70. Choose the amount of lexical units the pupils must acquire in a foreign language after finishing Grade 4. *a) 500
b) 250
c) 300
d) 450
71. What does the C.E.F.R. stand for? *a) Common European Framework of Reference
b) Common Eurasian Framework of Reference
c) Common European Reference of Framework
d) Cambridge European Framework of Reference
72. What is a microteaching? *a) a mini-lesson that participants teach to each other in order to practice what they have learned
b) a kind of teaching where teacher teaches a less than 15 minutes
c) a mini-lesson where all participants observe trainer’s lesson
d) the same as macro teaching
73. ... is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. *a) A lesson plan
b) Handout
c) Learning styles
d) Knocking dictation
74. What is important while dictating a text? *a) The way how a teacher dictates a text
b) Never make eye contact with your pupils
c) Read fast, don’t give your listeners time to understand what you read
d) Make sure the book you read from blocks your face
76. A good reading lesson has… *a) pre, while and post stages
b) pre, while, conclusion
c) beginning and ending
d) post, while, start
77. Give the definition of “Pair work” *a) mode of doing a task or activity in pairs.
b) mode of doing a task or activity in small groups
c) mode of doing a task or activity when a pupil, participant does the work alone
d) mode of doing a task or activity when everybody in the class participates