acf solar pumping electrical design and installation of solar pumps guidelines 2020
User training is at least as important as the quality of your pumping system. Apart from the strict aspect of «handing over the
installation to the community», the training allows users to fully understand how pumping works, to detect malfunctions,
and to be able to make the first diagnosis in case of problem. Elements that constitute correct training to users are:
1. For each pump system, a folder should be submitted to the management committee.
This folder must contain:
A descriptive sheet of the pump system, containing the essential elements: see annex 3.
User manual of installed equipment (pump, controller …)
References of spare parts (mainly fuses, SPD cartridges …) and where to buy them.
List of maintenance operations to be carried out (solar panels cleaning, opening and cleaning of inverters, of
cabinet in dusty environment, verify that equipment do not heat, maintenance of generator if any …)
Contact person and company that did install equipment.
2. Presentation of equipment and normal operation,
so that users can detect
the difference between a normal and abnormal situation.
3. Pumping tests:
For each training, the pump must be started and stopped.
These tests are to be carried out by the users and not by the demonstrator.
When a tank level sensor is present, explain the operation of the sensor, the
level displayed, ...
4. If automatic start-ups are available (pump start, generator start, ...) explain
what starts automatically and on which signal.
Inform users that self-starting
equipment must be shut down during maintenance work.
5. Simulation of a failure:
As the last element of the training, simulate
malfunctions of the installation. The main simulated malfunction tests are:
Remove a fuse that prevents the system from starting up or that will lead
the system to operate at a power much below its actual capacity if there
are multiple panel branches.
Unplug a panel which also prevents the system from starting.
Disconnect the «low water level» probe if accessible and not integrated
to the pump. This should normally prevent the pump from starting to
prevent it from running without water.
Fault simulation exercise:
For each simulation, users must be
able to correctly identify and repair
the fault created. The trainer takes
care to stay in the background
during the exercise.
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