would (2 va 3-shaxs birlik va ko‘plikda) fe’llari va fe’lning asosiy shakli
(tosiz infi nitiv) ishlatiladi. Noreal shart gaplarda hamma shaxs va son uchun
to be fe’lining were shakli ishlatiladi:
if + subject + {
Simple Past were }
+ subject + {
should (would) could + V might If I had the time, I would go to the
movie with you this weekend.
Agar vaqtim bo‘lganda haftaning
oxirida siz bilan kinoga borardim.
He would tell you about it
if he were here.
Agar u shu yerda bo‘lganda, buni
sizga o‘zi aytib berardi.
If he didn’t speak so quickly,
you could understand him.
Agar u bunchalik tez gapirmaganda,
siz uni tushuna olardingiz.
If we received the documents
tomorrow, we should start loading the goods on Monday.
Agar biz hujjatlarni ertaga olgani-
mizda, mollarni dushanba kuni yuk-
lay boshlardik.
If I saw my friend tomorrow,
I should ask him about it.
Agar do‘stimni ertaga ko‘rsam, men
undan bu haqda so‘rar edim.
He could do it if he tried. Agar urinib ko‘rsa, u buni qila olar
You might fi nd him there
if you called at six o’clock.
Agar soat oltida kelsangiz, uni o‘sha
yerdan topishingiz mumkin edi.
2. Hozirgi paytda 1- va 3- shaxs birlikda were o‘rnida was ishlatish
holatlari uchraydi:
If he were (was) here,
he would help us.
Agar u shu yerda bo‘lganda, bizga
yordam berar edi.
www.ziyouz.com kutubxonasi
3. Ish-harakatning yuz berish ehtimoli juda kam bo‘lganda, kelasi