Eat That Frog! Set deadlines and sub-deadlines on every task and
activity. Create your own “forcing system.” Raise the bar on yourself
and don’t let yourself off the hook. Once you’ve set yourself a
deadline, stick to it and even try to beat it.
Write out every step of a major job or project before you begin. Then
determine how many minutes and hours you will require to
complete each phase. Organize your daily and weekly calendars to
create time segments when you work exclusively on these tasks.
Chapter 14 - Maximize Your Personal Powers
“Gather in your resources, rally all your faculties, marshal all your energies,
focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavor.”
(John Haggai)
The raw material of personal performance and productivity is
contained in your physical, mental and emotional energies.
When you are fully rested, you can get two times, three times and
five times as much done as when you are tired out.
Your body is like a machine that uses food, water and rest to generate
energy that you then use to accomplish important tasks in your life
and work.
One of the most important requirements for being happy and
productive is for you to guard and nurture your energy levels at all
The rule is that your productivity begins to decline after eight or nine
hours of work. For this reason, working long hours into the night,
although it is sometimes necessary, means that you are usually
producing less and less in more and more time. The more tired you
get, the worse is your work and the more mistakes you make. At a
certain point, like a battery that is run down, you can reach “the
wall” and simply be unable to continue.
The fact is that you have specific times during the day when you are
at your best. You need to identify these times and discipline yourself
to use them on your most important and challenging tasks.
Most people are at their best in the mornings, after a good night's
sleep. Some people are better in the afternoons. A few people are
most creative and productive in the evenings or late at night.
A major reason for procrastination is fatigue, or attempting to start
on a task when you are tired out. You have no energy or enthusiasm.
Like a cold engine in the morning, you can't seem to get yourself
Whenever you feel overtired and overwhelmed with too much to do
and too little time, stop yourself and just say, "All I can do is all I can
Sometimes the very best use of your time is to go home early and go
to bed and sleep for ten hours straight. This can completely recharge
you and enable you to get two or three times as much done the
following day, and of a far higher quality, than if you had continued
working long into the night.
According to many researchers, the average American is not getting
enough sleep relative to the amount of work he or she is doing.
Millions of Americans are working in a state of mental fog as the
result of working too much and sleeping too little.
One of the smartest things you can do is to turn off the television and
get to bed by ten o'clock each night during the week. Sometimes, one
extra hour of sleep per night can change your entire life.
Here is a rule for you. Take one full day off every week. During this
day, either Saturday or Sunday, you absolutely refuse to read, clear
correspondence, catch up on things from the office or do anything
else that taxes your brain. Instead, you go to a movie, exercise, spend
time with your family, go for a walk or any activity that allows your
brain to completely recharge itself. It is true that “a change is as good
as a rest.”
Take regular vacations each year, both long weekends and one and
two-week breaks to rest and rejuvenate. You are always the most
productive after a weekend or a vacation.
Going to bed early five nights a week, sleeping in on the weekends
and taking one full day off each week will assure that you have far
more energy. This added energy will enable you to overcome
procrastination and get started on your major tasks faster and with
greater resolve than you ever could if you were tired out.
In addition, to keep your energy levels at their highest, be careful
about what you eat. Start the day with a high protein, low fat and
low carbohydrate breakfast. Eat salads with fish or chicken at lunch.
Avoid sugar, salt, white flour products or deserts. Avoid soft drinks
and candy bars or pastries. Feed yourself as you would feed a world
class athlete before a competition, because in many respects, that’s
what you are before starting work each day.
By eating lean and healthy, exercising regularly and getting lots of
rest, you'll get more and better work done, easier and with greater
satisfaction than ever before.
The better you feel when you start work, the less you procrastinate
and the more eager you are to get the job done and get on with other
tasks. High energy levels are indispensable to higher levels of
productivity, more happiness and greater success in everything you
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