The Neolithic Period. Neolithic is a Greek word - “Neos” means new, “litos” means a stone. After the seventh
millennium BC a new era - Neolithic era began in the history
of primitive society. Manufacturing economy appeared in the
Neolithic period. People released from dependence on nature
and began production of the products they needed. Cattle-
breeding and cropping kept the main place in people’s
occupational areas. People prepared pottery and were engaged
in weaving in the Neolithic period. In the history of mankind those innovations were called the Neolithic Revolution. The
population transferred to the sedentary, and along with cattle-
breeding and farming was engaged in hunting and fishing.
Labor tools, were mainly made of the flint and obsidian
(volcanic glass). Stone hoes (a crop tool in the form of a
triangle or a trapeze head), sickles (grain-cutter in crescent-
shaped form), hammers and axes are examples the Neolithic
3.The Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages in Azerbaijan
The Eneolithic Age of human history covered the 6 th – 4 th millenniums BC. Eneolithic - is a combination of Latin
and Greek words. “Eneos”- means “copper”in Latin and
“litos” – means a “stone” in Greek. During this period people
discovered the metal for the first time and made tools of
copper. But in the Eneolithic period the metal was not widely
used yet. Stone tools captured superb location in a farm and
welfare. They plowed the soil with a hoe. Therefore, the cultivation of that period was called “Hoe Agriculture”. At the end of the 5 th