MA’RUZALARNING QISQACHA MAZMUNI BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI intercultural communication, interactive teaching methods, game method, role-
playing games, simulations, conversational skills.
TA’LIMNI AXBOROTLASHTIRISH SHAROITIDA NOFILOLOGIK TA’LIM YO‘NALISHLARIDA XORIJIY TILINI O‘QITISHNI OPTIMALLASHTIRISHNING ASOSIY YO‘NALISHLARI Pozilov Abdushoxit Abduvoeitvich, P.f.f.d ,dotsent, Guliston davlat universiteti Qisqacha mazmuni: Maqolada zamonaviy jamiyat tomonidan qo‘yiladigan
bo‘lajak mutaxassislarning shaxsiy va kasbiy fazilatlariga, ularning xorijiy
tillarni o‘qitish jarayonida rivojlanishi, shuningdek, raqamli texnologiyalar va
Internet-resurslaridan foydalanish talablari muhokama qilingan. Xususan, bu
professor-o‘qituvchi tomonidan qo‘yilgan aniq maqsadlarga erishish uchun o‘quv
qo‘llanmalarini tizimli ravishda tanlash muhimligi yoritilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar: axborotlashtirish, zamonaviy ta’lim, kompyuterlashtirish,
raqamli texnologiyalar, o‘quv qo‘llanmalarini tanlash
USING CLIL TECHNOLOGY TO TEACH FOREIGN LANGUAGES Ziyadullayeva Dildora G‘ulomjanovna Junior-teacher, Department of English language and literature, Gulistan State University Abstract: The reform of the Uzbek educational system is theoretically
supported by a competence-based approach. This method suggests the aim to
combine learning and self-education, provide students with relevant knowledge,
help them build abilities, and help them form skills that are needed by the actual
conditions of a person’s life and career. Within the scope of the competence-based
approach, university teaching strives to develop a student’s complex of general
(general cultural) and specific (professional) capabilities. With the globalization
and internationalization of society, the importance of graduates knowing a foreign
language (most often English) at a level that would allow them to participate fully
in the international scientific, business, and cultural community is growing as one
of the common skills and abilities. However, for professionals to have unrestricted
access to industry market information, specialized literature, and effective contact
with international business partners, a competent command of a foreign language is
sometimes insufficient. In this article, we might discuss and learn a little bit about
using CLIL technology to teach foreign languages.
Keywords : English, teaching methods, CLIL technology, interactive lessons,
integration, content, media materials, cognitive skill, students, curiosity, self-