terminlar tahlil qilindi. Tilning sofligini saqlash yo‘lidagi muhim choralardan
biri sifatida terminlarni milliylashtirish masalasining ahamiyati ko‘rib chiqildi.
Huquqshunoslik yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun yaratilgan lug‘atlar va ularda berilgan
baynalmilal terminlar asosida terminlarni milliylashtirish bo‘yicha ilmiy-nazariy
fikr-mulohazalar va amaliy tavsiyalar berildi. Muayyan internatsional terminologik
birliklarning o‘zbekcha muqobili keltirildi. Baynalmilal terminlarning umumiy
xususiyatlari, termin anglatadigan tushunchani ifodalay olish darajasi yoritildi.
Kalit so‘zlar:
baynalmilal terminlar, milliy til xususiyatlari, terminlarning
milliylashtirilishi, interpretatsiya, analog, terminografik birlik, sohaga doir lug‘atlar.
Terminological dictionaries play the role of the alphabet in the
acquisition of any field of knowledge. In particular, the process of becoming an
expert is closely linked to the knowledge of terms related to the field. This article
analyzes the international terms given in the dictionaries of the field of jurisprudence
in higher education institutions. The importance of nationalization of terms was
considered as one of the important measures to preserve the purity of language.
Scientific-theoretical opinions and practical recommendations on the nationalization
of terms were given on the basis of dictionaries created for law students and the
international terms given in them. The Uzbek alternative of certain international
terminological units are given.
international terms, features of national language, nationalization
of terms, interpretation, analog, terminological unit, dictionaries on the field.
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