Interviewer: Welcome to today's programme. Today we will be discussing the1___________, and asking the question: Should we allow newspapers and television channels to print or say whatever they like? In the studio I have television personality Timothy Blake and 2______________ Rupert Potbelly, multimillionaire owner of the Daily Views newspaper. Timothy, let's start with you.
T.B.: Thank you. In my opinion, it's time the government imposed stricter3__________ of the press in order to prevent4________________ journalists and reporters from making money by 5_____________________ people. I have often accused Mr. Potbelly‟s organisation of6___________________ - nowadays I can't even sunbathe in my garden without being photographed by his hoards of 7_________-________ They're like vultures. And everything they print about me is lies, complete rubbish.
Interviewer: But isn't it true that the media provides us with valuable 8_____________ and 9_____________________, and censorship would deprive us of much of this? Rupert?
R.P.: Of course. Mr. Blake's accusations are unfounded, as are the accusations of
10_________________we have received and I can safely say that my journalists never pay people money to create stories. We are simply reporting the truth. Of course, if Mr. Blake wants to sue us for 11_______________, he is very welcome to try. But he would be depriving our 12______________ - all eight million of them - of the things they want...
T.B.: You're talking rubbish, as usual, like the pathetic 13______________ you own and use to fill your pockets with dirty money.
R.P.: Now look here, mate...
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