hills) were established on some of the graves in the Bronze Age. The custom of dead burning and collective burring was formed. Since the beginning of the Bronze Age the role of men began to rise. Because, the wooden plow agriculture
and cattle-breeding demanded strength and tolerance. Women
were not able to cope with that job. As a result, the main
khakanate (matriarchal) has collapsed and father khakanate
(patriarchy) was formed. Men began to head families and
Middle Bronze Age – began at the end of the 3 rd millennium and beginning of the 2 nd millennium BC. This stage lasted until the middle of the 2 nd millennium BC. The
social and property inequality were increased, relationship
between the tribes was expanded and large settlements were
established in the Middle Bronze Age. At this stage, together
with rural settlements, the first city centers were also created. Some settlements in Nakhichevan and Uremiya regions
promoted to the level of the first city centers of the ancient
East. The second Kultepe and Oghlangala in Nakhichevan,
Goytepe on the cost of Uremia and Uzerliktepe in Karabakh
are such kind of urban settlements. The ancient city of
Nakhchivan arose in the Middle Bronze Age and was known
3500 years ago. It was the center of one of the first city states
in Azerbaijan (in the territory of the present Nakhichevan
Autonomous Republic).
Magnificent defensive walls and two or three-room homes
of initial urban show a stratification occurring in the society.
Big buildings were owned by wealthy families. Gardening and horticulture had emerged as new economic areas. Vine-