3.1. The space lattice & unit cells.
3.2. Crystal systems & bravais lattices.
3.3. Principal metallic crystal structures.
3.4. Atom positions in cubic unit cells.
3.5. Directions in cubic unit cells.
3.6. Miller indices for crystallographic planes in cubic unit cells.
3.7. Crystallographic planes & directions in hexagonal crystal structure.
Comparison of fcc, hcp & bcc crystal structures.
3.9. Volume, planar, & linear density unit-cell calculations.
3.10. Polymorphism & allotropy.
3.11. Crystal structure analysis.
3.12. Amorphous materials.
External force; tension; form; deformation; elastic; plastic deformation,
Hooke's law: limit stresses; indicators of independence and plasticity; stretch diagram;
decay; brittle and viscous fracture; normal and tangential stresses; rivet (naklep,
nagartovka); recrystallization;
Under the
influence of an external force, the body is deformed and stresses
appear in it. Stress is the force acting on a unit of surface area. Under the influence of
external force, elastic and plastic deformations are formed in the body. Elastic
deformation is reversible, plastic deformation is irreversible (residual) deformation.
There is a linear relationship between elastic deformation and stress (Hooke's law):
-limit of proportionality (module of elasticity); G-normal
Elastic modulus Ye depends on the type and parameters of the crystal lattice of
the metal.
There is a big physical difference between elastic and plastic deformation.
If the elastic deformation causes the atoms in the
crystal lattice to deviate
(displace) a little from their equilibrium, the plastic deformation causes the atoms to
move a great distance from the equilibrium state, the crystal lattices twist, crumble, the
metal grains are deformed and broken into blocks, and the structural defects appear and
Stresses greater than the elastic limit lead to plastic deformation of the body.
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