Conclusion Despite the fact that loneliness, as we can
see, is a destructive phenomenon of a person’s
being, which makes it difficult to expand the
boundaries of his spiritual and personal integ-
rity (incomplete loneliness) or exhaustively
leads him to degradation (complete loneliness),
being de facto not immanent to his being, aris-
es at certain stages of an individual’s develop-
ment, which is largely due to the specifics of
the present state of socio-cultural reality. The
more intense the impact exerted by external
(socio-cultural) factors, the faster the bound-
aries of the integrity of the Meeting shrink,
and the faster the processes of degradation of
human integrity unfold. Under the influence
of socio-cultural processes, the boundaries of
spiritual and personal integrity and the inner
world of a person are ‘compressed’ to such an
extent that they cease to fulfill the functions of
life support.
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