Examination psychiatry and narcology tests for foreign students

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1. Call a symptom of frustration of perception:

A) nonsense

B) illusions

c) euphoria

d) fears
2. Call a symptom of frustration of thinking:

A) supervaluable ideas

B) hallucinations

c) stupor

d) adynamy

3. Call a symptom of frustration of consciousness:

A) rituals

B) attack

c) devocalization

d) anestaz

4. Call a symptom of disorder of emotion:

A) nonsense

B) illusions

c) euphoria

d) fears
5. Call a symptom of frustration of will:

A) pseudo-hallucinations

B) stupor


d) dementia
6. Call a symptom of frustration of inclinations:

A) anorexia

B) stupor

c) derealization

d) persistence
7. Call a symptom of frustration of intelligence:

A) devocalization

B) illusions

c) mental retardation

d) fears
8. Call a symptom of disorder of memory:

A) dementia

B) amnesia

c) hallucinations

d) abulia

9. Call manifestation of a syndrome of mental automatism (Kandinsky Klerambo):

A) amention

B) pseudo-hallucinations

c) alarm

d) hypomania
10. Call manifestation of an affective syndrome:

A) weak-mindedness

B) persistence

c) depression

d) amnesia

11. Call manifestation of a katatonichesky syndrome:

A) hallucinosis

B) stupor

c) depression

d) amnesia
12. Call manifestation of a gebefrenichesy syndrome:

A) oneiric

B) abulia

c) silliness

d) konfabulyats

13. Call manifestation of a neurotic syndrome:

A) weak-mindedness

B) devocalization

c) neurasthenia

d) ideas of an inclination

14. Call manifestations of a psychopathic syndrome:

A) trance

B) irascibility

c) euphoria

d) illusions
15. Call manifestation of a convulsive syndrome:

A) derealization

B) aura

c) ambivalence

d) senestopatiya
16. Call manifestation of a twilight condition of consciousness:

A) silliness

B) stupor

c) mania

d) sleepwalking
17. At an ortastatichesky collapse the patient receiving neuroleptics needs to enter:

A) Azaleptin

B) diazepam

c) Inosine

d) Piracetam
18. At nevrozopodobny symptomatology the patient, as a rule appoint:

A) haloperidol


c) cyclodale

d) azaleptini
19. At knocking over at hypoglycemic a coma against an insulinoterapiya the patient needs to conduct:

A) glucose of 40%

B) reopoligljukin

c) haemo misinformation

d) poligljukin

20. At psychomotor excitement the patient needs to enter:


b) haloperidol

c) amitriptyline

d) aminazine

21. List frustration of consciousness:

A) deliriya

B) coma

c) stupor

d) aggression

22. The clonic phase of an epileptic seizure lasts:

A) 5-8minut

B) 3-5 minutes

c) 8-10minut

d) 10-15minut
23. At the epileptic status of the patient needs:

A) seduksen intravenously

B) triftazin

c) haloperidol

d) aminazine

24. At serial epileptic seizures the patient needs to enter:

A) aminazine


c) magnesia sulfate of 25%

d) amitriptyline

25. Patients with suicide intentions need in:

A) mode 2

B) strict supervision

c) mode 3

d) free mode
26. At parkinsonism resulting from treatment by psychotropic drugs appoint:

A) aminazine

b) cyclodale

c) tramadol

d) analgin
27. At emergence a deliriya to the patient appoint:

A) dezintoksikatsionny therapy

B) the general strengthening therapy

c) dehydrational therapy

d) vitaminterapiya

28. Patients in a depression have to be treated in:

A) free mode

b) mode 3

c) to supervising chamber

d) mode 2

29. Storage and distribution of strong psychotropic, narcotic drugs has to be made:

A) junior medical staff

B) nurse

c) sister, mistress

d) attending physician
30. Before parenteral introduction of psychopharmacological preparations the nurse puts on:

A) apron

B) boot covers

c) dressing gown

d) mask
31. The office on storage and distribution of neuroleptics has to be equipped:

A) bedside table

B) case A and B

c) clothes

d) distributing
32. List the main frustration of perception:

A) hallucinations

B) intoxications

c) faint

d) aura
33. List frustration of will:

A) abulia

B) apathy

c) amnesia

d) autism

34. List memory violations:

A) hyperthermia

B) amnesia

c) tachycardia

d) stutter
35. List types frustration of intelligence:

A) abulia

B) mental retardation

c) stupor

d) apathy
36. List options of a course of schizophrenia:

A) easy

B) simple

c) katotonichesky

d) circular
36. List options of a course of schizophrenia:

A) easy

B) simple

c) catatonic

d) circular

37. List the main syndromes of alcoholic psychoses:

A) deliriya

B) amention

c) sharp hallucinosis

d) aneroid

38. List phases of affective psychoses:

A) manikalny, depressive, convulsive

B) radial, small, stuporny

C) moderate

D) easy, moderate, heavy

39. List degrees mental retardation:

A) easy, moderate, heavy

B) easy, beautiful, moderate

C) extremely heavy, sad

D) depressive, convulsive, raised

40. List types of neurosises:

A) adynamy, hysterical, neurasthenia

B) angry, sad, raised

C) adynamy

D) emotional, sad, nevrozny

41. The depression is:

A) sad mood

B) oppressed mood

c) the lowered mood

d) the increased mood
41. The depression is:

A) sad mood

B) oppressed mood

c) the lowered mood

d) the increased mood

43. Psychotropic means are:

A) neuroleptics, anticonvulsive, tranquilizers

B) insulin

C) anticonvulsive

D) rheumatic preparations

44. Tranquilizers are:

A) seduksen, diazepam, relanium

B) aminazine, triftazin, inosine

c) diazepam, analginum,cardiomagnil

d) амитриптилин, cardiomagnil, sibazon

45. The jet state is:

A) condition of sharp psychosis

B) chronic psychosis

c) subsharp psychosis

d) agitation
46. Serial epileptic attacks are:

A) maniacal

B) status epilepticus

c) sostativny

d) depressive
47. Enter into group of narcotic preparations:

A) caffeine

B) baralgin

c) cyclodale


48. Magazines for the accounting of an expenditure of narcotic preparations have to be stored:

A) in a procedural office – in the safe

B) in a procedural office in a case

C) on a post

D) in a drugstore

49. Ampoules with narcotic are stored:

A) on a post

B) in a case of B

c) in registry

d) in the safe in a procedural office
50. Euphoria is:

А). special option of mania

B) high spirits with irritability

C) qualitative gradation of mania

D) serene and complacent pleasure with insufficient criticism to the state
51. What of the listed preparations treat group of antidepressants?

A) Haloperidol

B) amitriptyline

C) finlepsin

D) aminazine
52. What preparations belong to group of neuroleptics?

A) triftazin

B) amitriptyline

C) finlepsin

D) piracetam

53. What preparations belong to group of nootrop?

A) Haloperidol

B) piportil

C) Pipolfen

54. What isn't characteristic of pseudo-hallucinations:

A) aren't projected in real space

B) have no nature of objective reality

C) differ in the validity, plausibility

D) are endured as something made, enclosed, caused

55. Kandinsky-Klerambo's syndrome includes:

A) true and pseudo-hallucinations

B) pseudo-hallucinations and nonsense of influence

C) out-patient avtomatizm

D) pseudo-reminiscences
57. Use of antidepressants causes the following

collateral complications:

A) restlessness

B) dryness in a mouth, disorders of coordination

C) aggression

D) hallucinations
59. What of the provided statements truly describes

concept of aggravation:

А). weights of the existing manifestations

diseases or degrees of morbidity

Б). imitation of an illness or painful symptoms

В). gravity or weight of existing


Г). progressing of an illness
60. What statements are characteristic of pseudo-hallucinations:

А). aren't projected in real space

Б). have no nature of objective reality

В). differ in the validity, plausibility

Г). are endured as something made, enclosed, caused

61. What of the provided characteristics don't treat crazy ideas:

А). conviction in their validity

Б). painful basis of emergence

В). inaccessibility of psychological correction

Г). qualitatively truly reflect the real facts
62. As the condition of the broken consciousness with violation of orientation and true visual hallucinations is called:

А). devocalization

B) amention

C) dementia

D) deliriya
63. What mental disorder most often meets at atrophic processes of a brain:

A) depression

B) psychomotor excitement

C) dementia

D) hallucinations and nonsense

64. The leading frustration at somatogenic psychoses is:

A) hallucinations and nonsense

B) obscuring of consciousness

C) obsessivno-compulsive frustration

D) katatonichesky symptoms
65. To what type of nonsense conviction of the patient in transformation of the organism into a body of other person or an animal belongs:

A) nonsense of a performance

B) nonsense of a metamorphosis

C) nonsense of obsession

D) nigilistic nonsense
66. Are classified by sense organs of a hallucination on: (to exclude the incorrect answer)

A) Visual

B) hypnagogic

C) Acoustical

D) Tactile
67. Giperesteziya is:

A) sensitivity reduction of the threshold

B) unusual feelings in a body

C) feeling in a body of foreign matters

D) increase of a threshold of sensitivity on irritations
68. The nonsense is divided by contents on: (exclude the form relating to other classification)


B) perkutorny

C) hypochondriac

D) self-abasements

69. By what directive documents the service of mental health is guided?

A) Law "About Health Protection"

B) Law "About Mental Health Services and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens at Her Rendering"

C) law "About Mentality"

D) law "zdrovye"
70. In psychiatry carry to paraclinical methods of inspection: to exclude the incorrect answer)

A) electroencephalography

B) experimental psychological examination

C) skull radiography

D) clinical poll
71. At what frustration the hereditary otyagoshchennost most often comes to light: (to choose the correct answer)

A) post-traumatic stressful frustration

B) epilepsy

C) somatoformny rasstroychstvo

D) generalized disturbing frustration
72. At what frustration the hereditary otyagoshchennost most often comes to light:

A) post-traumatic stressful frustration

B) epilepsy

C) somatoformny rasstroychstvo

D) generalized disturbing frustration
73. Allocate the following types of dementia at Alzheimer's disease:

A) with the early beginning

B) with the sharp beginning

C) with the late beginning

D) moderately progressing type

74. Is the most frequent reason of dementia at elderly:

A) multiple heart attacks of a brain

B) hydrocephaly with normal pressure

C) Alzheimer's disease

D) illness of Gentington

75. Dementia at Alzheimer's disease with the early beginning of development:

A) till 65 years

B) till 70 years

C) till 75 years

D) 90-100 years
76. Sharp organic mental disorders are usually characterized:

A) existence of pseudo-hallucinations

B) confusion of consciousness

C) disorientation

D) memory loss
77. Prevalence of an involvement of a frontal lobe at an illness of Peak the following signs testify:

A) sight violations

B) coarsening of social behavior

C) incoordination of movements

D) aphasia
78. Easy degree of alcoholic intoxication develops at the content of ethyl alcohol in blood:

a) 0,3 - 1,0 g/l

b) 0,5 - 1,5 g/l

c) 1,0 - 2,0 g/l

d) 1,5 - 3,0 g/l

79. Average degree of alcoholic intoxication develops at the content of ethyl alcohol in blood:

a) 0,3 - 1,0 g/l

b) 0,5 - 1,5 g/l

c) 1,5 - 2,5 g/l

d) 2,5 - 3,5 g/l
80. Alcoholic deliriya develops:

A) in the first days after the termination of reception or decrease in doses of alcohol

B) within a week after the termination of reception or decrease in doses of alcohol

C) in the first years of abuse

D) lasting abuse more than 5 years
81. The alcoholic nonsense of jealousy is characterized:

A) affective saturation

B) plausibility and monotopicality

C) sharp development

D) combination to hallucinations

82. Specific symptoms of a katatonichesky stupor at katatonichesky schizophrenia, not characteristic of other types of a stupor, are:

A) decrease in reactions on surrounding and activities

B) wax flexibility

C) symptom of "airbag"

D) lack of contact
83. Typical signs sharp and tranzitornykh

psychotic frustration, are:

a) the sharp beginning in (a current of two weeks)

b) duration of frustration is up to 3 months

c) an exit in dementia

d) quickly changing and various clinical picture

84. Diagnostic criteria of mania are:

A) signs of the inadequate increased mood proceed not less than 1 month

B) usual working capacity remains and

social activity

c) acceleration of a current of thoughts or subjective feeling of "gallop of ideas"

d) decrease in normal social control
85. What of the listed symptoms are obligatory in a depressive episode:

A) decrease in mood

B) sleep disorder of any type

C) loss of interests and pleasure

D) decrease in an energetichnost

86. To chronic (affective) frustration

moods belong:

a) bipolar affective disorder

b) shizoaffektivny frustration

c) rekkurentny depressive frustration

d) tsiklotimiya

87. The following preparations have Normotimichesky effect:

a) to fenozepa

b) carbonic lithium

c) Prozac

d) I koaksit
88. Generalized disturbing frustration can proceed:

А). current of month

B) within a week

C) within 2 weeks

D) has an undulating current and lasts for years
89. Patients with somatoformny frustration usually occur on reception at doctors:

A) psychiatrist

B) only at psychotherapists

C) family doctor

D) pathologist

90. Intellectual backwardness of easy degree comes to light generally:

A) at infantile age

B) at younger school age

C) at pubertatny age

D) at mature age
91. To clinical markers of intellectual backwardness

the following belongs:

a) progrediyentnost

b) neprogrediyentnost

c) mentality underdevelopment

d) safety of critical opportunities

92. The effect of application of tranquilizers is swept up already on average through:

A) 1-3 days

B) 1-2 weeks

C) 1 month

D) 4 months

93. What of the listed preparations treat group of antidepressants:

A) chlorpromazine

B) amitriptyline

C) haloperidol

D) carbamazepine
94. The most "powerful" neuroleptics with mainly antipsychotic action are:

A) chlorpromazine (aminazine)

B) trifluoperazine (triftazin)


D) haloperidol

95. The indication for purpose of nootrop are:

1.komatoznye conditions of various nature

2.pervichno – degenerate diseases of a brain

3.mental retardation to increase the degree of learning

4.psycho-organic syndrome resulting neuroinfections , intoxication , traumatic brain injury

96. By strong tranquilizers include the following drugs :
A) Alprazolam ( kassadan )

B) Phenazepamum

B) lorazepam

D) Grandaxinum
97. Frustration of the personality on character of a current:

A) maloprogrediyentny

B) progrediyentny

C) rekkurentny

D) stable
98. Constant sign of disturbing frustration lich-

to Nosta is:

a) the increased requirement physical and mental


b) povysheknny suggestibility

c) difficulties of formation of the communicative speech

d) emotional flatness
99. Anankastny frustration of the personality is characterized:

A) constantly fluctuating obsessiya and phobias

B) an inadequate obolstitelnost in appearance

C) excessive tendency to doubts and care

D) heartless indifference to feelings of others
100. To disorders of sexual identification




3.rasstroystva puberty


51. What of the listed preparations treat group of antidepressants?

A) Haloperidol

B) amitriptyline

C) finlepsin

D) aminazine
101. What preparations belong to group of neuroleptics?

A) triftazin

B) amitriptyline

C) finlepsin

D) piracetam

102. What preparations belong to group of nootrop?

A) Haloperidol

B) piportil

C) Pipolfen

103. What isn't characteristic of pseudo-hallucinations:

A) aren't projected in real space

B) have no nature of objective reality

C) differ in the validity, plausibility

D) are endured as something made, enclosed, caused

104. Kandinsky-Klerambo's syndrome includes:

A) true and pseudo-hallucinations

B) pseudo-hallucinations and nonsense of influence

C) out-patient avtomatizm

D) pseudo-reminiscences
105. The hallucination is always a sign mental


a) yes

b) no
106. Use of antidepressants causes the following

collateral complications:

A) restlessness

B) dryness in a mouth, disorders of coordination

C) aggression

D) hallucinations
107. Mentally retarded children in degree of a deficiency of intellect:

a) are trained

b) aren't trained
108. What of the provided statements truly describes

concept of aggravation:

А). weights of the existing manifestations

diseases or degrees of morbidity

Б). imitation of an illness or painful symptoms

В). gravity or weight of existing


Г). progressing of an illness
109. What statements are characteristic of pseudo-hallucinations:

А). aren't projected in real space

Б). have no nature of objective reality

В). differ in the validity, plausibility

Г). are endured as something made, enclosed, caused

110. What of the provided characteristics don't treat crazy ideas:

А). conviction in their validity

Б). painful basis of emergence

В). inaccessibility of psychological correction

Г). qualitatively truly reflect the real facts
111. As the condition of the broken consciousness with violation of orientation and true visual hallucinations is called:

А). devocalization

B) amention

C) dementia

D) deliriya
112. What mental disorder most often meets at atrophic processes of a brain:

A) depression

B) psychomotor excitement

C) dementia

D) hallucinations and nonsense

113. The leading frustration at somatogenic psychoses is:

A) hallucinations and nonsense

B) obscuring of consciousness

C) obsessivno-compulsive frustration

D) katatonichesky symptoms
114. To what type of nonsense conviction of the patient in transformation of the organism into a body of other person or an animal belongs:

A) nonsense of a performance

B) nonsense of a metamorphosis

C) nonsense of obsession

D) nigilistic nonsense
115. Are classified by sense organs of a hallucination on: (to exclude the incorrect answer)

A) Visual

B) hypnagogic

C) Acoustical

D) Tactile
116. Giperesteziya is:

A) sensitivity reduction of the threshold

B) unusual feelings in a body

C) feeling in a body of foreign matters

D) increase of a threshold of sensitivity on irritations
117. The nonsense is divided by contents on: (exclude the form relating to other classification)


B) perkutorny

C) hypochondriac

D) self-abasements

118. By what directive documents the service of mental health is guided?

A) Law "About Health Protection"

B) Law "About Mental Health Services and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens at Her Rendering"

C) law "About Mentality"

D) law "zdrovye"
119. In psychiatry carry to paraclinical methods of inspection: to exclude the incorrect answer)

A) electroencephalography

B) experimental psychological examination

C) skull radiography

D) clinical poll
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