General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

E. Exotoxin action
15. A laboratory has been investigating virulence of a diphtheria agent. In the process of the experiment the infection was introduced intraperitoneally into test animals. The dosage of bacteria resulting in 95% mortality of test animals was found. What unit of virulence measurement was determined?
C. LD50
E. LD5
16. A patient with signs of intestinal infection (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain) has been presenting with increasing symptoms of intoxication for three days. Papular rash appeared on the uncovered skin areas and spread to the torso. A doctor suspected pseudotuberculosis. What laboratory test allows confirming this diagnosis within the first week from the onset of disease?
A. Bacteriological
B. Microscopic
C. Serological
D. Allergic
E. Biological
17. Biological material taken from a patient contains several species of microorganisms (staphylococci and streptococci) that are causative of the patient’s disease. Name this type of infection:
A. Mixed infection B. Superinfection C. Reinfection
D. Consecutive infection E. Coinfection
18. A patient developed pyoinflammatory process of periodontal tissues caused by activation of the microorganisms inherent in the body, which are a part of oral mucosal microflora. What type of infection is it?
A. Exogenous infection B. Reinfection
C. Relapse D. Superinfection E. Autoinfection
19. A 12-year-old boy with clinical presentation of influenza has developed respiratory mycoplasmosis. What type of infection has developed under these conditions?
A. Mixed infection B. Superinfection
C. Iatrogenic infection D. Relapse E. Autoinfection
20. A bacteriologist found in a sick child the causative agents of Flexner dysentery type 2, Sonne dysentery type 1, and enteropathogenic colibacillus – O55/B5. Name this type of infection:
A. Mixed infection B. Superinfection
C. Secondary infection D. Carriage of pathogenic bacteria E. Reinfection
21. A man has a case of epidemic typhus 5 years ago. After an acute respiratory viral disease, against the background of weakened immune system, he developed signs of typhus again. The exacerbation occurred because of the causative agents, remaining in his body. What type of infections is it?
A. Reinfection B. Co-infection C. Superinfection D. Secondary infection E. Relapse

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