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Tadqiqotning amaliy ahamiyati

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Tadqiqotning amaliy ahamiyati:
O‘simliklardan unumli va samarali foydalanishni asoslab berish. 
Yovvoyi holda o‘suvchi Gentiana olivieri o’simligidan tabiiy tibbiyotda
qo‘llash uchun preparatlar yaratish.
Ishning muxomakamasi va nashr etilganlik darajasi:
disertatsiya ishi mavzusi bo’yicha 2 ta maqola va 1ta tezis chop etilgan. 
Disertatsiyaning strukturasi. 
Disertatsiya 3 ta bob , xulosa va foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro`yxatidan
tashkil topgan. Jami hajmi 89 sahifada yozilgan. Kirishda mavzuning
dolzarbligi, ishning maqsad va vazifalari, ishda erishilgan natijalar, ishning
ahamiyati va magistrlik dissertatasiyasi haqida umumiy ma`lumotlar keltirilgan.
Kirish qismida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining qarori, mazkur tadqiqot
mavzuning dolzarbligi, ilmiy yangiligi, ilmiy ahamiyati kabi masalalar
muhokama etilgan. 2-bobda olingan natijalar tahlil etilib disertatsiyaning
mazmun mohiyati va bajarilgan ishlar yoritilgan. 3-bobni an’anaviy tarzda
tajribaviy qism tashkil etadi. Adabiyotlar ro’yxati 21 ta o’zbek va xorijiy
manbalardan iborat.
Ilmiy rahbar: t.f.d., professor: X.Isaqov
Magistratura talabasi: K. A. Qurbonaliyev 

Substantiation of the dissertation and its relevance.
Gentiana olivieri
has a long history of traditional use in folk medicine for a variety of ailments.
The study of its chemical composition can provide insight into the biologically
active compounds responsible for its medicinal properties. Understanding the
therapeutic potential of Gentiana olivieri will help in the development of new
drugs or natural remedies to treat various diseases and ailments. Gentiana
olivieri is a valuable source of natural compounds of various chemical
structures. The study of its chemical composition may lead to the discovery of
new biologically active compounds with potential applications in
pharmaceuticals. This research contributes to a broader area of natural product
research that aims to identify and harness the therapeutic potential of natural
The study of the chemical composition of Gentiana olivieri contributes to
the development of scientific knowledge in the field of phytochemistry, natural
product chemistry and pharmacology. This will expand our understanding of the
chemical diversity of plants and their potential biological activity. This study
can serve as a guide for my future research, allowing me to make comparisons
with my future research and related plant species.
In conclusion, the thesis topic on the chemical composition of Gentiana
olivieri is relevant in the context of medicinal potential, natural product
research, pharmacology, plant conservation and scientific progress. The results
of these studies can be of practical importance in the creation of new drugs, the
conservation of plant resources and the expansion of scientific knowledge in this

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