So for the sake of demonstration we assume that you have a meterpreter
session on a Windows
7 machine. From our current meterpreter session we will run the following command:
meterpreter> run post/windows/escalate/bypassuac
Now we will try to use the “
” command again, and it will escalate our privileges.
We will use “
” to check our privileges and the “
” command for meterpreter to
display information about the current system.
Impersonating the Token
The concept of an access token is very similar to the concept of a cookie that is used to authenti-
cate a user on a particular website. When a user is authenticated on
a Windows machine an access
token is assigned, which contains information about login details, user privileges, etc.
The access
tokens for Windows are of two types:
Primary token—The primary token can be associated with a process and is created within the
operating system using privileged methods.
Impersonation token—An impersonation token can let a process act as another user; it can only
be associated with threads. This is the type of token that we will be abusing for our privilege
escalation process.
We can use a valid impersonation token of a specific user, say,
administrator, to impersonate that
user without any authentication.
is a meterpreter module that can help us with this
task. We can load it by using the following command:
use incognito
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide
Next, we would run the “
” command to see all the options; this will load up the meterpreter
help menu, but you will also see
commands along with their description at the
Before impersonating a token we need to take a look at the available tokens. To see all the
available tokens, we use the
list _ tokens
command followed by a –u parameter (which
the tokens available under a current user context). With SYSTEM-level privileges you can see the
list of all tokens, but with administrator or lower privileges you cannot.
list_tokens –u
As we can see, we have the
administrator token available, which looks interesting; so let’s
try to impersonate this token and escalate our privileges. The command for impersonating is as
meterpreter> impersonate_token ABDUL-CB7402ACD\\Administrator
Note that we have added an additional backslash, “\” before “Administrator” for it to execute