Urbanizations. Total: points
1. Pull factors-something that attracts people to go and live in a particular place
2.push factors something that makes people want to leave a place or escape from a particular situation
3. area of a city where living conditions are very bad and where the houses are in bad condition
4 Pressing problems.. A problem, need, or issue that has to be dealt with immediately
5. used to describe a building or area that is in poor condition
6. Squatter settlement-Unplanned and typically located on peripheral or marginal land which has poor infrastructure and inadequate public services, including water, health and sanitation
7. Revenuethe total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the companys primary operations
8 Long-term. happening, existing or continuing for many years or far into the future
9. Industrialization-the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale
10. exacerbated (kuchaygan)- make ( a problem, bad situation or negative feeling) worse
11.Private-public partnerships- an arrangement where a government and a profit-making company invest in and work on an activitybtogeter
12. . Precincts an area in a town designated for specific or restricted use, especially one which is closed to traffi
13.make (something bad) less severe, serious or pinful .
14.Life expectancy.-the length of time that a living thing, especially a human being, is likely to live
15. Resedential areas- a district where people live, occupied primarily by private residences
16.Double-edged sword something that has or can have both favorable and unfavorable consequences
17. Urban growth. rate at which the population of an urban area increase.
18. generate-produce or create
19.Utilities-Utility-service that is used by the public, such as an electricity or gas supply