Introduction Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. It's about so much more than deciding what you will do to make a living. To start with, think about the amount of time we spend at work. We are on the job approximately 71% of every year. Over our lifetimes, this comes to roughly 31½ years out of the 45 years most of us spend working, from the beginning of our careers until retirement. The importance of selecting a career with which we are satisfied cannot be overemphasized.
While some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end up in satisfying careers without giving it much thought, most of us are not. Many people don't put enough effort into choosing occupations or pick them for the wrong reasons. Maybe they choose careers that seem secure or pay well. They then end up unhappy. The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to you is to make a well-thought out decision.
Career planning 4 step planning process Knowing Yourself Skills, likes/dislikes and values
Finding Out Exploring what is out there
Making Decisions Comparing options
Taking Action Working towards your goals
Career planning is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development.
You can use the four step planning process whether you are:
at school;
at college;
an adult returning to education or adding on skills;