Teacher-Student Interaction. Teacher student interaction is the interaction between the teacher and students, the teacher is important role in this interaction. The teacher gives the question, answer and discussion session to increase students’ capability in speaking English. To get students’ emotion the teacher did a personal discussion to some students. The interaction occurred in activities of when teachers’ giving explanation, praising, correct mistakes, giving information, question, clarifying, directing drills, repeating words, encouraging, translation in L1, surprising, and laughter.
In teaching learning process, when explained, the teacher should be set the sound volume, speed, and choose of words that were clearly. So, the students could easy to understand the material. Used example in accordance with the daily activities, thus would made students better understand the material submitted. When finished explaining the teacher asked to students if there were students who do not understand they could asked then the teacher would explained again.
When the students dared to speak up and express their idea in front of class, teacher had to appreciate their effort like “great”, “excellent”, “that’s good”, and so on so forth. So, the students more enthusiasms and confidence to speaking English.
Interaction in classroom is important role to enhance students’ speaking skill.
Teacher should make the differences method to the students were interested in speaking class, so make the students more confidence to speak up. Used interesting topics would stimulate students to engage in the classroom activity. First observation, teacher gave ice breaking before start the lesson that aimed to get the spirit of the students. Second observation, the teacher used differences methods, before start the lesson teacher tried to convince students to tell and described about the songs they liked, it aimed to make the students confidence to speak up because they feel happy with that discussion. Third observation, also used differences methods, to improve the students speaking ability the teacher bring guest from native speaker. Fourth observation, the teacher gave the exercised for students. When students could not answered the question, the teacher tried to help the students by giving them grid and spirit to them to speak up. The teacher would apreciate the students when they were speak up and answer the question. The students would be more confidence to speak up when they get appreciate and awards.