Kalit so‘zlar: Innovasion, muhandis, asbob-uskunalar, materiallar, pedagogik
texnologiyalar, klaster, modulli yondashuv.
Abstract : The article contains opinions and comments about the effectiveness
of teaching the science of mechanization of agricultural production to students using
innovative technologies, the effectiveness of using various interactive methods in the
educational process. Currently, information on the demand for qualified specialists
in the field and the practical work to be performed to meet this demand is provided.
Keywords : Innovation, engineer, equipment, materials, pedagogical
technologies, cluster, modular approach.
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SERVICE DIVERSIFICATION IN TOURISM INDUSTRY Rakhmonov Shukhrat Shavkatovich PhD student, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Abstract: This paper aims to explore the significance of service diversification
in the tourism industry and its various advantages. The study employs a qualitative
research method, including extensive literature review. The findings strongly suggest
that diversification of services is highly relevant to the tourism industry, as it leads
to increased customer satisfaction, higher profits, and better-adapted businesses to
changing customer needs. The paper concludes that tourism industry players who
embrace diversification will have a competitive advantage as they will be better
equipped to address customer needs.
Keywords: significance, services, diversification, tourism industry, customer
needs, satisfaction
SUG‘ORILADIGAN YERLARDAN FOYDALANISHNING IQTISODIY SAMARADORLIK KO‘RSATKICHLARI Rasulov Sodiq Sa’dullaevich mustaqil tadqiqotchi, Qarshi davlat universiteti Qisqacha mazmuni: Jahon iqtisodiyotining rivojlanish tendentsiyasi shundan
guvohlik beradiki, kishilik jamiyatining barcha soha va jabhalarida, ayniqsa global
iqlim o‘zgarishi ta’sirida sayyoramizning ko‘plab mintaqalarida tobora avj olayotgan
qashshoqlik va ocharchilikka barham berishning asosiy omillaridan biri sifatida
qishloq xo‘jaligi mahsulotlari yetishtiruvchi, shuningdek ularga turli yo‘nalishlarda
xizmat ko‘rsatuvchi sub’ektlarning xo‘jalik yuritish faoliyatlarini innovatsiyalar