Qisqacha mazmuni:
Ushbu maqolada Sharq musulmon xalqlari orasida
nomi mashhur bo‘lgan Luqmoni hakim siyrati haqida ilmiy ma’lumotlarning qiyosiy
tahlili haqida so‘z yuritiladi. Qur’oni Karimda nomi zikr etilgan payg‘ambarlar,
tarixiy shaxslar haqida ma’lumot beruvchi “Qisas ul-anbiyo” nomli turkum asarlar
Musulmon dunyosida qadimdan mashhur va ko‘p ahamiyat beriluvchi asarlardan
biri hisoblangan. Shu bois mazkur mavzuga aloqador ko‘plab asarlar deyarli barcha
musulmon xalqlarida uchraydi. Turkiy xalqlar, xususan, o‘zbek tilida bu mavzuda
ta’lif etilgan dastlabki va eng mufassal manba sifatida Xorazmning raboti O‘guz
muzofoti qozisiga tegishli bo‘lgan “Qisas ul-anbiyo” nomi bilan mashhur bo‘lgan
“Qisas ur-Rabg‘uziy” asari ko‘riladi.
Kalit so‘zlar:
Hazrat Iskandar, qissa, siyrat, o‘zbek adabiyoti, tahli, tahqiq,
anbiyo, nabiy, hakim, mutafakkir, mufassir, matn, tadqiq, matal, rahnamo, tavsif.
This article deals with the comparative analysis of scientific data
about the syrat of Hakim Luqmani, whose name is famous among the Muslim
peoples of the East. The series of works called “Qisas ul-Anbiyya” which provides
information about the prophets and historical figures mentioned in the Holy Qur’an,
has been considered one of the most famous and important works in the Muslim
world since ancient times. Therefore, many works related to this topic can be found
in almost all Muslim nations. As the first and most detailed source written on this
topic by the Turkic peoples, in particular, in Uzbek language, is “Qisas ur-Rabg”,
known as “Qisas ul-Anbiyya”, which belongs to the judge of Oguz province, rabat
of Khorezm..
Lukman, short story, poetry, Uzbek literature, analysis, research,
prophet, prophet, hakim, thinker, commentator, text, research, matal, guide,