How well does IELTS predict academic success? Findings from predictive validity studies (which seek to measure the relationship between language proficiency test scores and academic outcomes) are often very mixed, suggesting that the relationship between English language proficiency and subsequent academic success is an extremely complex one. (See the IELTS website for details of IELTS-related studies). Correlations are often relatively weak, mainly because academic performance is affected by so many other factors, e.g. academic ability/knowledge, the amount of in-sessional English language tuition received, motivation, cultural adjustment, and circumstances relating to welfare.
It is vital for users of IELTS test scores to set responsible admissions criteria and to have a clear understanding of the contribution that IELTS scores can make in determining an applicant’s suitability for entry, including the relative importance of scores in the four modules for particular academic courses. The IELTS partners are working to help University admissions departments and other test users improve their understanding of the relationship between students’ English language proficiency and subsequent performance; this includes building awareness of key influences on academic outcomes and of other factors which need to be taken into consideration, e.g. provision of ongoing language and study skills support for international students, as well as academic and acculturation programmes, including appropriate pastoral care.