‘We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.’ Carl Sagan
*We usually take things like electricity and running water for granted these days. Qadriga yetmaslik, o’z o’zidan deb hisoblash
*It is
highly likely that humans will land on Mars
within our lifetime. Bizning hayotimiz mobaynida insonlarning Marsga qo’nishi ehtimoli katta.
Given that there is no scientific evidence to prove they exist, it is amazing that so many people believe in ghosts. (
taking into account that …ni hisobga oladigan bo’lsak)
a thought-provoking book/film o’ylatadigan,
mushohada qildiradigan
*If you could
go back in time, which era would you choose? Vaqtdan orqaga qaytmoq
*Do you think
aliens will ever try to
make contact with humans? Syn:
extraterrestrial, unearthly, otherworldly o’zga sayyoralik
is a good idea, but it will
never work in reality. Bu yaxshi fikr lekin real hayotda ish bermaydi.
*We have so many means of communication
at our disposal these days. I am
at your disposal until Sunday. The van will be
at your disposal all weekend Syn:
for use by, in reserve for, in the hands of, in the possession of ixtiyorida, xizmatida, tasarrufida
*I am not
aware of any scientific studies which
show that telepathy is a real phenomenon. Telepatiyani tabiiy xodisa deb qaraydigan fandan xabarim yo’q.
*An inch is roughly
equivalent to 2.5 centimetres. Muqobil, o’rindosh, o’rniga ishlatsa bo’ladigan
*Professor Badawi is a major
opponent of the government’s scheme. Raqib Syn:
rival, adversary, opposer, (the) opposition, fellow contestant, (fellow) competitor, enemy, antagonist, combatant, contender, challenger, foe