səhifə | 2/3 | tarix | 16.12.2023 | ölçüsü | 8,66 Kb. | | #182608 |
Frequently, short - Frequently, short
- Appreciative of invisible work
- Deuche’s Law – Behavior is Contagious
- Don’t give up too quickly, it takes 4 weeks.
- Feeling worthwhile and valuable is one of the most basic human needs.
Good Communication helps create: - Good Communication helps create:
- A sense of belonging in a family
- Increases understanding
- Empathy between its members.
The goal of communication is by far more important than the techniques. - The goal of communication is by far more important than the techniques.
- If my goal is to win….bad
- If my goal is to understand or help….good
- As we communicate, we need to be aware of our goals. If it is a good goal, our communication will go well.
- Techniques are good, but tend to be mechanical. Say it in your own language.
Healthy families, including children, cooperate with each other in making decisions. - Healthy families, including children, cooperate with each other in making decisions.
- Everyone in the family takes responsibility for own mistakes.
- Decision Making
- and
- Responsibilitiy
Strong families can solve problems in creative ways. - Strong families can solve problems in creative ways.
- Happy families have the same number of arguments, but they have spaces filled with happy times.
- It is ok to have problems, but the key is to solve them quickly.
- The longer you are in an argument, the harder it is to get out. Why?
- Confidences in their ability to meet problems and solve them.
Healthy families have a strong moral base in values and spiritual beliefs. - Healthy families have a strong moral base in values and spiritual beliefs.
- Share goals and ideas about what is important.
- Values and Spiritual Wellness
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