Muscle physiological properties (excitation. Conductivity. Reduction) .Izotonik and
isometric contraction of muscle tone.
Individual declines. Summatsiya and tetanus.Tetanus turlari.Skelet muscles tonusi.Asab
muscle synapse tuzilishi.Nervdan excitation mechanism of skeletal muscles. And the role of
cholinesterase and secretion of acetylcholine. Vvedensshy pessimumi.Mushak reduction
mexanizmi.Miofibrillarni structure and a reduction in the time of peace. Reduction of muscle
ATP -Creatine, the role of lactic acid. Reduction of muscle power. Method of measuring
muscle kuchi.Uni. The conditions of the muscles of the body. The impact of the activity of
the muscles in the body. Muscle hypertrophy. And to promote cross-muscle specific