Filologiya va tillarni o'qitish (ingliz tili)

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Answers by Dilnoz

Filologiya va tillarni o'qitish (ingliz tili)

  1. "Fill in the blank space.

... is the first masterpiece or foundation stone in all British literature." *Beowulf
2 "Whom is the following sentence written by and in what work?
“Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider.”" Sir francis bacon ‘Of studies’
3 John Milton’s most famous works are: *“Paradise Lost”, “Paradise Regained”, “Samson Agonists”.
4 How many lines does a sonnet consist of? *Fourteen lines
5 "What poet does the following stanza belong to?
And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals." * Christopher Marlowe
6 "What poetry do the following lines belong to?
Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That hills and valleys, dales and fields,
Or woods, or steepy mountain yields.(Christopher Marlowe.The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.) *Carpe diem poetry
7 Christopher Marlowe’s three greatest tragedies are: *“Tamburlaine the Great”, “Doctor Faustus”, “The Jew of Malta”.
8 When did English poets begin to write on Carpe diem theme? *In the Renaissance period.
9 Why was John Milton regarded as a dangerous enemy after the restoration of the Stuart line of kings? *Because he had been a strong supporter of the Puritans and of the execution of Charles I. bu savol ko’p o’ylantirdi tekshirib ko’rila o’zilayam
10 Who is the author of the poems “An Essay on Man” and “An Essay on Criticism”? *Alexander Pope.
11 Where and when did George Byron die? Missolonghi on April 18, 1824, at the age of 36 variantda April 19 deb kelishi mumkin
12 What century was the poem “Beowulf” written in, and who was the author? --3 hundred years later, about 1000,by an unknown scribe or a)The X century, an unknown author.
13 In what form did Satan return at night in order to persuade Eve to eat the forbidden fruit? (“Paradise Lost”) --a serpent- ilon
14 " What was the first literary work (collection of poems) written by G.G.Byron? --'Hours of idleness' in 1807
15 Which novels by Walter Scott were devoted to Scottish history? --”Waverley, or “’Tis Sixty Years Since” , “Guy Mannering, or the Astrologer” , “The Autiquary” , “Black Dwarf” , “Old Mortality” , “Rob Roy”, “The Heart of Midlothian” , “The Bride of Lammermoor” , “A Legend of Montrose” , “Redgauntlet” , “The Fair Maid of Perth”
Bu variantda kelgan shakli:
B. ”Waverley, or “’Tis Sixty Years Since” , “the Astrologer”, “Rob Roy”
16 Who was the founder of the early realistic novel in English literature? --Daniel Defoe
17 Which of the following is “the novel without a hero”? --'Vanity Fair'
18 Who was the founder of English literature? --Geoffrey Chaucer
19 "Whom was founded and conducted the first English newspaper “The Review” by? -- Daniel Defoe
20 "Which English writer wrote a literary work about Amir Temur
“Tamburlaine the Great”? -- Christopher Marlowe
21 Who is the author of the best English Satirical comedies? --Ben Jonson tekshirib ko’rila manda taxmin bu
22 Which list of the following characters is from the epic “Beowulf’? --Hygelac, Beowulf, Hrothgar, Grendal
23 "Complete the sentence.
The writers of Enlightenment thought that... *vice was due to ignorance
24 "Complete the sentence.
Alexander Pope is ... an English classicist
25 Who was the first great writer of historical novels in English literature? Walter SCOTT
26 "Henry Fielding used to say that the three essential qualities in a
novelist are: genius, learning, and experience of human nature.
27 In the novel “The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling” Henry Fielding depicts England of … the 18th century
28 Oriental Tales written by Byron include the following poems: : “The Giaour”, “The Corsair”, “Lara”, Pari-sina”
29 “The Prisoner of Chillon” written by Byron describes …*the tragic fate of the Swiss revolutionary Bonnivard.
30 The novel “St. Ronan’s Well” by Walter Scott is …*the only novel about author’s own time
31 Tick the plays written by Henry Fielding *"A Judge Caught in His Own Trap", "Don Quixote in England", "Pasquin".
32 When did Byron compose his “Oriental Tales” *Between 1813-1816
33 Tick the works written by G.G.Byron when he was in Italy. “Beppo”, “Don Juan”, “The Prophecy of Dante”, “Marino Faliero”.
34 Who was the first representative of the sentimental school in English literature? Samuel Richardson
35 Which of the following poets “left the field of poetry to his rival”? Walter Scott
36 The XVIII century (Enlightenment) gave the world such brilliant English writers as... * - Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding, Alexander Pope, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Tobias Smollet, Richard Sheridan
37 "Which Author is characterized in the following :
Although he won fame in his day as a philosopher and scientist, he receives most attention today as an author, particularly an essayist. From 1597 to 1625 he published, in three collections, a total of fifty-eight essays and was responsible for introducing the essay form into England. His essays were short, treated a variety of subjects of universal interest, and contained sentences so memorable that many of them are still quoted today. a)* Sir Francis Bacon
38 "Which poet wrote the following lines about his father?
My father was a farmer upon the Carric border, O,
And carefully he bred me in decency and order, O.
He bade me act a manly part, though I had ne’er a farthing, O,
For without an honest, manly heart no man was worth regarding, O.
Robert Burns
39 Which tragedy written by W. Shakespeare is considered the hardest of his works to understand because of the main character’s behaviour? a)* Hamlet
40 "Which writer ( poet) is characterized by the following:
... He was the creator of a new literary language . He chose to write in the popular tongue, though aristocracy of the time read and spoke French. He was the true founder of English literature. a) *Geoffrey Chaucer.
41 "Which poet (writer) is characterized by the following:
He was a real fighter; struggled against despotism with both pen and sword. Freedom was the cause that he served all his life. Hated wars, sympathized with the oppressed people. He was a romanticist. Many of his verses are touched with disappointment and scepticism. The philosophy of “world sorrow” becomes the leading theme of his works. Romantic individualism and a pessimistic attitude to life combine in his art with his firm belief in reason : realistic tendencies prevail in his works of the later period. George Byron
42 In what line are the Lake poets listed ? William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey
43 Which period in the English Literature is called the Victorian age literature? 1837-1901
44 When did the “University Wits” live ? a)* In the Elizabethan age
45 Which was the first poetic work published by Walter Scott? Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
46 Who became the outstanding literary figure of the Restoration after John Milton’s death? John Dryden
47 Who were the two greatest novelists of the romantic period? Jane Austin and Walter Scott
48 What is satirized in Jonathan Swift’s “A Tale of a Tub”? a) *Differing interpretations of Christianity buyam aniq javobmas
49 What were the three chief forms of Elizabethan poetry? a)*the lyric, the sonnet, and narrative poetry
50 What event marked the end of the romantic period in English literature? Walter Scott’s death in1832
51 A learning activity which involves learners working together in pairs.
52 Are the guiding principles (often moral or ethical in nature) that govern behaviour; they are typically rooted in tradition, religion or in individual or shared philosophy and in education they help to inform decisions at all levels, from national policy right through to the classroom.
53 Is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class.
54 First, the teacher presents the present perfect. Next, the students try using it in structured exercises. Finally, the students try to have a conversation together using the present perfect
55 the most abstract of all three concepts and refers to the linguistic, psycho-and sociolinguistic principles.
56 Students learn English by translating to and from their native language. They memorize irregular verb forms by writing them down over and over .Speaking skills are not a main focus.
57 _____ discover the language and familiarize themselves with the sound of English. Dictionary Speaking
58 Students listen to a dialogue between a taxi driver and passenger. They fill in gaps and then practice a dialogue with a partner. Tomorrow they will go outside and practice asking for directions.
59 The teacher only uses English, but the students can use English or their first language. The teacher does not correct mistakes when his students speak English. Students can start speaking English when they are ready
60 The students learn patterns of language by repeating model sentences that the teacher provides. They memorize set phrases and receive positive reinforcement from their teacher when they perform drills correctly.
61 ___________________ is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction
62 ESL students at the school take part in class and school activities with native English students their own age
63 … a word or phrase used in an imaginative way to describe something else to show that the two things have the same Qualities
64 … gives students the opportunity to prove they can communicate ideas effectively by simulating university classroom and student life communication.
65 .… is a related activity, requires the pupils to only take notes of the key words used as they listen and then later reconstruct the text so that it has the same meaning as the original text although perhaps not exactly the same form
66 … is important because it shows what the teacher hopes to achieve in the lesson.
67 … must be comprehensive enough to be a help to the teacher and it must provide all the recorder material.
68 … starts with the presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applied.
69 … the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language
70 … the words that come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its meaning.
71 … was widely used in teaching the classics, namely Latin.
72 … which began to be widely used in schools in the 1870’s.
73 …. a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas.
74 …. all the words a person knows or uses
75 …. between two evils”
76 …...are statements of what is to be achieved in a course or lesson. They are detailed descriptions of exactly what a learner is expected to be able to do at the end of a period of learning.
77 … used at the end of the term, semester, or year in order to measure what has been achieved both by groups and individuals
78 … is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups
79 The study of teaching methods and approaches.
80 ____________ has become the most important tool for delivering distance education.
81 In the grammar-translation method ——of the pupils is neglected.
82 In the grammar-translation method, the teaching of language starts with the teaching of
83 ——– developed of reaching to the grammar-translation method.
84 The direct method emphasizes the value of ——–training in learning a foreign language.
85 Using a flesh card in the classrooms is a ——
86 Students work in groups to make five questions about vocabulary from the previous unit. Then, they exchange questions with another group and try to answer the questions.
87 The teacher introduces new vocabulary and a grammar structure. Students complete exercises on their books. Then the teacher checks their answers. The teacher asks students to compare their answers with other classmates.
88 A generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Primarily concerned with the teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of audiences in a variety of contexts.
89 Students ask their classmates when their birthdays are and write the answers down. They try to find a different child for each month of the year.
90 Theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and the applicability of both to pedagogical settings.
91 Students sing a song, " Head and shoulders, knees and toes. " They touch the correct part of their body as they sing the song.
92 The teacher tells a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the name of the animal.
93 Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives.
94 Students learn English by translating to and from their native language. They memorize irregular verb forms by writing them down over and over. Speaking skills are not a main focus
95 Since language is taught through demonstrations the direct method makes use of ——-
96 The Billingual method was first adopted by——
97 The teacher tests Students on the English meaning for a set of words in their mother tongue.
98 A group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas.
99 A ------is a self-contained section of the classroom in which students engage in independent and self-directed learning ac…on learning centers and how to incorporate them in to your instructional routine using this advice.
100 A learning activity which involves a small group of learners working together. The group may work on a single task, or on different parts of a larger task. Tasks for group members are often selected by the members of the group
101 What is morphology?
102 Define the syntactical connection between underlined components. He saw her dancing
103 What is grammar?
104 Which aspect of language deals with the meaning of words and sentences?
105 What is the name of the area of lexicology specializing in the semantic studies of the word?
106 Lexicography is-
107 The study of rules related to proper sentence formation is called…
108 What are the borrowings?
109 A word that has more than one meaning is called
110 A word which belongs to the original English stock is:
111 The concept of the language acquisition device is an example of how:
112 What is the name of the area of lexicology specializing in the semantic studies of the word?
113 What are the words mostly taken from Latin and Greek origin and convey notions which are significant in the field of communication in different countries?
114 What is a semantic field?
115 The branch of linguistics which deals with the study of meaning is…
116 There are the following types of shortening: … .
117 The system showing a word in all its word-forms is called:
118 A word having the same spelling is…
119 A word having the same sound is…
120 What is Phraseology?
121 A morpheme is … .
122 . The shift of the Germanic consonants which made them differ from consonants in other Indo-European languages is called … . )
123 Two or more words of the same language which were derived from the basic word are called
124 . The diachronic approach to language studies investigates … .
125 A lexeme is …
126 According to the semantic principle phraseological units are classified
127 Ideographic synonyms are words … .
128 The source of borrowing is …
129 Homophones are words which coincide in … .
130 The suffix -er is added to teach-, driv- to produce …
131 Antonyms are words different in … .
132 Hyponymy is the semantic relation of … .
133 The major types of semantic relations of lexical units are … .
134 The smallest distinctive sound units of a language are…
135 A unit of text or speech event larger than a sentence is
136 To which parts of speech do most antonyms belong?
137 What is the common word for such terms as "set expressions, fixed word- groups, set phrases"?
138 Syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units are called
139 What does the theoretical grammar study?
140 Classification of the sentence according to its structure it can be
141 The smallest material and meaningful lingual element is
142 What are syntagmatic relationships based on?
143 Name the three basic differential features of the sentence as a lingual unit:
144 What do we mean by external structure of the word?
145 A modifying word that determines the kind of reference a noun or noun group has …
146 The system of social rules that a speaker knows about using language is
147 What are the main objects of morphology?
148 What types of one member sentences do you know?
149 What is the major syntax?
150 Is the category of voice morphological, semantic or syntactic?
151 … is the most effective way of enriching the vocabulary.
152 Elementary sounds, vowels and consonants, are ...
153 ____refers to word formation.
154 English word stress is of … nature
155 Stylistics is ...
156 Expressive means are ...
157 Imagery can be created by …
158 The main function of the language is
159 The object of stylistics is
160 Expressive means and stylistic devices are
161 At the lexical level stylistics studies
162 One of the brunches of stylistics is termed
163 The sphere of application of the belles-letters style is …
164 The sphere of application of the publicistic style is …
165 The function of the scientific prose style is …
166 The belles-lettres functional style falls into …
167 Brief news items (newspaper style) are characterized by …
168 The imagery of emotive prose is …
169 The belles-lettres style rests on …
170 The style of official documents is characterized by …
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