Ethics are norms of conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Ethics are the principles and guidelines that help us to uphold things we value.
Research Ethics involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to a variety of topics involving scientific research.
Research ethics educates and monitors a scientist conducting a research to ensure a high ethical standards.
Importance of Research Ethics
Respect and cause no harm to the participants.
As a sign of respect for other researchers and cause no harm to the participants.
It is a professional requirement
It is a requirement to obtain funding.
Failing to conduct research ethically result in research/researcher being dismissed or rejected by the research community.
Basic Principles of Research Ethics
Respect for intellectual property
Respect for colleagues
Non discrimination
Social Responsibility
Important areas in Research Ethics
Peer Review
Research with animals
Research with human subjects
Research misconduct
Research evolves from collaboration and assistance between experts and colleagues
Authorship is the process of deciding about ‘on who names a research paper belongs’.
“Authorship is reserved for persons who receives primary credit and hold primary responsibility for a published work”
It decides which colleagues should be listed as authors or co- authors.
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