Bachelor degree — the base higher education giving fundamental and applied knowledge in a direction of preparation with duration of training not less of four year The magistracy — higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge on a concrete speciality (a preparation direction) with duration of training not less than two years, access to which is carried out on a competitive basis only on the basis of a bachelor degree.
After end of magistery programs to graduates following the results of the state certification degree "master" on a concrete speciality (a preparation direction) is awarded and the diploma of the state sample stands out.
Diplomas of the state sample of the bachelor and the master grant the right to their owners to be engaged in professional work according to a direction of preparation (speciality) or to continue training in educational institutions further.
The higher educational institutions are legal bodies. In republic following types of the higher educational institutions are established:
The university — realises educational programs of the higher and formations on a wide spectrum of fields of knowledge and preparation directions;
The academy — realises educational programs of the higher and formations on a concrete field of knowledge and preparation directions;
The institute — realises educational programs of the higher and, as a rule, formations in concrete directions of preparation within one field of knowledge.
Postgraduate educationis aimed at meeting the needs o society in scientific and pedagogical personnel . Postgradu education can be obtained in higher education and research institutions.
The procedure for preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff , awarding academic degrees and titles determined by legislation.
Ads dissertations ( Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan )
Potential scientific staff of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Institutions of higher education only 75 of these 19 universities, 37 institutes, the Academy 2, 11 branches of uzbek heis, branches of foreign universities 6.