MA’RUZALARNING QISQACHA MAZMUNI BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI DARSLARNING SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISHDA AXBOROT TEXNOLOGIYALARINING O‘RNI Yusupov Azizbek Xolmuxamatovich Guliston davlat universiteti Sirtqi bo‘lim, “Masofaviy ta’lim” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi Qisqacha mazmuni : Ushbu maqolada ta’lim jarayonida axborot
texnologiyalari va pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanib, dars samaradorligini
oshirish yo‘llari haqida to‘xtalib o‘tdik
Kalit so‘zlar: Kommunikatsiya, differentsial, texnologiya, dinamik jarayon,
grafik, elektron qo‘llanma.
Annotation: This article is devoted to the way of improving effectiveness
of the lesson with the help of applying pedagogic and modern texnologies in the
process of education.
Keywords: Communication, differential, technology, dynamic process,
graphics, electronic manual.
YOSHLARGA S UG‘ORILADIGAN TUPROQLARNI UNUMDORLIGINI OSHIRISHNI O‘RGATISH YO‘LLARINI Ziyodullaeyva Aziza GulDU talabasi Muxliboyev Mahmud GulDU dotsenti, Qisqacha mazmuni: Ushbu maqolada o‘quvchi - yoshlar ongida ekologik
ta’lim, tarbiyani xamda ularni tabiat va atrof muhitga nisbatan hurmat, ehtiyotkorona
munosabat va unga masuliyat bilan qarash hissini tarbiyalashni shakllantirish
boyicha masalalar echish chora tadbirlari oz aksini topgan.
Kalit sozlar : ekologik inqiroz, tadrijiy, ekologik bilimsizlik,ekotizm
biotsenoz,ekotizm-agrobiotsenoz, agrotexnik, to‘qaylar, meliorativ, chiqitli,
chiqitsiz, ikkilamchi, xomashyo, kapillyar hodisalar, xlorid kislota, yer relyefi.
Abstract: In this article, the problem-solving measures for the formation of
ecological education, upbringing, and the formation of a sense of respect for nature
and the environment, a carful attitude and a sense of responsibility for it.
Keywords: ecological crisis, gradual, ecological ignorance, ecotism
biocenosis, ecotism-agrobiocenosis, agrotechnics, forests, reclamation, waste, non-
waste, secondary, raw materials, capillary phenomena, hydrochloric acid, land relief.