Find the solution to the problems between youth

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Find the solution to the problems between youth . (2) (2)

Find the solution to the problems between youth .
Plan :

  1. Youth problems

  2. Effective Problem-Solving with Teenagers

  3. Conclusion

  4. References .

In this column we will explore how parents can solve problems, resolve conflicts and stay out of unnecessary fights with their teenagers. That is a large subject, so what follows is a brief summary of ideas that have worked with other families which you should adapt to your own unique situation and values.

The nature of conflict
Conflicts happen when parents and teens have different wants. What are those wants?
I think almost all wants have a positive aim at their root. For example, underneath the alarming desire of a teenager to experiment with drugs and alcohol are fundamentally positive desires for pleasure, for belongingness with friends, or for exploring the world. While the form of expression of those wants through trying drugs and alcohol is problematic and needs to be regulated, the underlying wants are themselves alright and simply need better means of fulfillment.
Find the underlying positive wants
By naming and appreciating their underlying positive wants, both parents and teens feel understood and respected. And there is a much more positive basis for negotiating more appropriate ways to fulfill those wants.
Try to figure out what the positive wants are behind the worrisome or maddening behavior of your teenager. Use your empathy, and memories of your own teens. What were your underlying, positive wants as a teenager? Did you ever pursue them in problematic ways (confusing to your parents, risky, loud, irritating, etc.)?
Adolescents often express themselves in provocative or confusing ways; try to see through the camouflage to the person, the child, behind the screen of upsetting words and behaviors. What are the underlying, positive wants of your kids? Most teenagers have powerful desires for autonomy, connection with peers, feeling respected, and the development of a personal identity separate from their parents. These are developmentally good aims. From your teenager’s perspective, are those deep needs being fulfilled? And does your teen see you as more of an ally or a hindrance in that fulfillment?
Conflicts with teenagers are often framed unwittingly as struggles between the desires of the teenager for autonomy, etc. and the parent’s desire for obedience, achievement at school, or help around the house. If this occurs and push comes to shove, many adolescents will pay whatever price they need to pay (getting yelled at or grounded, losing allowances, etc.) to fulfill the need that is more important to them, and to hold on to their autonomy, connection with peers, self-respect, or sense of a separate identity at any cost.
Try to avoid head to head battles over these deep aims of adolescents. Try to emphasize the ways that what you want them to do is actually consistent with their deep needs. If you must thwart the fulfillment of a deep aim — such as insisting that your teen return from the world’s coolest party by 2 am — at least express some sincere compassion and respect for the underlying desires for autonomy, connection with peers, etc.
You are still the boss
Dr. Mike Riera, Dean of Students at Marin Academy, has written a very wise book called Uncommon Sense for Parents of Teenagers which contains the idea of parents of adolescents shifting from the role of “manager” to that of “consultant.” This means that you find ways to join with your teenager in common aims (such as autonomy or self-respect), that you help your teen to learn necessary lessons more from life itself than from you, and that you position yourself as much as you can as a sympathetic, encouraging, and helpful friend throughout this difficult process. This shift lays the foundation for a good, lifetime relationship with your child when both of you are adults.
Nonetheless, an adolescent is still a minor, and a parent has a continuing moral and legal duty to and responsibility for the care, guidance, and (yes) control of that child. You need to make the call as to how far you are willing to go to enforce your values or will, particularly when doing so poses risks to your long-term relationship with your child. But it is your call to make! Teens need parents who are personally comfortable with being the ultimate authority in their home, who are willing to exercise power and to calmly ride out the volcano that erupts.
There is a little speech parents usually need to give a few times during the teen years. It takes many forms, but it goes essentially like this: “I love you and respect you. I think you are great. I know that you need to make your own decisions more and more, and to live with the consequences yourself. I’ll try to stay out of your hair as much as I can. I know that I’m wrong sometimes, and I am open to your reasonable efforts to persuade me to your way of thinking. But make no mistake about it. You are still a minor, and I am still legally and morally responsible for you. When I think it matters, I am willing to be the boss — and I am the one who decides when it matters! I have to do what a lot of people say to me — such as the lawmakers, or police, or my boss — and you have to do what I say to you. It’s as normal as that. On basic issues like your safety, the long-term effects of failing in school, or not being mean or obnoxious to me on a daily basis, I am willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill my responsibilities as a parent. It’s just going to be painful to both of us if you push me to that point — but it’ll be a lot more painful for you. You might as well accept the basic principle of my ongoing protection and influence in your life and save us both a lot of grief.”
Be clear on your stands
Know where you stand on such matters as schoolwork, help around the house, schedule and curfews, teenage sex, drugs and alcohol, and how family members treat each other.
These can be slippery and loaded subjects. See if you and your spouse can write down your positions for each of these areas, the “house rules” for your home. Hopefully you will be close enough to each other to form a common position. If you and your spouse cannot resolve a significant disagreement about your “policies,” involve a third party. Your positions about your stands will be tested regularly by teenagers, so it really helps to have them as clear as possible.
Communicate your policies, your house rules to your kids. In principle, your kids need not agree to the rules — whether they agree or not, they still have to live by them or there should be serious consequences. But obviously it is much better for teens to buy into the “home program” as much as possible. Be open to their input about them so they have more sense of ownership. Appeal to their sense of reason, or fairness, or simple self-interest.
Each parent has their own “bottom line.” I have seen parents forge an arrangement with their teenager that basically goes like this: “If you (1) achieve in school up to your intellectual potential, (2) stay out of danger, (3) avoid trouble with the law, drugs and alcohol, or your sexuality, and (4) treat your parents with some basic civility and openness, then we will give you a lot of breathing room and stay off your back. But those four principles are our bottom line: we’ll talk with you about details of implementation but they are not negotiable as general standards, we are very serious about them because we love you deeply, and we will do whatever is in our power, on our watch, to see that you fulfill them. If you don’t, we will be a major pain in your neck. If you do, your life will be very sweet. What do you choose?”
Choose your battles wisely
Before getting into a conflict, take a big breath and make sure that the answer is “yes” to both of these questions: Is my position (= my want in this case) based on principle (rather than the heat of the moment, my own personal neurosis, etc.)? And if it is, is this matter truly important?
Lose the occasional battle, but win the war
Research shows that the great majority of adolescents get through the teenage years fairly well and do fine as adults. You most likely want to have and will have a long-term, lifetime relationship with your child. What sort of relationship do you want it to be?
Think about your own adolescence and your adult relationship with your parents. What was the cost to your long-term relationship with your parents of all that happened between you in your adolescence?
Sometimes parents force their will upon their teenager successfully, prevailing in a particular issue, but at the price of losing for a long time — and perhaps forever — some piece of closeness or goodwill from their child. I say this not to make you nervous about exercising reasonable authority; ultimately you have to be the boss. But keep in mind the long-term view. Much of what parents must do during the teen years is simply survive them, and get through them with their long-term relationship with their child intact.
Let reality be the consequence, not you
As much as possible, arrange for reality to be the consequence, not you. Let your teenager struggle with the world instead of with you! For example, if your child chronically uses up her allowance and then borrows from you (rarely repaid), stop loaning her money and let her figure out what to do.
Conclusion .
In short, every growing child goes through adolescence. At this time, parents should be very careful with the child. Because during this period there will be growth in the child's mind. Then it will be appropriate if it is directed to the correct field. And it is possible to achieve very good results. One of the people who influence the child during this period is his friends.

References .




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