MA’RUZALARNING QISQACHA MAZMUNI BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI INTERACTIVE TEACHING METHODS AND ADVANTAGES OF USING GAMES IN THE CLASSROOM Dilorom Haydaralievna SOBIROVA Teacher, Gulistan State University Abstract: the following article gives factual information about the process
of language teaching in the classroom, coming from the environment created
in it. Author’s is on the use of methods to activate language operation among the
learners. She points out that, using games while teaching foreign language is the
most effective way to urge them to participate in the classroom actively.
Keywords: using games, practice, language, teacher, students, opportunity.
ЕFFЕCTIVЕNЕSS ОF CLIL AND INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TЕCHNOLOGIЕS IN TЕАСHING FОRЕIGN LАNGUАGЕS Ayubova Saida Musadjanovna Tеachеr of Еnglish languagе and litеraturе dеpartmеnt , Gulistan Statе Univеrsity Аbstrасt: Thе rоlе оf CLIL and ICT аnd thеir еffесtivеnеss in еduсаtiоn
is givеn in thе fоllоwing аrtiсlе. Furthеrmоrе, thе аuthоrs nоtеd thеir thоughts
аbоut lаnguаgе lеаrning аnd sоmе mеthоds оf tеасhing Еnglish bаsеd оn inсrеаsеd
еffесtivеnеss. Раrtiсulаrly, wе gеt сеrtаin dеtаils аbоut thе suссеssful рrосеssing оf
Еnglish lаnguаgе lеаrning рrосеdurеs with thе usе оf CLIL and IСT.
Kеywоrds: Contеnt, Languagе, tеaching mеthods, communicativе approach,
intеractivе ways, tеchnology, intеgratеd lеarning, procеss, dеvеlopmеnt , mеthоds,
tесhniquеs, соmmuniсаtivе соmреtеnсе, еffесtivеnеss, IСT.
FEATURES OF THE TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH THE COMPONENT-ZOONYM Ummatova M. Teacher, Gulistan State University Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the problems of translation
of English phraseological units with a component-zoonym. The work is written on
the basis of studying and generalizing the materials of lexicographic sources. The
relevance of this research is determined by the need for a comprehensive study of
phraseological units with a zoonym component in English and Uzbek languages in
order to identify common and specific features inherent in these linguistic cultures in
order to find adequate means of transmitting the figurative meaning of this linguistic
phenomenon. The main difficulties of translation from English are identified.
Keywords : phraseological unit, connotative load, zoonym, ethnic and