Echanisms of hemostasis . Blood groups , Rh - factor . The lymphatic
Human blood plasma can be two different agglutinin . These are the letters of the
Greek alphabet with the a and c . They are two types of erythrocytes agglyutinogenlar Latin
alphabetical letters A and B are determined . Agglutinin a agglutinogens A - or if you come
across one of agglutinin agglutinogens V - if you come across one of the cells
agglyutinatsiyaga .
Many people are performing more of a substance , that is , for the first time in 1940
and Landshteyner by the Viner Makati monkeys ( macacus resource ) found in the blood and
therefore the rhesus factor ( Rh ) factor called .
Circulation . The structure and physiology of the heart . The structure and physiology