keep, keep in reserve, stockpile, lay in, put/set aside, put away/by, put away for a rainy day, save, collect, accumulate, hoard, cache; g’amlamoq, yig’moq
*Given the choice, I would prefer the first option. Tanlov ixtiyorim bo’lganda birinchisini tanlagan bo’lardim.
*After being stirred, the liquid is poured into a large storage tank. Aralashtirilgandan keyin suyuqlik katta saqlovchi bakka quyiladi.
*Having been transferred to a larger container, the mixture is left to cool. Syn: receptacle, vessel, canister, can, box, holder, repository katta idishga ko’chirilgandan keyin qorishma sovitishga qo’yiladi.
*The steam given off is used to power a motor. Chiqarilgan bug’ motorni harakatga keltirish uchun ishlatiladi.
*Having been assembled, the furniture is put into position. Syn: gather, collect, get together, congregate, convene, meet, muster, rally yig’moq, termoq, birlashtirmoq
*Rescuers used a special device for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings. Qutqaruvchilar ag’anagan binolar orasida qamalib qolganlarni topish uchun maxsus moslamadan foydalanishdi. Syn: implement, gadget, utensil, tool, appliance, apparatus, instrument, machine, mechanism, contrivance, contraption; *The interioris more colourful than the exterior. Syn: inside, inner part, inner area Syn: outer, outside, outermost, outward, external *adj. longn.lengthv.elongate, lengthen *adj.shortn.shortness, shortagev.shorten *adj.highn.heightv.heighten *adj. lown.lownessv. lower *adj.deepn.depthv. deepen *adj.widen.widthv.widen *adj.narrown.