Practical exercise-3
Topic: Investigate the state of metal based on the iron-carbon state diagram.
Purpose of work:
Study of metal states based on iron carbon state diagram
Theoretical information
The amount of carbon in Fe-C alloys used in practice does not exceed 4.5-5%.
Therefore, the state diagram of Fe-Fe3C alloys is studied.
This diagram is
constructed based on thermal analysis materials, just as the state diagram of the Pb-
Sb alloy was constructed above. In this case, Fe, Fe3C* and the temperature of the
alloys are placed on the ordinate axis of the coordinate system, and the amount of
carbon in the alloy along the abscissa axis. Then, the critical temperatures of the
beginning and end of crystallization of the compound are determined (from the
cooling curves), and when they are transferred
to the corresponding carbon
concentration place on the abscissa, and the points indicating the beginning and end
of crystallization temperatures are interconnected, a state diagram is formed. Point
A on the ordinate line on the left side of the diagram shows the melting temperature
of iron, points N and G show its allotropic transformation temperature, and point D
on the vertical line on the right shows the melting temperature of iron carbide.
If we draw a vertical line from the point indicating 2.14% carbon on the
abscissa axis and divide the diagram into two parts, the left part refers to steels, and
the right part refers to cast iron.
According to the carbon content of steels, eutectoid (C=0.8%), pre-eutectoid
(C<0.8%) and post-eutectoid steels (0.8
pre-eutectic (2.14
4.3%) cast irons according to their
carbon content divided into sides.
Figure 1. Phase diagram of
iron-carbon alloys
of the diagram is the line of initiation of crystallization, above which
the alloy is in a liquid solution state (this line is called the liquidus line).
line is the end line of alloy crystallization, below which the alloy is in the solid
solution state (this line is called the solidus line). The
alloy is liquid and solid
between the lines
line indicates the high-temperature
ferrite region. Phase (structural) changes can be observed from the phase diagram
for each alloy as it is cooled gradually from the state of liquid solution to room
Basic structures of iron-carbon alloys and their properties.
(F) is a solid solution of carbon in alpha iron [Fea(C)], which contains
very little carbon (up to 0.02% at 727 C ). In general, it contains 99.8-99.9% Fe, the
rest carbon, and very few other additional elements. It is known that the properties
of the alloy depend on its composition, grain size and shape. The tensile strength
limit of ferrite structural alloy HB=250-300 MPa (25-30 kgk/mm
), relative
elongation HB=40-50%, hardness HB=800-1000 MPa (80-100 kgk/mm
viscosity, KCU=2-i? It is in the range of J/m2 (20-30 kg-m/cm2).
(S) is a chemical compound of iron with carbon (Fe3C) and
contains 6.67 % S. This alloy is a combination of very hard (HB=8000 MPa) and
brittle (5=0). Cementite dissolves Mn, Cr and other elements in a certain amount,
under certain conditions it decomposes and free carbon (graphite) is released.
(A) is a Fe(C) solid solution of carbon in gamma iron, which
contains up to 2.14% carbon at a temperature of 1147 C.
But as the temperature
decreases, the dissolution of carbon in gamma iron slows down. Hardness of
austenite HB= 1600-2000 MPa (160-200 kgk/mm2), relative elongation 5 = 40-50%.
Phase diagram of iron-carbon alloys
(P) is a mechanical mixture
of ferrite and cement phases, which
contains 0.8% carbon. The properties of the pearlite structural alloy depend on the
amount of phases in its composition. In general, hardness HB= 1800-2200 MPa
(180-220 kgk/mm2).
(L) is a mechanical mixture consisting of austenite and fine grains
of cementite, containing 4.3% carbon. The properties
of such a structural alloy
depend on its composition and grain size. In general, the hardness is in the range of
HB=3000-4500 MPa (300-450 kgk/mm2).
(G) is free carbon in plate, spherical or cucumber form in the main
metal mass. The hardness of graphite HB=30-50 MPa (3-5 kg-k/mm2). In addition
to the structures mentioned above, other phases are also found in the alloy.
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