TARIXIY TADQIQOTLARDA FANLARARO YONDASHUV: VIZUAL ATROPOLOGIYA (OILAVIY FOTOSURATLAR MISOLIDA) Qodirova Lutfiya Batirovna PhD, dotsent , O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi Davlat boshqaruvi Akademiyasi Guliston hududiy filiali Qisqacha mazmuni: Maqolada tarixiy tadqiqotlarda fanlararo yondashuvining
ahamiyati vizual antropologiya misolida tahlil qilingan. Unda vizual antropologiyada
muhim manba sanalgan oilaviy fotosuratlardan foydalanishning o‘ziga xos jihatlari
haqida so‘z yuritiladi.
Kalit so‘zlar : tarixiy tadqiqotlar, antropologiya, vizual antropologiya, vizual
manbalar, fotosuratlar, oilaviy fotosuratlar.
Abstract: The article analyzes the importance of an interdisciplinary approach
in historical research using the example of visual anthropology. It talks about the
specific aspects of using family photos, which are considered an important resource
in visual anthropology.
Keywords: historical research, anthropology, visual anthropology, visual
sources, photographs, family photographs.
SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF KHORAZM’S HISTOROLOGY DURING THE PERIOD OF WESTERN TURKISH RULE Ne’matov Rustam Abduvaid oʻgʻli Guliston davlat universiteti ‘‘Tarix” kafedrasi oʻqituvchisi Abstract: In this article, the history of socio-political and ethno-cultural
processes in the Khorezm oasis in the early Middle Ages, particularly in the VI-VIII
centuries, as well as the history of the Uzbek statehood, the Turkish khanate (552-
744), known as a major kingdom in Central Asia and neighboring regions ) and the
researches carried out on the history of Khorezm, which is a part of it, are analyzed
from a scientific point of view.
Keywords: Khorezm oasis, geographical location, Ephtalian state, scientific
research, V.V. Barthold, E. Shavann, S. Tolstov, ‘‘Shorabashat” culture, Dovan state.