MATTHEW physiology . MATTHEW properties . MATTHEW general anatomy and physiology .
Activity of the living organism of the central nervous system (MAT) funksiyasi.roli
and structural characteristics.
Anatomy of a text. Head and spinal cord birth of their joylanishi.Uning shakllari.Orqa
segmentlari.Oldingi the brain and spinal cord article ildizi.Kulrang the front, rear and side
branches. Part of the spinal column kanali.Miyaning and a half. Ventricular brain,
cerebrospinal fluid and brain roli.Uzunchok tuzilishi.Orqa brain structure (varoliev Bridge
and brain) .Oraliq brain structure (see do''mboq underground qismi.tizzasimon
body) .The the brain (the four peak brain and legs) .For the brain (half sharlari.targ'il body).
The structure of the reticular formation and the brain joylanishi.Bosh Physiology
the overall functionality of kismi.MATning methods: qo'zg'atish.buzish, ekstirpatsiya
bioelectric phenomena. Reflex ta'limot.Reflektor the arc of the main stages of development
of the theory (Descartes, Proxasko, Sechenov, Pavlov Berington) .Reflektor wide branch.
The theory of the neural membrane turlari.Qo'zg'alishning brakes and qo'zg'alish.Markaziy
nerve synapses. Fixed conversion mexanizmi.Atsetilxolin synapses and other mediators
roli.Markazlar physiological ta'limot.Markazlarning major physiological characteristics: a
one-way conductivity, excitement summatsiyasi, convergence and transformation of the
Lamb ' Alisher irradiatsiyasi and concentration. Tonusi.MATning the nerve centers of fatigue
experience. Tormozlanishning nature and its physiological importance of movement and
interdependence tormozlanishning MAT.
Yuldosh hormones. Male sex hormones anatomiyasi.Urug'donning the reproductive organs,
and anatomical tuzilishi.Erkak fiziologiyasm. Spermatogenesis and davrlari.Spermatozoid
and its structure. function. Androgen gormonlari.Testosteron and its primary and secondary
sexual characters and manipulate changes in the development of the glands roli.Jinsiy.
Governs the function of the organism The importance of the autonomic nervous system in
The general structure of the autonomic nervous system. Parasympathetic and
sympathetic nervous system. Centers parasympathetic nervous system (medulla of the brain,
mid-brain, the parts of the brain orkq tailbone) .Simpatik nerve centers (the back of the neck
to the waist and chest) .CHegaralovchi sympathetic ustun.Organ in the parasympathetic
ganglia. The physiology of the sympathetic nervous system gangliya.Vegetativ the spine.
Autonomic ganglia function and physiological properties. A common understanding about
the mediators.