turn tomorrow.
Uning ertaga qaytishi muhim.
It is desirable that the agreement
should be signed before May.
Bitimning may oyidan oldin im-
zolanishi muhim.
It was necessary that the question
should be settled without delay.
Masala kechiktirilmasdan hal
qili nishi kerak.
Izoh: 1. It is possiblemumkin, balki, it is probable aftidan, balki, ehtimol birikmalaridan keyin bo‘lishli gaplarda may (might) + V ishlatiladi, so‘roq gaplarda
should + V ish latiladi:
It is possible that the steamer may arrive tomorrow.
Ehtimol poroxod ertaga yetib keladi.
Is it possible that the steamer should arrive tomorrow?
Poroxod ertaga yetib kelishi mum-
2. Bu vaziyatda (ayniqsa AQSHda) ko‘pincha shoud + V o‘rnida Present Subjunctive (istak mayli) ishlatiladi:
It is important that he return (=should return) tomorrow.
It is desirable that the agreement be signed (=should be signed) before May.
3. Bu vaziyatda ergash gap o‘rnida ko‘pincha
for + ot (olmosh) +to + V quril masi
It is important for him to return tomorrow. = It is important that he should return tomorrow. It is desirable for the agreement to be signed before May. = It is desirable that the agreement should be signed before May.
It is surprisinghayratomuz, qiziq, it is annoying alam qilarli, attang, afsus, it is strange ajib, g‘alati, it is a pity achinarli kabi ajablanishni, alamni, xursandchilikni, afsuslanishni bildiradigan birikmalardan keyin
should + V ham, fe’lning aniq mayli ham ishlatilishi mumkin:
It is surprising that he should