Illustrated history of music” wrote the
history of Azerbaijan music. Poet, art and musician
M.Navvab also wrote a book “The art of music”. The
rapidly development of capitalism in was caused a large-
scale construction works in Baku. Millionaires which
compete with each other were building beautiful buildings.
In addition to providing invaluable monuments of the city,
became the charms of this magnificent buildings. In the
history of city building Gasim bay Hajibabayov (1811-
1877) has great services. One of his big constructions was a
big Karavansara (Araz cinema). One of the most prominent
architects of Baku was a Mashadi Mirza Gafar Ismayilov.
In 1898 on the project of I.V.Qoslavski H.Z.Tagiyev
started building Muslims girls school. End of the 90s
among completed the construction of buildings was a
Debur’s home (at present Azerbaijan Art Museum)
especially, was involved in theoretical. Restoration of
monuments built in the past century carried out works.
60th-70th years in the district of Baku’s castles was carried
out restoration. In 1865 founded Baku Boulevard. The
second castle gates were built in 1886 by Karbalayi
Mammadhasan ( at present side of youth square). Most of
achievements in the field of painting is associated with the
production of this era Mir Movsun Nevvab.
The creation of new types fine art played a prominent
Azerbaijani artist (painter) M.Q. Irevani (1825-1879). His
creativity of portrait attracts attention. His “Cavan oglan (
a young man), “Oturan qadin” ( a sitting woman), Abbas
Mirza and etc works have been shown the tendency of ar-
tist realism. The most valuable wall paintings, decorative
art, valuable works was executed by Usta Ganbar from
Shusha Shaki Khan Sarayi (Shaki Khan Palace) and wall pic-
tures on the Mehmandarov’s and Rustamov’s home (1848-
Distinctly North Azerbaijani from the South Azerbai-
jani his weakness is still in the formation of national culture
was that the South still had lived the framework of the tra-
dition of Persian language. In the South Azerbaijani was a
significant progress in the development of educational sys-
İn 1869 in Tabriz opened “Madreseye-Nasiri”school. It
was the first swallow in the field of education. After that in
1877 in Tabriz opened Tabriz State Madrasa.
İn 1878 in
Urmia opened higher medical school. The above-mentioned
period developing of education in South Azerbaijani and
İran’s Mirza Hasan Rushidiya’s was a great role. İn 1883
M.H.Rushidiyya opened in Irevan a new type of school -
“Usuli-jadid” school. In 1887 in Tabriz opened the fist special
type of school “Debestan” “Usuli –jadid. Created for schools
he wrote “Veten dili” (Native language) and Ana dili text-
books. In the South Azerbaijani education periods begun from
the second half part of XIX century. Here the first newspapwer
was “Azerbaijan”. This newspaper has been published as
official in Tabriz in 1858. In 1880-1884 years inTabriz has been
published as “Medeniyyat” (Culture) different types of new-
spapers. Examples of immigrant press which was published in
İstanbul. ”Akhter’’(Ulduz) and “Shahseven” newspapers.
The publisher of “Akhter’ newspaper were Tahir Tabrizi
and Mirza Mahdi Ekhter. The satirical newspaper of
Shahseven has been published in 1888 by A.Talibov.
XIV Theme. Azerbaijan at the beginning of the XX
1. The economic crisis in the world and Azerbaijan at the
beginning of the XX century
2.National democratic movement in Azerbaijan the
creation of political parties and public organizations.
3. National freedom movement
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