The thought of going to his native town
fi lled him with excitement.
Ona shahriga borish haqidagi fi kr uni
The thoughts which he expressed on the
subject are very interesting.
Bu masalada u aytgan fi krlar juda qiziq.
Did you hear a noisejust now?
Siz hozirgina shovqinni eshitdingizmi?
There’s too much noise. I can’t work here.
Bu yerda juda shovqin ko‘p. Men bu yerda
ishlay olmayman.
I bought a paper to read.
Men o‘qish uchun gazeta sotib oldim.
I need some paper to write on.
Menga yozish uchun qog‘oz ke rak.
There’s a hair in my soup.
Sho‘rvamga soch tushibdi.
You’ve got very long hair. Sochingiz juda uzun ekan.
You can stay with us. There is a spare room. Biz bilan qolsangiz bo‘ladi. Bu yerda
bo‘sh xona bor.
You can’t sit here. There isn’t room. Bu yerga o‘tira olmaysiz. Bu yerda joy yo‘q.
I had some interesting experiences while I
was away.
Men uydan uzoqda bo‘lganimda juda ko‘p
qiziqarli voqealarni boshimdan kechirdim.
They offered me the job because I had a lot
of experience. Ular menga o‘sha ishni taklif qilishdi, chun-
ki mening tajribam ko‘p edi.
Enjoy your holiday. Have a good time. Ta’tilni yaxshi o‘tkazing. Vaqtingiz chog‘
I can’t wait. I haven’t got time. Men kutolmayman. Vaqtim yo‘q. kutubxonasi
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