Faculty only employed teachers of the assistant professor and higher level are listed. The teachers’ data are listed alphabetically. Teacher Professor Jugoslav Bagatin

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Only employed teachers of the assistant professor and higher LEVEL are listed.

The teachers’ data are listed alphabetically.


Professor Jugoslav Bagatin MD, PhD


University Hospital Centre Split



Personal Web page

Short curriculum vitae

Professor Bagatin was born in 1949 and graduated from University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia in 1775. In 1994 he was awarded a doctorate in science at the University of Zagreb for the thesis: "The comparison of beta blockers and diuretics in long term treatment of arterial hypertension". During his work he went through several positions and appointments:

1976-1979 General practitioner in the Department of school medicine in Split, Croatia

    1. Resident, Department of Medicine, General Hospital Split.

    1. Specialist in Clinical Pharmacology, General Hospital Split.

  1. Specialist in Internal Medicine, Chief of Clinical Pharmacology unit, University Hospital Center, Split, Croatia.

  1. Assistant of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.

  1. Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.

  1. Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Split, School of Medicine.

  2. Specialist in cardiology.

He is member of following associations and editorial boards:

  • Croatian Medical Association

  • Vicepresident of Croatian Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

  • President of Croatian Medical Association, Department of Split

  • Member of Bioethic Committee for medicine, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia

  • Member of the Drug Committee for medicine, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia

  • Member of editorial boards of Pharmacy, Zagreb

To date he has published 185 papers, of which 55 are original scientific reports. Most are dealing with clinical pharmacology, particulary cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and arterial hypertension.

List of publications (last 5 years)

1. Punda A, Polić S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Marković V, Lukin A. Effects of atenolol and propranolol on platelet aggregation in moderate essential hypertension: Randomized crossover trial. Croat Med J. 2005;46:219-24.

2. Bagatin J. Nuspojave i interakcije lijekova. In: HKD editor. Lijekovi i njihova racionalna primjena. Zagreb, 2005: p. 14-25.

3. Rakić D, Rumboldt Z, Carević V, Bagatin J, Polić S, Pivac N, Avelini-Perković R. On behalf of the Approach to Sudden Cardiac Death Study Investigators. In-hospital Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation Outcomes: Rationale for the Approach to Sudden Cardiac Death Study. Croat Med J. 2005;46:967-12.

4. Bagatin J. Racionalna primjena antibiotika u liječenju infekcija dišnog sustava u djece i odraslih. Zbornik radova l. simpozija Suvremeni pristup infekcijama dišnog sustava u djece I odraslih, Komiža 27-29 04. 2006., p. 7-8.

5. Bagatin J. Beta blokatori u liječenju nekomplicirane esencijalne hipertenzije-pro et contra. In: Hrvatsko društvo za hipertenziju: Prvi hrvatski kongres o hipertenziji .Zagreb 2007, p. 147-151

6. Novak K, Carević V, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J. Arterial hypertension is major risk factor for free wall rupture in STEMI patients. (P2.119. XVI European meeting on hypertension ). Journal of Hypertension 2006;24: S46

7. Vitezić D, Matana Z, Buble T, Mrsić-Palčić J, Knežević A. Bagatin J, Zupan G, Simonić A. Cardiovascular drugs utilization in Croatia during a four-year period. Acta Pharmacol Sinica 2006;Suppl 1: 204: (P160001- XV th World Congress of Pharmacology:Meeting Abstracts. Beijing, July 2-7,2006)

8. Karanović N, Carev M, Berović N, Bagatin J, Karanović S, Đogaš Z. The impact of sleep deprivation on the staff anesthesiologist during in-hospital 24 hour call. EJA (Eur J Anesthesiol) 2006;23:suppl 37 (253-4), A984. (Poster na kongresu anesteziologa u Madridu u 6. mj 2006.)

9. Bagatin J. Primjena lijekova u starijih osoba. U Francetić I, Vitezić D, editor. Osnove kliničke farmakologije. Zagreb 2007, Medicinska naklada, 174-182.

10. Bagatin J. Hipertenzija i metabolički sindrom. Kardiolist 2007; 2 Suppl 1:5

11. Polić S, Lukin A, Bagatin J. editor. Odabrana poglavlja iz kardiovaskularnog liječenja. Split. 2008. Jedinica za znanstveni rad kliničke bolnice Split, 439 strana.

12. Bagatin J. Podjela i liječenje arterijske hipertenzije u svjetlu novih preporuka iz 2007.godine (ESH/ESC). Ibidem p. 43-56.

13. Bagatin J, Fabjanić D, Pivac N, Carević V. Današnje mjesto diuretika u liječenju hipertenzije. Medicus 2007;16:173-77.

14. Korljan–Babić B, Bagatin J, Kokić S, Barišić-Ostojić S, Carević V, Berović N. Comparison between continous ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and standard blood pressure measurements among patients of younger and older age group. Coll Antropol 2009;33:65-70

Publications and other qualifications

From 1984 Prof. Bagatin participates in the lectures from Internal medicine on the Faculty of medicine, University of Split, and from 1997 he is in charge of the department of “Doctor and patient I” in which he has performed lectures and praxis from the course “Urgent medicine and patient caring”. During these years he participated in the writing of several chapters in various books that have been recommended as student teaching materials, while two times he was an editor of the book “Antibiotics – rational therapy “(2001 and 2003.)

Several times he has been a reviewer of various medical books (his last review was for the Internal medicine, Prof. Vrhovac, Zagreb, 2008.) and several projects from the Croatian Ministry of Science.

Last academic advancement

September 15, 2010.


Courses and praxis from the internal medicine on the Medical and Stomatological faculty. Courses from the clinical pharmacology.

Courses from the internal medicine and clinical pharmacology on the University of Mostar, and on the University of Zagreb.


Darija Bakovic Kramaric


School of Medicine, Clinical Hospital Split



Personal Web page

Short curriculum vitae

University of Split School of Medicine, Šoltanska 2, 21000 Split, Croatia, Tel: (021)557896
Date of birth: April 30. 1975.

1999. M.D. degree obtained at University of Zagreb School of Medicine Split

2006. Ph.D. degree in Physiology at Department of Physiology Medical School Split

2001. - 2006. specializing internal medicine in University Hospital Split

2006. internal medicine specialist in University Hospital Split

2006. assistant professor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split

2008. sub specializing in cardiology in Clinical Hospital Split

2000.-2005. Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physiology Medical School Split

2005.-2006. Senior Instructor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split

2006. Assistant Professor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split

2006. Internal specialist in Clinical Hospital Split

2004. - Split School of Medicine: an annual award for the most valuable medical publication

2004. -The Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia: an annual award for the most valuable medical publication for the author under 35 years of age

2010, Project leader on the UKF 2A grant named: The application of latest advances in Doppler echocardiography in clinical and experimental

echocardiology, gaining experience grant (2A)

2006-2011 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled “Diving with compressed air and cardiovascular system” with a financial value of 90 000 kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zeljko Dujic, and it involved a group of 6 co-workers. The project is a part of a 5-year program with a total value of 450 000 kn and role of which is to determine the influence of a single and multiple field dives on pulmonary pressure, endothelial and heart function. The work on the project already resulted in a number of publications that explained various aspects of field dives on cardiopulmonary function.

2006-2011 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled “Breath hold diving and cardiovascular system” with a financial value of 80 000 kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zoran Valic, and it involved the group of 5 co-workers. The project is a part of a 5-year program with a total value of 400 000 kn and role of which is to elucidate the mechanisms of rapid splenic contraction in response to breath holds, hematological and cardiopulmonary changes evoked by breath holds as well as autonomic and brain blood flow adaptations in elite apnea divers. The project resulted in a number of publications to a leading physiology journals.

2008-2010 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled “Physiology of SCUBA diving, crossing borders grant (1B)” with a financial 555 000 kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zeljko Dujic and involved a group of 4 co-workers. The project is a part of a 2-year program with a total value of 1110 000 kn and role of which is to understand all the mechanisms that influence the risk of decompression sickness.

Collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Karolinska Institute,

Duke University and Diving Alert Network.

List of publications (last 5 years)

1: Dzamonja G, Tank J, Heusser K, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev V, Breskovic T, Diedrich A, Luft FC, Dujic Z, Jordan J. Glossopharyngeal insufflation induces cardioinhibitory syncope in apnea divers. Clin Auton Res. 2010 Jul 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20623312.

2: Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Bakovic D, Breskovic T, Dujic Z. Effects of successive air and trimix dives on human cardiovascular function. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 Dec;41(12):2207-12. PubMed PMID: 19915497.

3: Bakovic D, Pivac N, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Paukovic-Sekulic B, Dujic Z. Changes in platelet size and spleen volume in response to selective and non-selective beta-adrenoceptor blockade in hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2009 Apr;36(4):441-6. PubMed PMID: 19702597.

4: Ivancev V, Bakovic D, Obad A, Breskovic T, Palada I, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z.

Effects of indomethacin on cerebrovascular response to hypercapnea and hypocapnea in breath-hold diving and obstructive sleep apnea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009 May 15;166(3):152-8. Epub 2009 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 19442931.

5: Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Tank J, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev V, Breskovic T, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Luft FC, Jordan J, Dujic Z. Cardiovascular regulation during apnea in elite divers. Hypertension. 2009 Apr;53(4):719-24. Epub 2009 Mar 2. PubMed PMID: 19255361.

6: Glavas D, Bakovic D, Obad A, Palada I, Breskovic T, Valic Z, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Effects of tetrahydrobiopterin on venous bubble grade and acute diving-induced changes in cardiovascular function. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2009 Apr;29(2):100-7. Epub 2008 Dec 4. PubMed PMID: 19076728.

7: Bakovic D, Glavas D, Palada I, Breskovic T, Fabijanic D, Obad A, Valic Z, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. High-grade bubbles in left and right heart in an asymptomatic diver at rest after surfacing. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008

Jun;79(6):626-8. PubMed PMID: 18581949.

8: Bakovic D, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Dujic Z. Does breath-holding increase the risk of a thrombotic event? Platelets. 2008 Jun;19(4):314-5. PubMed PMID: 18569868.

9: Glavas D, Markotic A, Valic Z, Kovacic N, Palada I, Martinic R, Breskovic T, Bakovic D, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Expression of endothelial selectin ligands on human leukocytes following dive. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 Sep;233(9):1181-8. Epub 2008 Jun 5. PubMed PMID: 18535169.

10: Breskovic T, Denoble P, Palada I, Obad A, Valic Z, Glavas D, Bakovic D, Dujic Z. Venous gas bubble formation and decompression risk after scuba diving in persons with chronic spinal cord injury and able-bodied controls. Spinal Cord. 2008 Nov;46(11):743-7. Epub 2008 May 13. PubMed PMID: 18475278.

11: Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Obad A, Ivancev V, Eterovic D, Shoemaker JK, Dujic Z. Restoration of hemodynamics in apnea struggle phase in association with involuntary breathing movements. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008 Apr 30;161(2):174-81. Epub 2008 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 18337193.

12: Dujic Z, Ivancev V, Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Palada I, Valic Z, Tank J, Obad A, Bakovic D, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Jordan J. Central chemoreflex sensitivity and sympathetic neural outflow in elite breath-hold divers. J Appl Physiol. 2008 Jan;104(1):205-11. Epub 2007 Nov 8. PubMed PMID: 17991789.

13: Palada I, Eterovic D, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Lojpur M,

Shoemaker JK, Dujic Z. Spleen and cardiovascular function during short apneas in divers. J Appl Physiol. 2007 Dec;103(6):1958-63.

14: Ivancev V, Palada I, Valic Z, Obad A, Bakovic D, Dietz NM, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z. Cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia is unimpaired in breath-hold divers. J Physiol. 2007 Jul 15;582(Pt 2):723-30. Epub 2007 Apr 5. PubMed PMID: 17412771; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2075341.

15: Palada I, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Dujic Z. Cerebral and

peripheral hemodynamics and oxygenation during maximal dry breath-holds. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2007 Aug 1;157(2-3):374-81. Epub 2007 Feb 8. PubMed PMID: 17363344.

16: Valic Z, Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic M, Mardesic-Brakus S, Dujic Z. Muscle oxygen supply during cold face immersion in breath-hold divers and controls. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2006 Dec;77(12):1224-9. PubMed PMID: 17183917. 17: Obad A, Palada I, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Baković D, Wisløff U, Brubakk AO, Dujić Z. The effects of acute oral antioxidants on diving-induced alterations in human cardiovascular function. J Physiol. 2007 Feb 1;578(Pt 3):859-70. Epub 2006 Nov 16. PubMed PMID: 17110413; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2151345.

18: Baković D, Eterović D, Valic Z, Saratlija-Novaković Z, Palada I, Obad A,

Dujić Z. Increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced stroke volume in association with CO2 retention and inferior vena cava dilatation. J Appl Physiol. 2006 Sep;101(3):866-72. Epub 2006 May 25. PubMed PMID: 16728515.

19: Dujić Z, Ivancev V, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Marinović-Terzić I, Eterović D,

Wisløff U. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after maximal exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Feb;38(2):318-22. PubMed PMID: 16531901.

20: Baković D, Eterović D, Saratlija-Novaković Z, Palada I, Valic Z, Bilopavlović N, Dujić Z. Effect of human splenic contraction on variation in circulating blood cell counts. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2005 Nov;32(11):944-51. PubMed PMID: 16405451.

Publications and other qualifications

Coauthor in the books: Ultrazvuk u kliničkoj praksi (Izet Hozo, Deni Karelović), Odabrana poglavlja iz Kardiologije (Dinko Mirić)

Last academic advancement

January, 2007.


Physiology course at University of Split School of Medicine

Internal course at University of Split School of Medicine

Postgraduate School


Igor Barišić


Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology, University Hospital Centre Split, School of Medicine University of Split



Personal Web page

Short curriculum vitae

Born 02.11.1958. Split, Republic of Croatia. Croat. Croatian citizen.

Employment: Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology, University hospital of Split, School of medicine University of Split


1977-1983. School of medicine University of Zagreb.

1984-1985. postgraduate education “Oncology” School of medicine University of Zagreb

1989. master thesis “Influence of some morphologic attributes of breastcancer to ten years survival”.

1993-1997. specialisation of Radiology

2006. PhD thesis “Connection of β2-microglobuline with radiologic morphologic parameters of painful shoulder in chronic dialyzed patients.

Languages: English and Italian (active).


1984-1985 trainee in Hospital of charity sisters in Zagreb

1986-1992. GP. Urgent center Split

1992-1993. trainee on Radiology department of New hospital Split

1993-1997. resident in Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology

University hospital Split

1997. Specialist radiologist in Department of diagnostic and interventional

radiology University hospital Split


1998. assistant on Radiology

2002. 3. congress Croatian radiological association Split

2006. 4. congress Croatian radiological association Zagreb

2006-10. lecturer and instructor on postgraduate course “Ultrasound in clinical practice”

School of medicine University of Split

2006. senior assistant on Radiology

2007. improvement of color Doppler diagnostics in University hospital Dubrava, Zagreb.

2007. European school of radiology “Neuromuscular radiology Dubrovnik

2007. Radiological annual meeting Alep Adria Verona .

2008. assistant professor

Postgraduate course I category Komiža 2008 (lecturer)

2009. 4th Central European Vascular Forum & 6th Annual Vascular Ultrasound meeting

Postgraduate course I category Komiža 2009 (lecturer)

2010. Postgraduate course I category Komiža 2010 (lecturer)

Annual meeting of the Radiologic section Trogir 2010.

List of publications (last 5 years)

1. Barišić I, Ljutić D, Janković S, Vlak T, Tomić S, Kokić S et al. Relevant Sonographic Parameters of Painful Shoulder in Symptomatic dialyzed Patients versus Asymptomatic Dialyzed and Healthy Volunteers. Coll Antropol 2006;2:315-19.

2. Goić-Barišić I, Bradarić A, Erceg M, Barišić I, Foretić N, Pavlov N, Tocilj J. Influence of Passive smoking on basic antropometric characteristics and respiratory function in young Athletes. Coll Antropol 2006;3:315-19.

3. Barišić I, Ljutić D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Janković S. Laboratory and sonographic findings in dialyzed patients with bilateral chronic knee pain versus dialyzed asymptomatic patients. Coll antropol 2007;2:489-94.

4. Maričević A, Đogaš Z, Goić-Barišić I, Barišić I. Reactivation of tuberculosis after total hip replacement – 58 years after primary infection. Wien Klin Wochenscht 2008;120: 642-643.

5. Bratanic A, Kokic S, Hozo I, Barisic I, Kokić V. Long-term therapy with proton pump inhibitors is associated with decreases bone density. Med Hypotheses 2009; 72(5):608-9. 6. Mise K, Jurcev-Savicević A, Bradarić A, Perić I, Barisić I, Puntarić D, Mise J, Ilić N. Increasing of malignant pleural mesothelioma: burning issue in Split-Dalmatian County, Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2009 Dec;33(4):1245-50.

7. Maricevic A, Barisic I, Srsen D. Unusal “traction” exostosis of femoral diaphisis with sciatic nerve compression. J Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Mar;16(2):94-5.

8. Barisić I, Ljutić D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Perić I, Mise K, Klancnik M, Janković S. Beta2- microglobuline plasma level and painful shoulder in haemodialysed patients. Coll Antropol 2010: 34 Suppl 1: 315-20.


1. Goić-Barišić I, Ledina D, Tonkic M, Lukšić B, Barišić I. Limfoidni oblik crijevne tuberkuloze s milijarnim rasapom-prikaz bolesnika. Acta Med Croat 2006;60: 505-508.

2. Goić-Barišić I, Pavlov N, Ivić I, Tonkić M, Barišić I, Dragišić-Ivulić S, Punda-Polić V. Pulmonary tuberculosis with meningitis in a 7-month-old infant. JPID 2007; 2:51-54.

3. Perić I, Tocilj J, Batina S, Barišić I, Goić-Barišić I. Fizikalni nalaz pluća i simptomi kod azbestne bolesti. Acta Med Croat 2007; 61:421-424.

4. Perić I, Arar D, Barišić I, Goić-Barišić I, Pavlov N, Tocilj J. Dynamics of the lung function in asbestos pleural disease. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2007;58:405-410.

5. Bradarić A, Goić-Barišić I, Erceg M, Barišić I, Rausavljević N, Perić I, Tocilj J. The situation study of elite Croatian rowers. Gazzetta Medica Italiana – Archivio per le scienze mediche. 2007; 166: 203-207. 6. Perić I, Novak K, Barisić I, Mise K, Vucković M, Janković S, Tocilj J. Interobserver variations in diagnosing asbestosis according to the ILO classification. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2009; 60(2): 191-5.

7. Miše K, Goić-Barišić I, Puizina-Ivić N, Barišić I, Tonkić M, Perić I. A rare case of pulmonary tuberculosis with simultaneous pulmonary and skin sarcoidosis: a case report. Cases J. 2010 Jan 13;3:24.

Publications and other qualifications


1. Barišić I, Bekavac J. Ultrazvuk ramenog zgloba.U:Hozo I, Karelović D, editor. Ultrazvuk u kliničkoj praksi, Hrvatsko gastroenterološko društvo,Ogranak Split, 2004:347-352.

Potočki K, Janković S, Barišić I, Vlak T, Ostojić Z, Šarić G, Sučić Z,

Stojanović J, Grković I, Tomić, Bezić J.Muskuloskeletni sustav.U:Janković S, Seminari iz kliničke radiologije, Medicinski fakultet Split, 2005:153-230.

Last academic advancement

Assistant professor




Professor Mihovil Biočić, MD. PhD.


University Hospital Split



Personal web page


Short curriculum vitae

Professor in field of general and pediatric surgery

Head of the Department for pediatric surgery, Clinical Hospital Split

Specialisation: General and pediatric surgery

Date and place of birth: October 24th 1946., Kaštel Sućurac, Hrvatska

Education: 1971. University of Zagreb School of Medicine

1979. Specialist in pediatric surgery

1980./81 Education in field of pediatric urology, Clinical Hospital in Zagreb

1984. Specialist in general surgery

2002. Education in field of pediatric urology

University Hospital Dublin

2003. Education in field of pediatric urology

University Hospital Göteborg

Honors: 1971. – MD

1983. – Masters degree

1988. - PHD

1998. – Assistant professor

2005. - Associate professor

Member of:

Croatian Medical Association

Croatian surgical Association

Croatian Society for pediatric surgeons

Field of interest: Pediatric surgery; pediatric urology

List of publications (last 5 years)

Krželj V, Petri NM, Meštrović J, Andrić D, Biočić M. Purpura fulminans succefully treated with hyperbaric oxigen-a report of 2 cases. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2005;21(1):31-34.

Jurić I, Pogorelić Z, Biočić M, Todorić D, Furlan D, Šušnjar T. Management of Blunt Pancreatic Trauma in Children. Surg Today 2009;39(2):115-119.

Pogorelić Z, Furlan D, Biočić M, Meštrović J, Jurić I, Todorić D. Titanium intramedullary nailing for treatment of simple bone cysts of the long bones in children. Scott Med J. 2010;55(3):35-38.

Susnjar T, Biočić M, pogorelić Z. Traumatic heterotopic ossification oft he elbow in children - a case report. Acta chir Belg. 2010;110(2):246-249.

Furlan D, Pogorelić Z, Biočić M, Jurić I, Meštrović J. Pediatric tibial eminence fractures: arthroscopic treatment using K-wire. Scand J Surg. 2010;99:38-44.

Jurić I, Pogorelić Z, Kuzmić-Prusac I, Biočić M, Jakovljević G, Stepan J, Zupančić B, Culić S, Kruslin B. Expression and prognostic value oft he Ki-67 in Wilms' tumor: experience with 48 cases. Pediatr Surg Int. 2010;26:487-493.

Jurić I, Biočić M, Furlan D, Meštrović J, Todorić D, Milunović PK, Pogorelić Z, Meštrović Ju, polić B, Todorić J. Tupe ozljede trbuha u adolescenata – multidisciplinarni pristup. Pediatria Croatica 2010;54 suppl 1:90-93.

Publications and other qualifications

  1. Biočić, M. OŠTEĆENJE BUBREŽNOG PARENHIMA NAKON PIJELONEFROSTOMIJE. Master’s thesis, Zagreb siječanj, 1983.


Teaching manuals:

  1. Krželj V, Biočić M, Denoble P, Furlan D, Rešić B, Batinica S, Taborsky V, Kovačević H. Suvremeno liječenje purpure fulminans. In: Batinić D. (editor.). Odabrana poglavlja iz pedijatrije. Zagreb: Narodne Novine 1990.

  2. Biočić M. Dijete kao kirurški bolesnik. U Juretić M, Balarin L, et al. Pedijatrija za više medicinske sestre. Klinička bolnica Split, 1995.

  3. Biočić M, Budimir D, Saraga M. Akutno zatajenje bubrega u djece. U Ljutić D, Rumboldt Z. Akutno zatajenje bubrega, Split, 1995.

  4. Biočić M, Župančić B. Urologija dječje dobi. U Šoša T, Sutlić Ž, Stanec Z, Tonković I et al. Zagreb, 2007.

Last academic advancement

February 3rd 2005.


Pediatric surgery at the Department of surgery


Assoc. Prof. Dolores Biočina-Lukenda, MSc, PhD


School of Medicine, University of Split



Personal Web page

Short curriculum vitae

1992. doctor dental medicine, School of Dental Medine, University of Zagreb

1993. intership in dental medicne – Dental polyclinic „Zagreb“

1993-1995. – general dental medicine, DZ «Samobor», Dental polyclinic «Zagreb», DZ »Maksimir»

1995. research fellow – Depatment of oral medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb

1996-2000. specialisation in oral medicine

1999. postgrduate study „Clinical immunology“, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb

2000. specialist in oral medicine, Clinical department for oral diseases, Clinic of Dental Medicine, University Clinic „Zagreb“

2000. Master thesis. Local andi systemic immunoreaction in patients with oral lichen ruber., School of Medicine, University of Zagreb

2003. Doctorate thesis. Expression of tissue antigenes c-erb-B2, PCNA and Ki-67 in oral lichen ruber in correlation with clinical status.. School of dental medicine, University of Zagreb

2003. Assistant Professor, Department of oral medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb.

2008. Assistant of dean for Study of Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Split.

2009.Associate Professor

2009. Vice-Dean for Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Split.


1991. Rector’s award for the best student paper

1992. Rector’s award for the best student paper

2001. Croatian Medical Association acknowledgment

2002. Croatian Medical Association acknowledgment

List of publications (last 5 years)

1. Biočina-Lukenda D. Diseases and pathological conditions of oral mucosa in children. Paediatr Croat 2010; 54 (Supl 1): 147-153.

2. Kalibović Govorko D, Bečić T, Vukojević K, Mardešić-Brakus S, Biočina-Lukenda D, Saraga-Babić M. Spatial and temporal distribution of Ki-67 proliferation marker, Bcl-2 and Bax proteins in the developing human tooth. Arch Oral Biol. 2010 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 20732674

3. Koceic A, Mestrovic A, Vrdoljak L, Vukojevic K, Barac-Latas V, Drenjancevic-Peric I, Biocina-Lukenda D, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Analysis of the elective curriculum in undergraduate medical education in Croatia. Med Educ. 2010 Apr;44(4):387-95.

4. Polasek O, Mavrinac M, Jović A, Dzono Boban A, Biocina-Lukenda D, Glivetić T, Vasilj I, Petrovecki M. Undergraduate grade point average is a poor predictor of scientific productivity later in career. Coll Antropol. 2010 Mar;34 Suppl 1:1-5.

5. Pokupec JS, Gruden V, Biocina-Lukenda D.Salivation quantum--stomatopyrosis--autogenic training. Coll Antropol. 2009 Sep;33(3):867-72.

6. Biocina-Lukenda D, Blazić-Potocki Z, Lukenda J, Potocki-Karacić T. HIV infection, as opposed to antiretroviral therapy, does not cause changes in the concentration levels of specific salivary electrolytes. Coll Antropol. 2009 Mar;33(1):93-7.

7. Thongprasom K, Mravak-Stipetić M, Luckprom P, Canjuga I, Biocina-Lukenda D, Vidović-Juras D, Sikora M, Brailo V, Jirawechwongsakul S.Oral lichen planus: a retrospective comparative study between Thai and Croatian patients. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat. 2009;17(1):2-8.

8. Lukenda J, Biocina-Lukenda D.[Stent, endovascular prosthesis, net or strut? What would British dentist Charles Stent (1807-1885) have to say on all this? Lijec Vjesn. 2009 Jan-Feb;131(1-2):30-3.

9.Biocina-Lukenda D, Cekić-Arambasin A, Markeljević J, Buković D. Serum immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM in patients with oral lichen ruber. Coll Antropol. 2008 Mar;32(1):161-3.

Publications and other qualifications

  1. Biočina-Lukenda D. Oral diseases and systemic autoimmune disorders.. In: Cekić-Arambašin A. et al. Oral Medicine. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2005. p 149-62.

  2. Biočina-Lukenda D. Oral diseases and paraproteinamia and amiloidoses .In: Cekić-Arambašin A. et al. Oral Medicine. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2005. p 162-6.

  3. Biočina-Lukenda D. Oral diseases and vasculitis. In: Cekić-Arambašin A. et al. Oralna Medicina. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2005. p 166-8.

  4. Biočina-Lukenda D. Oral lichen ruber. In: Cekić-Arambašin A. et al. Oral Medicine. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2005. p 180-7.

  5. Janković S, Biočina-Lukenda D, Galić I, Franasović Đ. Inflammatory and other pathologic changes of periodont.. In: Dental radiography and radiology. Split: School of Medicine, University of Split., 2009. p. 133-147.

  6. Janković S, Galić I, Biočina-Lukenda D, Kašaj B. Disesases of themporomaniblar joint. In: Denta radiography and radiology. Split : School of Medicine, University of Split. 2009. p. 161-171.

  7. Nuzzolese E, Biočina-Lukenda D, Janković S, Prohić S, GalićI. Forensic importance od dental medicine radiology.. In: Denta radiography and radiology. Split : School of Medicine, University of Split. , 2009. P. 221-236.


  1. “The role of bacterial adherence in pathogenesis of oral lichen ruber”, Master thesisi; July, 2008. Mladen Klemenčić, dr.med.dent.

  2. “The importance of salivary calcium, magnesium and zinc in saliva in patients vith HIV”, Doctoral thesis, July 2008. mr.sc. Zita Blažić-Potočki, dr.med.dent.

  3. “Assessment of the role of interleukin 1 beta, interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha in malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia”, Doctoral thesis April 2009. mr.sc. Vlaho Brailo, dr.med.dent.

Last academic advancement

December /21th/2010


Oral medicine, Propedeutics in dental medicine, Gerontostomatology,

Oral medicine aspects of autoimmune diseases – elective course

Modern approach to oral precancerous – graduate study „Biology of neoplasms“


Professor Mladen Boban, MD., PhD.


University of Split, School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Short curriculum vitae

Born: July 21, 1964., Split, Croatia

Marital Status: Married, father of two children

Nationality: Croatian

Education and professional development

1989 University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Study in Split, Croatia

medical doctor (MD)

19 1989-1992 The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA,

Postdoctoral Fellowship

1995. University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Doctorate degree (PhD)

1996. Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine

2000. Associate Professor of Pharmacology, University of Split School of Medicine

2005. Full Professor of Pharmacology, University of Split School of Medicine

2010. Permanent position, Full Professor of Pharmacology, University of Split School of Medicine


1997. – 2001. Vicedean, University of Split School of Medicine

2001. – 2005. Dean, University of Split School of Medicine

2001. – 2004. President of Croatian Pharmacological Society

2009.- present, President of Commission "Safety and Health", International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Member of numerous Committees, Boards and Working groups in the Faculty, University and Ministry of science, education and sports of Republic of Croatia. Participation and organization of numerous scientific and professional meetings at national and international level.


1993 - continuously as a full time teacher participate in teaching of pharmacology in the graduate degree program and since 1996 - elective courses teacher at postgraduate programs, Universities of Zagreb and Split

1997- present, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, University of Split School of Medicine

1999 - present, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, University of Mostar School of Medicine

Previous grant support

2002-2006 Ministry of science and technology Republic of Croatia, scientific project 0216012, "Extracorporeal heart preservation", (Principal investigator)

2001 -2005 Ministry of science and technology Republic of Croatia, technological project TP-01/0216-05, "Beneficial effects of wine extracts from Dalmatian grape varieties on cardiovascular system" (Principal investigator).

2002-2004 Bilateral Croatian -Slovenian collaborative project "Pharmacology of cardiovascular system" (Senior researcher from Croatian side)

2006-2008 Bilateral Croatian -Slovenian collaborative project "Cardiovascular effects of wine and its constituents - experimental pharmacology" (senior researcher from Croatian side)

Active grant support

2007-2010 Ministry of science, education and sports of Republic of Croatia, Scientific program 2160547, "Biological effects of wine and Mediterranean medicinal herbs"

2007-2010 Ministry of science, education and sports of Republic of Croatia, Scientific project 216-2160547-0537, "Cardiovascular effects of wine and its constituents"(Principal investigator).

Scientific interest:

Experimental pharmacology of cardiovascular system, biological effects of wine and its constituents, oxidative stress.

List of publications (last 5 years)

  1. Obad A, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Breskovic T, Modun D, Boban M, Dujic Z. Successive deep dives impair endothelial function and enhance oxidative stress in man. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2010 Aug 15. [Epub ahead of print]

  2. Boban N, Tonkic M, Budimir D, Modun D, Sutlovic D, Punda-Polic V, Boban M. Antimicrobial effects of wine: separating the role of polyphenols, pH, ethanol, and other wine components. J Food Sci 2010;75(5):M322-326.

  3. Pattaro C, De Grandi A, Vitart V, Hayward C, Franke A, Aulchenko YS, Johansson A, Wild SH, Melville SA, Isaacs A, Polasek O, Ellinghaus D, Kolcic I, Nöthlings U, Zgaga L, Zemunik T, Gnewuch C, Schreiber S, Campbell S, Hastie N, Boban M, Meitinger T, Oostra BA, Riegler P, Minelli C, Wright AF, Campbell H, van Duijn CM, Gyllensten U, Wilson JF, Krawczak M, Rudan I, Pramstaller PP; EUROSPAN consortium. A meta-analysis of genome-wide data from five European isolates reveals an association of COL22A1, SYT1, and GABRR2 with serum creatinine level. BMC Med Genet. 2010;11:41.

  4. Köttgen A, Pattaro C, Böger CA, …, Boban M et al. New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet. 2010; 42(5):376-384.

  5. Boban M, Modun D. Uric acid and antioxidative effects of wine. Croatian Med J. 2010; 51:16-22.

  6. Boban N, Tonkic M, Modun D, Budimir D, Mudnic I, Sutlovic, D, Punda-Polic, V, Boban M. Thermally treated wine retains antimicrobial activity against food-borne pathogens. Food control. 2010; 21:1161-1165.ž

  7. Gunjaca G, Boban M, Pehlić M, Zemunik T, Budimir D, Kolčić I, Lauc G, Rudan I, Polašek O. Predictive value of 8 genetic loci for serum uric acid concentration. Croat Med J. 2010; 51:23-31.

  8. Jerončić I, Mulić R, Klišmanić Z, Rudan D, Boban M, Zgaga L. Interactions between genetic variants in glucose transporter type 9 (SLC2A9) and dietary habits in serum uric acid regulation. Croat Med J 2010; 51:40-47.

  9. Katalinić V, Smole Možina S, Skroza D, Generalić I, Abramovič H, Miloš M, Ljubenkov I, Piskernik S, Pezo I, Terpinc P and Boban M. Polyphenolic profile, antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity of grape skin extracts of 14 Vitis vinifera varieties grown in Dalmatia (Croatia). Food Chemistry 2010; 119:715-723.

  10. Mudnic I, Modun D, Rastija V, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Katalinic V, Kozina B, Medic-Saric M, Boban M. Antioxidative and vasodilatory effects of phenolic acids in wine. Food Chemistry 2010; 119:1205-1210.

  11. Katalinić V, Generalić I, Skroza D, Ljubenkov I, Teskera A, Konta I, Boban M. Insight in the phenolic composition and antioxidative properties of Vitis vinifera leaves extracts. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2010;1(2):7-15.

  12. Brizic I, Modun D, Vukovic J, Budimir D, Katalinic V, Boban M. Differences in vasodilatory response to red wine in rat and guinea pig aorta. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2009; 53:116-120.

  13. Rudan I, Marusić A, Janković S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, Grković I, Dogas Z, Zemunik T, Vatavuk Z, Bencić G, Rudan D, Mulić R, Krzelj V, Terzić J, Stojanović D, Puntarić D, Bilić E, Ropac D, Vorko-Jović A, Znaor A, Stevanović R, Biloglav Z, Polasek O. "10001 Dalmatians:" Croatia launches its national biobank. Croat Med J. 2009; 50:4-6.

  14. Polasek O, Marusić A, Rotim K, Hayward C, Vitart V, Huffman J, Campbell S, Janković S, Boban M, Biloglav Z, Kolcić I, Krzelj V, Terzić J, Matec L, Tometić G, Nonković D, Nincević J, Pehlić M, Zedelj J, Velagić V, Juricić D, Kirac I, Belak Kovacević S, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association study of anthropometric traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009; 50:7-16.

  15. Zemunik T, Boban M, Lauc G, Janković S, Rotim K, Vatavuk Z, Bencić G, Dogas Z, Boraska V, Torlak V, Susac J, Zobić I, Rudan D, Pulanić D, Modun D, Mudnić I, Gunjaca G, Budimir D, Hayward C, Vitart V, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association study of biochemical traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009; 50:23-33.

  16. Vukovic J, Modun D, Budimir D, Sutlovic D, Salamunic I, Zaja I, Boban M. Acute, food-induced moderate elevation of plasma uric acid protects against hyperoxia-induced oxidative stress and increase in arterial stiffness in healthy humans. Atherosclerosis, 2009; 207:255-260.

  17. Mudnic I, Modun D, Brizic I, Vukovic J, Generalic I, Katalinic V, Bilusic T, Ljubenkov I, Boban M. Cardiovascular effects in vitro of aqueous extract of wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca, L.) leaves. Phytomedicine. 2009;16:462-469.

  18. Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Katalinic V, Obad A, Palada I, Dujic Z, Boban M. The increase in human plasma antioxidant capacity after red wine consumption is due to both plasma urate and wine polyphenols. Atherosclerosis. 2008; 197:250-256.

  19. Luksic B, Brizic I, Lang Balija M, Modun D, Culic V, Halassy B, Salamunic I, Boban M. Dose dependent effects of standardized nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes ammodytes) venom on parameters of cardiac function in isolated rat heart. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2008; 147:434-440.

  20. Katalinic V, Ljubenkov I, Pezo I, Generalic I, Stricevic O, Milos M, Modun D, Boban M. Free resveratrol monomers in varietal red and white wines from Dalmatia (Croatia). Periodicum Biologorum 2008;110:77-83.

  21. Boban M, Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Salamunic I, Obad A, Palada I, Dujic Z. Red wine induced modulation of vascular function: separating the role of polyphenols, ethanol and urates. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2006; 47:695-701.

  22. Modun D, Music I, Katalinic V, Dujic Z, Boban M. Glycerol and ethanol in red wine are responsible for urate-related increase in plasma antioxidant capacity. Clin Chem. 2006; 52:785-787

Publications and other qualifications

Educational texts:

1. M Boban. Ishemijsko-reperfuzijska oštećenja miokarda. In: Hitna stanja u kardiologiji i angiologiji. Editors: Polić S, Lukin A. Znanstvena jedinica KB "Split" 1995;155-169.

2. M. Boban (translation). FH Lovejoy, CH Linden. Akutno trovanje i predoziranje lijekova. In: Principi interne medicine. Editors: KJ Isselbacher, E Braunwald, JD Wilson, JB Martin, AS Fauci, DL Kasper, 1. hrvatsko izdanje, Placebo, Split, 1997, 2143 - 2166.

3. M Boban. Ishemijsko-reperfuzijska oštećenja miokarda. In: Hitna stanja u kardiologiji i angiologiji (second changed edition). Editors: Polić S, Lukin A. Jedinica za znanstveni rad, KB "Split" 1999;219-236.

4. M. Boban. Opći anestetici. In: "Medicinska farmakologija". Editors: M Bulat, J Geber, Z Lacković. Medicinska naklada – Zagreb, 2001;172-177.

5. M. Boban. Antiaritmici. In: "Medicinska farmakologija". Editors: M Bulat, J Geber, Z Lacković. Medicinska naklada – Zagreb, 2001;202-214

6. M.Boban .(translation) Srce; Krvožilni sustav; Ateroskleroza i metabolizam lipoproteina; Hemostaza i tromboza; Hematopoezni sustav. In: "Farmakologija". Editors: Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Moore PK. Prvo hrvatsko izdanje. Zagreb: Golden marketing- Tehnička knjiga; 2006;264-339.

7. Boban, Mladen, Bradamante, Vlasta; Klarica, Marijan; Šalković-Petrišić, Melita; Trkulja, Vladimir; Tućan-Foretić, Milica; Tvrdeić Ante. "Farmakološki priručnik". Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2008.

Reviewer of several textbooks and other educational materials. Founder of experimental pharmacology in Split and head of the Department of pharmacology since established.

Last academic advancement

July 2010.




Professor Lovro Bojić, MD, PhD

Place of employment

University Hospital Center " Split", Split, Department of Ophthalmology



Personal web-page


Short CV

Born in Split, October 19, 1949. Graduated from The Medical School of the University of Zagreb, in 1974.

From 1977 until 1980 working as physician in Sinj.

From 1980-1983 completed residency in Ophthalmology at the Department of Ophthalmology at the Military hospital in Split and at the Department of ophthalmology of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.

From 1983 until 1993, working as ophthalmologist - specialist at the Military hospital in Split. From 1993, working at the Departemnet of ophthalmology , Clinical Hospital center Split, Split as the Chief of the department for eye inflammation, degenerative eye diseases and orbital tumors.

Received Masters Degree in 1986 from The Medical School of the University of Zagreb with master thesis: “The role of hyperbaric oxygenation on visual field and intraocular pressure in diagnosis of open - angle primary glaucoma "

Received his PhD in 1990 from The Medical School of the University of Zagreb, with doctoral thesis: " The long term effects of hyperbaric oxygen on visual field in patients with open- angle glaucoma"

In 1999 become an assistant lecturer of Ophthalmology at the Medical School, University of Split. In 1999, earned Primarius title.

Became an associated professor of Ophthalmology at the Medical School, University of Split, in 2004.

In 2009, granted tenure on the faculty as the professor of Ophthalmology at the Medical School, University of Split.

Published 130 scientific articles, among which 33 in Current Contents, 5 in SCI, and 32 in Index Medicus and other referenced journals.

Specialty of work: glaucoma and neuroophthalmology

The list of papers in the last 5 years

1. Bojić L, Ermacora R, Ivanišević M, Galetović M, Mandić Z, Novak-Lauš K, Cerovski B. Doppler-echocardiographic characteristics of left ventricular function in patients with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma. Coll Anropol 2005;29 (Suppl):5-8.

2. Mandić Z, Petric I, Benčić G, Vatavuk Z, Bojić L. Postoperative outcomes after implantation of intraocular lenses in eyes with cataract and uveitis. Coll Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):9-12.

3. Novak-Lauš K, Mandić Z, Iveković R, Koršić J, Tedeschi-Reiner E, Masner-Paškvalin S, Bojić L. Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in glaucoma associated with uveitis. Coll Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):17-20.

4.Stiglmayer N, Lešin M, Juri J, Ivanišević M, Bojić L, Rogošić V. Treatment of ocular motility disturbances in Graves disease with botulinum toxin A. Coll Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):41-6.

5. Galetović D, Karlica D, Bojić L, Znaor Lj. Bilateral cortical blidness-Anton syndrome. Coll Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):145-7.

6. Cerovski B, Vidović T, Petriček I, Popović-Suić S, Kordić R, Bojić L, Cerovski J, Kovačević S. Multiple sclerosis and neuro-ophthalmologic manifestation. Coll Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):153-7.

7. Bojić L, Ermacora R, Polić S, Ivanišević M, Mandić Z, Rogošić V, Lešin M. Pseudoexfolation syndrome and asymptomatic myocardial dysfunction.

Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2005;243:446-9.

8. Cerovski B, Vidović T, Papa J, Cerovski J, Bojić L. Minor head trauma and isolated unilateral internuclear ophthalmolplegia. J Emerg Med 2006:31:165-7.

9. Bojić L, Rogošić V, Ivanišević M, Matijaca M, Lušić I, Pintarić I, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Račić G. Progression of optic neuritis to multiple sclerosis in the County of Split-Dalmatia, Croatia. Coll Antropol 2007;31:557-60.

10.Lešin M, Bojić L, Romac R, Ivanišević M, Galetović D, Rogošić V. Effect of botulinum toxin-A injection on intraocular pressure and proptosis in thyroid assiociated orbitopathy. Coll Antropoll 2009;33:1155-61.

11. Bojić L, Ivanišević M, Mandić M. Argonska ili selektivna trabekuloplastika u liječenju glaukoma otvorenog kuta. Acta Med Croat 2006;60:97-9.

12. Kovačić Ž, Ivanišević M, Stanić R, Bojić L, Čapkun V. Additive therapy with carbonanhydrase inhibitors for open angle glaucoma previously treated with timolol** 0.5% drops. Acta Med Croat 2007;61:417-9.

13. Ivanišević M, Bojić L, Lešin M, Žuljan M, Bućan K, Kovačić Ž. Primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction:epidemiological analysis of 91 patients. Med Jad 2007;37:37-41.

14. Đogaš Z, Valić M, Pecotić R, Pupić MC, Carev M, Bojić L, Račić G.

Sleep disorders breathing. Acta Med Croat 2008;130:69-77.

15. Kljajić Z, Bojić L. Visual acuity and acute angle closure glaucoma in Split-Dalmatia County. Acta Clin Croat 2008;47:137-40.

16. Rošćić V, Bojić L, Marović T. The incidence of nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropaty . Acta Med Croat 2009;63:169-72.

17. Kovačić Ž, Stanić R, Rogošić V, Bojić L, Ivanišević M, Ćapkun V. The effect of travaprost 0.004% as an adjuvant therapy to timolol 0.5%. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:31-3.

18.Ivanišević M, Bojić L, Bučan K, Kovačić Ž. De Erwin Treu- the first permanent ophthalmologist in Split. Lijec Vjesn 2009;131:233-5.

19. Rogošić V, Bojić L, Puizina-Ivić N, Vanjaka-Rogošić l, Titlić M, Kovačević D, Duplančić D, Sapunar D, Đogaš Z. Vitiligo and glaucoma- ana association or coincidence ? A pilot study. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2010;18:21-6.

20. Jurinović B, Bojić L. Uzroci i liječenje neovaskularnog glaucoma. Ophthalmol Croat 2004;13:13-6. (publiciran 2009)

20. Bojić L, Ivanišević M, Rogošić V, Galetović D, Lešin M. Orbital meningiomas-clinical observation. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46 (Supl):7-11.

21. Galetović D, Bojić L. Bućan K, Karlica D, Znaor Lj. Retinal vein occlusion by arterial wall plaque in hereditary amyloidosis. Acta Clin Croat 2008;47 (Suppl):73-5.

Published works and other qualifications

Published scientific research; Master of Science Degree; Doctor of Philosophy Degree PhD; authored chapters in Ophthalmology textbook; undergraduate and gradate student mentorship; received high student evaluation for lectures, seminars and practical courses.

Reviewer of journals, both Croatian and foreign, of ophthalmology and neurology.

Date of last elecion

July 16, 2009, Professor of Ophthalmology




Assistant Professor Vesna Boraska, BSc, PhD


University of Split Medical School



Personal Web page


Short curriculum vitae

In 2001 I obtained BSc degree at Department of Biology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In 2008. I obtained PhD degree at the same University. I conducted my PhD thesis entitled „Inheritance of Vitamin D Receptor, Tumour Necrosis Factor and Lymphotoxin Alpha Gene Polymorphisms in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Families“ under supervision of Prof. Tatijana Zemunik. I have been employed as a scientific novice at Department of Medical Biology, Split University Medical School since 2002. In 2008 I became Assistant, following that year I was upgraded to Higher Assistant and finally in 2010 I became Assistant Professor.

Human genetics, mainly genetics of complex diseases, is the main filed of my scientific interests. During my employment I was collaborator on several projects: “Genetic study of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Dalmatian population” and “Genetic Epidemiology of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Croatian Population” supervised by Prof. Tatijana Zemunik and “Croatian Biobank: Resource for Analyzing Health and Disease Determinants in Population” supervised by Prof. Igor Rudan. I have been continually following the latest advancements from the field of statistical genetics and bioinformatics through participation to theoretical and practical advanced courses, summer schools and scientific meetings. During 2007 I conducted 4 months study visit in the area of statistical genetics at the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics, University of Oxford in the group of Prof. Mark McCarthy. During 2010 I conducted 11 months postdoctoral research in the field of analysis and interpretation of genome-wide association studies at Human Genetics Department, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK supervised by Dr. Eleftheria Zeggini.

List of publications (last 5 years)

Boraska V, Rayner NW, Groves CJ, Frayling TM, Diakite M, Rockett KA, Kwiatkowski DP, Day-Williams AG, McCarthy MI, Zeggini E. Large-scale association analysis of TNF/LTA gene region polymorphisms in type 2 diabetes. BMC Med Genet. 2010;6;11:69

Bucan K, Ivanisevic M, Zemunik T, Boraska V, Skrabic V, Vatavuk Z, Galetovic D, Znaor L. Retinopathy and nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients--association with polymorphysms of vitamin D-receptor, TNF, Neuro-D and IL-1 receptor 1 genes. Coll Antropol. 2009;Suppl 2:99-105.

Boraska V, Torlak V, Skrabic V, Kacic Z, Jaksic J, Stipancic G, Spehar A, Markotic A, Zemunik T. Glycosyltransferase B4GALNT1 and type 1 diabetes in Croatian population. Clin Biochem. 2009 Jun;42(9):819-22

Zemunik T, Boban M, Lauc G, Janković S, Rotim K, Vatavuk Z, Bencic G, Dogas Z, Boraska V, Torlak V, Susac J, Zobic I, Rudan D, Pulanic D, Hayward C, Vitart V, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association study of biochemical traits in Korcula island, Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009;50:23-33

Biloglav Z, Zgaga L, Smoljanovic M, Hayward C, Polasek O, Kolcic I, Vitart V, Zemunik T, Boraska V, Torlak V, Mulic R, Ropac D, Grkovic I, Rudan D, Ristic S, Barbalic M, Campbell H, Wright AF, Hastie N, Rudan I. Historic, demographic and genetic evidence suggests that highly letal 15th century epidemics increased population frequencies of CCR5Δ32 mutation in Croatian island isolates. Croat Med J. 2009;50:34-42.

Boraska V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Rayner NW, Skrabic V, Diakite M, Rockett KA, Kwiatkowski D, McCarthy MI, Zemunik T. Family-based analysis of tumour necrosis factor and lymphotoxin alpha tag polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes in the population of South Croatia. Hum Immunol. 2009;70(3):195-9.

Boraska V, Skrabic V, Culic VC, Becic K, Kapitanovic S, Zemunik T. Association of TNF promoter polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes in the South Croatian population. Biol Res. 2008;41:157-63.

Boraska V, Skrabic V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Buljubasic M, Peruzovic M, Zemunik T. Family-based analysis of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and type 1 diabetes in the population of South Croatia. J Hum Genet. 2008;53:210-214

Boraska V, Terzic J, Skrabic V, Cacev T, Bucevic-Popovic V, Peruzovic V, Markotic A, Zemunik T. NeuroD1 Gene and Interleukin-18 Gene Polymorphisms in Type 1 Diabetes in Dalmatian Population of Southern Croatia. Croat Med J. 2006. 47:571-578

Boraska Jelavic T, Barisic M, Drmic I, Boraska V, Vrdoljak E, Peruzovic M, Hozo I, Puljiz Z, Terzic J. Microsatelite GT Polymorphism In The Toll-Like Receptor 2 Is Associated With Colorectal Cancer. Clin Genet 2006. 70:156-160

Zemunik T*, Skrabic V*, Boraska V*, Diklic D, Marinovic Terzic I, Capkun V, Peruzovic M, and Terzic J. FokI polymorphism, Vitamin D receptor and Interleukin-1 receptor haplotypes are associated with type 1 diabetes in the Dalmatian population. J Mol Diagn. 2005 Nov;7(5):600-4. (*authors contributed equally to the paper)

Markotic A, Culic VC, Kurir TT, Meisen I, Buntemeyer H, Boraska V, Zemunik T, Petri N, Mesaric M, Peter-Katalinic J, Muthing J. Oxygenation alters ganglioside expression in rat liver following partial hepatectomy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005;330:131-41

Publications and other qualifications


2009-2010. Postdoctoral research in the Applied Statistics team supervised by Dr. Eleftheria Zeggini, Human Genetics Department, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

2010. Using Unix at the Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, 23rd March 2010

2010. Beginner's guide to R course, Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, 15th -16th February 2010

2008. British Council Training Workshop: “Building a Successful International Research Career”, Lisbon, 2nd – 4th December 2008

2008. Continual Medical Education “Skills in Medical Education and Scientific Work”, 11th -13th February 2008, Medical School, University of Split

2007. Study visit in the area of statistical genetics at the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics, University of Oxford in the group of Prof. Mark McCarthy, 1st February – 15th June 2007

2007. Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: “Working with the HapMap”, 2nd -5th April 2007, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

2006. 1st MedILS Summer School “Structure and Evolution: from Bench to Terminal”, from 18th-22nd July 2006, Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences, Split, Croatia

2005. FEBS & UNESCO-ICRO Advanced Course “Modern Approach in Genome Analysis for Medical Application”, 5th-18th June 2005, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia

2004. Practical Course, “Introductory Statistics and Research Methods And Getting Started With SPSS”, 24th-27th August 2004, organized by Centre for Applied Medical Statistics-University of Cambridge, Split

2004. ICGEB Course, “First LatinAmerican Course on Human Disease Gene Mapping”, 12th-16th July 2004, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia

2004. Practical Course, “Introduction to Bioinformatics”, 5th-7th July 2004, University of Zagreb

2004. Continual Medical Education “Writing of a Scientific Paper”, 13th-15th April 2004, Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) organisation


2010. Lecture “Genome-wide meta-analysis of brachial circumference“, 15th June 2010, Human Genetics Team Talks, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.

2010. Presentation “Analysis and interpretation of large-scale association studies: application to the 10,001 Dalmatians data”, 9th March 2010, Statistical genetics meetings, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

2009. Lecture on Science Festival “Mutation: a driving force of evolution”, 22nd April 2009 at Medical School, University of Split, Split, Croatia

2008. Participation in the FameLab final, a competition in short scientific talks, organised by British Council in Croatia

2004.-2008. Lecturer of “Marine Ecology” at the rescue course in organization of Red Cross Service for Lifeguard on the Sea Water

2008. “Hybrid course in non-invasive prenatal diagnosis“, at European school of genetic medicine’s remote training center Split (Croatia), February 24th-25th, 2008.

2007. An on-line article on new discoveries of genetic background of obesity, http://www.glasdalmacije.com/?show=0&article=342

2004. Lecture on genetic modified organisms; Secondary school of Natural Sciences; Split

Last academic advancement



“Biology with genetics” (student lab/practicum + seminars) – Dental studies study, University of Split, School of Medicine, 2007/08, 08/09.

“Medical biology” (student lab/practicum + seminars) – Medical study, University of Split, School of Medicine, 2003/04; 04/05; 05/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09, 09/10.

“Genetic basis of development” (student lab/practicum) - Medical study, University of Split, School of Medicine, 2005/2006, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09.

“Genetics of type 1 diabetes” (student lab/practicum) - Medical study, University of Split, School of Medicine, 2005/2006, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09

“How do tumours develop?” (student lab/practicum) - Medical study, University of Split, School of Medicine, 2005/2006, 06/07, 07/08

“An Introduction to scientific work” (student lab/practicum + seminars) – Vocational Study Nursing - University of Split, School of Medicine, 2008/2009.

“Molecular biology in medicine” (student lab/practicum) – Vocational Study Nursing - University of Split, School of Medicine, 2003/2004; 04/05

“Molecular biology in medicine” (student lab/practicum) – Vocational Study Nursing – Department for vocational studies, University of Split, 2004/05


“Cytogenetics of tumors” (seminar) – postgraduate studies “Tumor biology”, University of Split, School of Medicine, 2007/08, 08/09

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