Kalit so’zlar : innovatsiya, kichik biznes, bandlik, xudud, oilaviy tadbirkorlik,
ilmiy loyiha, ta’lim, ishlanma.
Abstract: in this article, the current state of the innovative activity of small
enterprises of our republic, factors affecting it, factors and directions for increasing
activity, the share of small business in GDP and population employment, the state
policy aimed at increasing innovative activity, and based on statistical indicators are
studied analyzed.
Keywords: innovation, business, employment, territory, family business,
scientific project, education, development.
YER-SUV RESURSLARIDAN SAMARALI FOYDALANISHNING TASHKILIY IQTISODIY ASOSLARI Nigora Nurmuhamadovna SAFIYEVA Guliston Davlat Universiteti o‘qituvchisi Qisqacha mazmuni: Maqolada yer-suv resurslaridan samarali
foydalanishning tashkiliy iqtisodiy asoslari ko‘rib chiqilgan. Agrosanoat kompleksini
yaratish obyektiv zaruriyati bu zamonaviy sharoitda samarali qishloq xo‘jaligi
mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish ko‘p jihatdan iqtisodiyotning muvaffaqiyatli faoliyat
ko‘rsatishiga bog‘liq. qishloq xo‘jaligi tarmoqlari tuzilmasi o‘zgarishiga eng kuchli
ta’sir ko‘rsatuvchi omillardan biri yer-suv resurslaridan samarali foydalanishdir.
Kalit so‘zlar: fermer xo‘jaligi, dehqon xo‘jaligi, arenda, suv xo‘jaligi tizimi,
cheklangan suv resurslari, iqtisodiy jihatlar.
Abstract: The organizational and economic foundations of effective use of
land and water resources are considered in the article. The objective necessity of
creating an agro-industrial complex is that the production of effective agricultural
products in modern conditions largely depends on the successful functioning of the
economy. one of the factors that have the strongest influence on the change in the
structure of agricultural sectors is the effective use of land and water resources.